from tkinter import PhotoImage from audio import Audio try: import os import random import time import turtle from card import Card # CONSTANTS WIDTH = 1600 HEIGHT = 840 BACKGROUND_COLOR = (66, 135, 245) screen = turtle.Screen() turtle.bgcolor('#46a38d') screen.setup(WIDTH, HEIGHT) screen.title('Turtle Match - Benjamin Zimmerman') success_t = turtle.Turtle() success_t.hideturtle() success_t.penup() turtle.register_shape('success_turtle', turtle.Shape('image', PhotoImage(file='images/turtle.png'))) success_t.shape('success_turtle') success_t.goto(-379, 0) Audio.start_audio() Audio.play_background_music() # Scoreboard score_text = turtle.Turtle() score_text.hideturtle() score_text.penup() score_text.goto((WIDTH - HEIGHT) // 2, HEIGHT * .25) score_text.write('Score: 0', font=('Arial', 24, 'bold')) def coord_translation(x, y): """ Translates coordinates from the screen to turtle. :param x: x coordinate :param y: y coordinate :return: Translated coordinates """ return x - (WIDTH / 2), y - (HEIGHT / 2) image_files = os.listdir('images') # Creates list of images, doubles it, and shuffles it image_files.remove('turtle.png') image_files.extend(image_files) random.shuffle(image_files) cards = [] for file in image_files: path = f'images/{file}' cards.append(Card(path)) # Move sprites for i in range(16): # Note: Coordinates start from (0, 0) at top left of screen. # Arrange cards in a grid, 4x4, with a margin of 20 pixels between each card. # Array from left to right, then top to bottom. x, y = coord_translation((210 * (i % 4)) + 105, (210 * int(i / 4)) + 105) cards[i].goto(x, y) score = 0 matches = 0 game_is_running = True end_routine_done = False clicked_cards = [] def clicked_card(x, y): """ Appends the card which was clicked on to the list clicked_cards. """ global clicked_cards if len(clicked_cards) == 2: return None for card in cards: if card.is_mouse_over(x, y) and card.shape()[:10] != 'card_front': card.to_front() clicked_cards.append(card) def update_score(): score_text.clear() score_text.write(f'Score: {score}', font=('Arial', 24, 'bold')) screen.onclick(fun=clicked_card) while game_is_running: time.sleep(0.1) if not end_routine_done: if matches >= 8: success_t.showturtle() Audio.pause_music() Audio.game_success() time.sleep(3.1) Audio.unpause_background_music() end_routine_done = True if len(clicked_cards) == 2: if clicked_cards[0] == clicked_cards[1]: time.sleep(0.5) clicked_cards[0].hideturtle() clicked_cards[1].hideturtle() score += 5 update_score() Audio.match_made() matches += 1 else: time.sleep(1) clicked_cards[0].to_back() clicked_cards[1].to_back() score -= 1 update_score() Audio.no_match() clicked_cards = [] screen.update() screen.mainloop() except turtle.Terminator: exit(0)