2023-03-23 21:30:18 -05:00

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# Resume
[//]: # (Formatted like this so that pandoc doesn't make these separate paragraphs)
Benjamin Zimmerman
<a href=""></a>
This is public, so I'm not going to put my phone number or address here. Please use email as the primary method of contact.
## Professional Experience
- I began computer repair when I was in third grade and built my first computer at age 12. I now run a computer repair business, Ben's PC Repair, out of my home. I do this on the side while I'm in school, but I may expand it.
## Skills and other traits
- Fluent in Java and Python.
- Can learn just about anything fast.
- *Very* fast learner in programming-related topics.
- Proficient in Windows or Linux, CLI or GUI.
- Traits:
- Problem solver.
- *Loves* to learn.
- Always curious.
- Can self-teach.
- Flexible.
## [Portfolio](
- [askiiart/universal-fast-stable-diffusion](
- A semi-universal version of [TheLastBen/fast-stable-diffusion](, it just requires a supported GPU and the dependencies to be installed.
- [askiiart/askiiart-net](
- My site's source code
- [](
- My site. I have several of services running on it, like [Gitea]( and [Invidious](
## Academics
- Collegiate Academy of Birdville student (graduating 2025)
- Tarrant County College (graduating 2025)
- Majoring in programming.
- Completed 25 credit hours of college courses (29 including AP credits)
- Programming-related classes:
- AP Computer Science A: AP Java class, gave credit for COSC-1436 (Programming Fundamentals I), taken as a freshman in 2021-2022.
- ITSE-1479 (Intro to Scripting Languages): A Python class, taken over the summer of 2022.
## Extracurriculars and community service
- Cofounder and current vice president of the [TCCD CompSci and Coding Club](
- Complete a minimum of 20 hours of community service each year.