2024-01-31 20:20:15 -06:00

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SQL Syntax


|: Use for designating different things that can be used as arguments for the keywords ( ): Optional keywords [ ]: Used for values, like integers, or column or table names.

Keyword Explanation Example
USE Specify the database to be used USE WideWorldImporters
SELECT {ColumnID | *} selects the column to return (or can use wildcard *) SELECT ProductID FROM Products
FROM specify the thing to be selected from
GO {count} Runs everything before it count times minus 1 GO 5 (runs everything before it 4 more times)
TOP {n} (PERCENT - optional) Returns the top n (or n%) results - must be an integer . Order is undefined, but in most implementations is listed in the order they were inserted - NOT guaranteed behavior, just how most implementations use it. SELECT TOP 10 PERCENT VendorName FROM Vendors
ORDER BY {column1, column2 (1 required, can use infinitely many)} Orders by some column (alphanumerically sorted, letters first); TOP is useless without this SELECT TOP 50 InvoiceID, VendorID FROM Invoices ORDER BY VendorID
DISTINCT Goes before the column names (and before TOP in MS SQL server, at least); removes rows with duplicate values SELECT DISTINCT VendorName FROM Invoices


Other syntax

  • Brackets [ ]: Delineates that something is a table, usually not needed but allows for stuff like using keywords as table names.

Other notes

  • SELECT * FROM Table: Shouldn't be used normally, only in learning or if you're not sure what you need yet.
    • Bad because: it's requests every column of data in the table, and that's rarely needed, wasting time and resources.
    • Most database systems will just skip all qury optimizations if you do this, wasting even more time and resources.
    • Column ordering is undefined - the columns could be returned in any random order.
  • Should usually do one keyword per line, except for simple stuff like SELECT ColumnID FROM Table
  • Column aliases: Useful for:
    • Multi-table connections and for "renaming" columns
    • Making it more convenient to use (e.g. Person -> Name as an alias of Person -> PersonName)
    • To name an unnamed column (e.g. SELECT LEFT(VendorName, 10) VendorShortName FROM Vendors)



  • Put spaces in a table's name (why would you???)
  • Use SELECT * FROM Table