
951 B

Memory Game

Info for users:

  • This is my final project (option 1) for ITSE-1479.
  • It is a memory game with a graphical interface.

Technical info:

  • This program is written in Python 3, using the turtle module for graphics, and the pygame module for sound and music.
  • Instead of using the provided cardback.png image, I used a photo of one of my turtles as the card back.
  • Notable game behavior: If you make an incorrect match, the cards will flip back over after 1 second. However, if you click on a card while the incorrect match is still face up, nothing will happen.
    • Just wait until the cards flip back over.

Future plans:

  • I'll eventually expand the game behavior to a queue of cards to flip over once the incorrect match is flipped back over instead of just waiting for the cards to flip back over.

One last note: Sorry if this README file looks weird. I can't see what I'm writing, because the preview in PyCharm isn't working.