2022-08-02 13:34:30 -05:00

931 B

Memory Game

This is my final project (option 1) for ITSE-1479.

  • It is a memory game written in Python, using the turtle module, and pygame.mixer for sound and music.
  • Instead of using the provided cardback.png image, I used a photo of one of my turtles as the card back.
  • Game behavior: If you make an incorrect match, the cards will flip back over after 1 second. However, if you click on a card while the incorrect match is still face up, nothing will happen.
    • Just wait until the cards flip back over.
    • This is not a bug, and the program will not crash, but it is not the ideal way I'd like the program to function.
      • I'm working on changing this to function how I'd like (a queue of cards to flip over after the incorrect match is made is done), but it is not completed yet.

One last note: Sorry if this README file looks weird. I can't see what I'm writing, because the preview in PyCharm isn't working.