# Docs Welcome to the docs. Not docks, [no docker yet](#docker). ## Usage ### Extensions First, find some extensions. You'll need a checker to check whether something is up, a logging extension to log stuff, and optionally an extension to send alerts. Extensions are specified on a per-service basis, so you can mix-and-match extensions as much as you want. Once there are some real extensions I'll list some here. ### Config Then create a `services.json` file for your config, like this: ```json { "global-args": { "default-checker": "CheckerTemplate", "default-alerts": "AlertsTemplate", "default-logging": "LoggingTemplate" }, "site": { "name": "A Website", "checker": "HttpChecker", "checker-args": { "url": "https://example.com" }, "rate": 1, "alerts-args": { "url": "https://example.com/webhook-url-or-whatever-goes-here", "lol": "irrelevant, AlertsTemplate ignores these options lol" }, "logging-args": { "file": "/home/askiiart/Documents/updog/logs/site-log" } } } ``` #### Global config Optional arguments: - `default-checker`: The default checker for all services, can be overriden per-service using `checker` - `default-alerts`: The default alerter extension for all services, can be overriden per-service using `alerts` - `default-logging`: The default logging extension for all services, can be overriden per-service using `logging` #### Service config Required arguments: - The key (in this case `site`): A unique string to identify the service in logs, also used internally. - `checker`: The name of the checker extension's *class* - optional if `default-checker` is specified in the global arguments. - `checker-args`: Arguments for the checker. Check the checker's docs for what to put here. - `rate`: How often to check if the service is up (every *x* seconds) - `alerts`: The name of the alerting extension's *class* - optional if `default-alerts` is specified in the global arguments. - `alerts-args`: Arguments for the alerting extension. Check the alerter's docs for what to put here. - `logging`: The name of the logging extension's *class* - optional if `default-logging` is specified in the global arguments. - `logging-args`: Arguments for the logging extension. Check the logger's docs for what to put here. Optional arguments: - `name`: A human-friendly name for the service; currently unused. #### Keywords Keywords get replaced with their value. - `%dir%`: The directory Updog is located in. --- This example uses the template extensions, [askiiart/updog-checker_template](https://git.askiiart.net/askiiart/updog-checker_template), [askiiart/updog-logging_template](https://git.askiiart.net/askiiart/updog-logging_template), and [askiiart/updog-alerts_template](https://git.askiiart.net/askiiart/updog-alerts_template), so the arguments for them are mostly irrelevant. For each extension, check its docs for what arguments to use. ### Running it Just run it with `python3 updog.py` ### Docker No Docker yet, Updog throws `RuntimeError: can't create new thread at interpreter shutdown` when I try to run it in Docker. So no Docker until I figure that out.