import turtle from tkinter import PhotoImage class Card(turtle.Turtle): def __init__(self, image_path): """ Initializes Card object. :param image_path: Path to image """ super().__init__() # self.size = 150 # desired image height and width (in pixels) self.penup() self.speed(8) self.smaller_back = PhotoImage(file='images/turtle.png').subsample(4, 4) turtle.addshape('card_back', turtle.Shape('image', self.smaller_back)) self.smaller_front = PhotoImage(file=image_path).subsample(4, 4) turtle.addshape('card_front', turtle.Shape('image', self.smaller_front)) self.shape('card_back') def to_front(self): self.shape('card_front') def to_back(self): self.shape('card_back') def is_mouse_over(self, x, y): # Collision code reused from D. Atkinson's Turtle Crossing program, with some minor modifications. # top_edge = self.ycor() + 103 bottom_edge = self.ycor() - 103 car_left_edge = self.xcor() - 103 car_right_edge = self.xcor() + 103 if ( ( (y - bottom_edge > 0 and top_edge - y > 0) or (top_edge - y > 0 and y - bottom_edge > 0) ) and ( (x - car_left_edge > 0 and car_right_edge - x > 0) or (x - car_left_edge > 0 and car_right_edge - x > 0) ) ): return True return False