Ludvig Strigeus cf92ac7a0c Updates for TunSafe 1.4-rc1
1.Subfolders in the Config/ directory now show up as submenus.
2.Added a way to run TunSafe as a Windows Service.
  Foreground Mode: The service will disconnect when TunSafe closes.
  Background Mode: The service will stay connected in the background.
  No longer required to run the TunSafe client as Admin as long as
  the service is running.
3.New config setting [Interface].ExcludedIPs to configure IPs that
  should not be routed through TunSafe.
4.Can now automatically start TunSafe when Windows starts
5.New UI with tabs and graphs
6.Cache DNS queries to ensure DNS will succeed if connection fails
7.Recreate tray icon when explorer.exe restarts
8.Renamed window title to TunSafe instead of TunSafe VPN Client
9.Main window is now resizable
10.Disallow roaming endpoint when using AllowedIPs=
   Only the original endpoint is added in the routing table so
   this would result in an endless loop of packets.
11.Display approximate Wireguard framing overhead in stats
12.Preparations for protocol handling with multiple threads
13.Delete the routes we made when disconnecting
14.Fix error message about unable to delete a route when connecting
2018-08-12 03:30:06 +02:00

945 lines
21 KiB

#! /usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright 2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
# ====================================================================
# Written by Andy Polyakov <appro@openssl.org> for the OpenSSL
# project. The module is, however, dual licensed under OpenSSL and
# CRYPTOGAMS licenses depending on where you obtain it. For further
# details see http://www.openssl.org/~appro/cryptogams/.
# ====================================================================
# This module implements Poly1305 hash for ARMv8.
# June 2015
# Numbers are cycles per processed byte with poly1305_blocks alone.
# IALU/gcc-4.9 NEON
# Apple A7 1.86/+5% 0.72
# Cortex-A53 2.69/+58% 1.47
# Cortex-A57 2.70/+7% 1.14
# Denver 1.64/+50% 1.18(*)
# X-Gene 2.13/+68% 2.27
# Mongoose 1.77/+75% 1.12
# Kryo 2.70/+55% 1.13
# (*) estimate based on resources availability is less than 1.0,
# i.e. measured result is worse than expected, presumably binary
# translator is not almighty;
$0 =~ m/(.*[\/\\])[^\/\\]+$/; $dir=$1;
( $xlate="${dir}arm-xlate.pl" and -f $xlate ) or
( $xlate="${dir}../../perlasm/arm-xlate.pl" and -f $xlate) or
die "can't locate arm-xlate.pl";
open OUT,"| \"$^X\" $xlate $flavour $output";
my ($ctx,$inp,$len,$padbit) = map("x$_",(0..3));
my ($mac,$nonce)=($inp,$len);
my ($h0,$h1,$h2,$r0,$r1,$s1,$t0,$t1,$d0,$d1,$d2) = map("x$_",(4..14));
#include "arm_arch.h"
// forward "declarations" are required for Apple
.extern OPENSSL_armcap_P
.globl poly1305_blocks
.globl poly1305_emit
.globl poly1305_init
.type poly1305_init,%function
.align 5
cmp $inp,xzr
stp xzr,xzr,[$ctx] // zero hash value
stp xzr,xzr,[$ctx,#16] // [along with is_base2_26]
csel x0,xzr,x0,eq
b.eq .Lno_key
#ifdef __ILP32__
ldrsw $t1,.LOPENSSL_armcap_P
ldr $t1,.LOPENSSL_armcap_P
adr $t0,.LOPENSSL_armcap_P
ldp $r0,$r1,[$inp] // load key
mov $s1,#0xfffffffc0fffffff
movk $s1,#0x0fff,lsl#48
ldr w17,[$t0,$t1]
#ifdef __ARMEB__
rev $r0,$r0 // flip bytes
rev $r1,$r1
and $r0,$r0,$s1 // &=0ffffffc0fffffff
and $s1,$s1,#-4
and $r1,$r1,$s1 // &=0ffffffc0ffffffc
stp $r0,$r1,[$ctx,#32] // save key value
tst w17,#ARMV7_NEON
adr $d0,poly1305_blocks
adr $r0,poly1305_blocks_neon
adr $d1,poly1305_emit
adr $r1,poly1305_emit_neon
csel $d0,$d0,$r0,eq
csel $d1,$d1,$r1,eq
#ifdef __ILP32__
stp w12,w13,[$len]
stp $d0,$d1,[$len]
mov x0,#1
.size poly1305_init,.-poly1305_init
.type poly1305_blocks,%function
.align 5
ands $len,$len,#-16
b.eq .Lno_data
ldp $h0,$h1,[$ctx] // load hash value
ldp $r0,$r1,[$ctx,#32] // load key value
ldr $h2,[$ctx,#16]
add $s1,$r1,$r1,lsr#2 // s1 = r1 + (r1 >> 2)
b .Loop
.align 5
ldp $t0,$t1,[$inp],#16 // load input
sub $len,$len,#16
#ifdef __ARMEB__
rev $t0,$t0
rev $t1,$t1
adds $h0,$h0,$t0 // accumulate input
adcs $h1,$h1,$t1
mul $d0,$h0,$r0 // h0*r0
adc $h2,$h2,$padbit
umulh $d1,$h0,$r0
mul $t0,$h1,$s1 // h1*5*r1
umulh $t1,$h1,$s1
adds $d0,$d0,$t0
mul $t0,$h0,$r1 // h0*r1
adc $d1,$d1,$t1
umulh $d2,$h0,$r1
adds $d1,$d1,$t0
mul $t0,$h1,$r0 // h1*r0
adc $d2,$d2,xzr
umulh $t1,$h1,$r0
adds $d1,$d1,$t0
mul $t0,$h2,$s1 // h2*5*r1
adc $d2,$d2,$t1
mul $t1,$h2,$r0 // h2*r0
adds $d1,$d1,$t0
adc $d2,$d2,$t1
and $t0,$d2,#-4 // final reduction
and $h2,$d2,#3
add $t0,$t0,$d2,lsr#2
adds $h0,$d0,$t0
adcs $h1,$d1,xzr
adc $h2,$h2,xzr
cbnz $len,.Loop
stp $h0,$h1,[$ctx] // store hash value
str $h2,[$ctx,#16]
.size poly1305_blocks,.-poly1305_blocks
.type poly1305_emit,%function
.align 5
ldp $h0,$h1,[$ctx] // load hash base 2^64
ldr $h2,[$ctx,#16]
ldp $t0,$t1,[$nonce] // load nonce
adds $d0,$h0,#5 // compare to modulus
adcs $d1,$h1,xzr
adc $d2,$h2,xzr
tst $d2,#-4 // see if it's carried/borrowed
csel $h0,$h0,$d0,eq
csel $h1,$h1,$d1,eq
#ifdef __ARMEB__
ror $t0,$t0,#32 // flip nonce words
ror $t1,$t1,#32
adds $h0,$h0,$t0 // accumulate nonce
adc $h1,$h1,$t1
#ifdef __ARMEB__
rev $h0,$h0 // flip output bytes
rev $h1,$h1
stp $h0,$h1,[$mac] // write result
.size poly1305_emit,.-poly1305_emit
my ($R0,$R1,$S1,$R2,$S2,$R3,$S3,$R4,$S4) = map("v$_.4s",(0..8));
my ($IN01_0,$IN01_1,$IN01_2,$IN01_3,$IN01_4) = map("v$_.2s",(9..13));
my ($IN23_0,$IN23_1,$IN23_2,$IN23_3,$IN23_4) = map("v$_.2s",(14..18));
my ($ACC0,$ACC1,$ACC2,$ACC3,$ACC4) = map("v$_.2d",(19..23));
my ($H0,$H1,$H2,$H3,$H4) = map("v$_.2s",(24..28));
my ($T0,$T1,$MASK) = map("v$_",(29..31));
my ($in2,$zeros)=("x16","x17");
my $is_base2_26 = $zeros; # borrow
.type poly1305_mult,%function
.align 5
mul $d0,$h0,$r0 // h0*r0
umulh $d1,$h0,$r0
mul $t0,$h1,$s1 // h1*5*r1
umulh $t1,$h1,$s1
adds $d0,$d0,$t0
mul $t0,$h0,$r1 // h0*r1
adc $d1,$d1,$t1
umulh $d2,$h0,$r1
adds $d1,$d1,$t0
mul $t0,$h1,$r0 // h1*r0
adc $d2,$d2,xzr
umulh $t1,$h1,$r0
adds $d1,$d1,$t0
mul $t0,$h2,$s1 // h2*5*r1
adc $d2,$d2,$t1
mul $t1,$h2,$r0 // h2*r0
adds $d1,$d1,$t0
adc $d2,$d2,$t1
and $t0,$d2,#-4 // final reduction
and $h2,$d2,#3
add $t0,$t0,$d2,lsr#2
adds $h0,$d0,$t0
adcs $h1,$d1,xzr
adc $h2,$h2,xzr
.size poly1305_mult,.-poly1305_mult
.type poly1305_splat,%function
.align 5
and x12,$h0,#0x03ffffff // base 2^64 -> base 2^26
ubfx x13,$h0,#26,#26
extr x14,$h1,$h0,#52
and x14,x14,#0x03ffffff
ubfx x15,$h1,#14,#26
extr x16,$h2,$h1,#40
str w12,[$ctx,#16*0] // r0
add w12,w13,w13,lsl#2 // r1*5
str w13,[$ctx,#16*1] // r1
add w13,w14,w14,lsl#2 // r2*5
str w12,[$ctx,#16*2] // s1
str w14,[$ctx,#16*3] // r2
add w14,w15,w15,lsl#2 // r3*5
str w13,[$ctx,#16*4] // s2
str w15,[$ctx,#16*5] // r3
add w15,w16,w16,lsl#2 // r4*5
str w14,[$ctx,#16*6] // s3
str w16,[$ctx,#16*7] // r4
str w15,[$ctx,#16*8] // s4
.size poly1305_splat,.-poly1305_splat
.type poly1305_blocks_neon,%function
.align 5
ldr $is_base2_26,[$ctx,#24]
cmp $len,#128
b.hs .Lblocks_neon
cbz $is_base2_26,poly1305_blocks
stp x29,x30,[sp,#-80]!
add x29,sp,#0
ands $len,$len,#-16
b.eq .Lno_data_neon
cbz $is_base2_26,.Lbase2_64_neon
ldp w10,w11,[$ctx] // load hash value base 2^26
ldp w12,w13,[$ctx,#8]
ldr w14,[$ctx,#16]
tst $len,#31
b.eq .Leven_neon
ldp $r0,$r1,[$ctx,#32] // load key value
add $h0,x10,x11,lsl#26 // base 2^26 -> base 2^64
lsr $h1,x12,#12
adds $h0,$h0,x12,lsl#52
add $h1,$h1,x13,lsl#14
adc $h1,$h1,xzr
lsr $h2,x14,#24
adds $h1,$h1,x14,lsl#40
adc $d2,$h2,xzr // can be partially reduced...
ldp $d0,$d1,[$inp],#16 // load input
sub $len,$len,#16
add $s1,$r1,$r1,lsr#2 // s1 = r1 + (r1 >> 2)
and $t0,$d2,#-4 // ... so reduce
and $h2,$d2,#3
add $t0,$t0,$d2,lsr#2
adds $h0,$h0,$t0
adcs $h1,$h1,xzr
adc $h2,$h2,xzr
#ifdef __ARMEB__
rev $d0,$d0
rev $d1,$d1
adds $h0,$h0,$d0 // accumulate input
adcs $h1,$h1,$d1
adc $h2,$h2,$padbit
bl poly1305_mult
ldr x30,[sp,#8]
cbz $padbit,.Lstore_base2_64_neon
and x10,$h0,#0x03ffffff // base 2^64 -> base 2^26
ubfx x11,$h0,#26,#26
extr x12,$h1,$h0,#52
and x12,x12,#0x03ffffff
ubfx x13,$h1,#14,#26
extr x14,$h2,$h1,#40
cbnz $len,.Leven_neon
stp w10,w11,[$ctx] // store hash value base 2^26
stp w12,w13,[$ctx,#8]
str w14,[$ctx,#16]
b .Lno_data_neon
.align 4
stp $h0,$h1,[$ctx] // store hash value base 2^64
stp $h2,xzr,[$ctx,#16] // note that is_base2_26 is zeroed
b .Lno_data_neon
.align 4
ldp $r0,$r1,[$ctx,#32] // load key value
ldp $h0,$h1,[$ctx] // load hash value base 2^64
ldr $h2,[$ctx,#16]
tst $len,#31
b.eq .Linit_neon
ldp $d0,$d1,[$inp],#16 // load input
sub $len,$len,#16
add $s1,$r1,$r1,lsr#2 // s1 = r1 + (r1 >> 2)
#ifdef __ARMEB__
rev $d0,$d0
rev $d1,$d1
adds $h0,$h0,$d0 // accumulate input
adcs $h1,$h1,$d1
adc $h2,$h2,$padbit
bl poly1305_mult
and x10,$h0,#0x03ffffff // base 2^64 -> base 2^26
ubfx x11,$h0,#26,#26
extr x12,$h1,$h0,#52
and x12,x12,#0x03ffffff
ubfx x13,$h1,#14,#26
extr x14,$h2,$h1,#40
stp d8,d9,[sp,#16] // meet ABI requirements
stp d10,d11,[sp,#32]
stp d12,d13,[sp,#48]
stp d14,d15,[sp,#64]
fmov ${H0},x10
fmov ${H1},x11
fmov ${H2},x12
fmov ${H3},x13
fmov ${H4},x14
////////////////////////////////// initialize r^n table
mov $h0,$r0 // r^1
add $s1,$r1,$r1,lsr#2 // s1 = r1 + (r1 >> 2)
mov $h1,$r1
mov $h2,xzr
add $ctx,$ctx,#48+12
bl poly1305_splat
bl poly1305_mult // r^2
sub $ctx,$ctx,#4
bl poly1305_splat
bl poly1305_mult // r^3
sub $ctx,$ctx,#4
bl poly1305_splat
bl poly1305_mult // r^4
sub $ctx,$ctx,#4
bl poly1305_splat
ldr x30,[sp,#8]
add $in2,$inp,#32
adr $zeros,.Lzeros
subs $len,$len,#64
csel $in2,$zeros,$in2,lo
mov x4,#1
str x4,[$ctx,#-24] // set is_base2_26
sub $ctx,$ctx,#48 // restore original $ctx
b .Ldo_neon
.align 4
add $in2,$inp,#32
adr $zeros,.Lzeros
subs $len,$len,#64
csel $in2,$zeros,$in2,lo
stp d8,d9,[sp,#16] // meet ABI requirements
stp d10,d11,[sp,#32]
stp d12,d13,[sp,#48]
stp d14,d15,[sp,#64]
fmov ${H0},x10
fmov ${H1},x11
fmov ${H2},x12
fmov ${H3},x13
fmov ${H4},x14
ldp x8,x12,[$in2],#16 // inp[2:3] (or zero)
ldp x9,x13,[$in2],#48
lsl $padbit,$padbit,#24
add x15,$ctx,#48
#ifdef __ARMEB__
rev x8,x8
rev x12,x12
rev x9,x9
rev x13,x13
and x4,x8,#0x03ffffff // base 2^64 -> base 2^26
and x5,x9,#0x03ffffff
ubfx x6,x8,#26,#26
ubfx x7,x9,#26,#26
add x4,x4,x5,lsl#32 // bfi x4,x5,#32,#32
extr x8,x12,x8,#52
extr x9,x13,x9,#52
add x6,x6,x7,lsl#32 // bfi x6,x7,#32,#32
fmov $IN23_0,x4
and x8,x8,#0x03ffffff
and x9,x9,#0x03ffffff
ubfx x10,x12,#14,#26
ubfx x11,x13,#14,#26
add x12,$padbit,x12,lsr#40
add x13,$padbit,x13,lsr#40
add x8,x8,x9,lsl#32 // bfi x8,x9,#32,#32
fmov $IN23_1,x6
add x10,x10,x11,lsl#32 // bfi x10,x11,#32,#32
add x12,x12,x13,lsl#32 // bfi x12,x13,#32,#32
fmov $IN23_2,x8
fmov $IN23_3,x10
fmov $IN23_4,x12
ldp x8,x12,[$inp],#16 // inp[0:1]
ldp x9,x13,[$inp],#48
ld1 {$R0,$R1,$S1,$R2},[x15],#64
ld1 {$S2,$R3,$S3,$R4},[x15],#64
ld1 {$S4},[x15]
#ifdef __ARMEB__
rev x8,x8
rev x12,x12
rev x9,x9
rev x13,x13
and x4,x8,#0x03ffffff // base 2^64 -> base 2^26
and x5,x9,#0x03ffffff
ubfx x6,x8,#26,#26
ubfx x7,x9,#26,#26
add x4,x4,x5,lsl#32 // bfi x4,x5,#32,#32
extr x8,x12,x8,#52
extr x9,x13,x9,#52
add x6,x6,x7,lsl#32 // bfi x6,x7,#32,#32
fmov $IN01_0,x4
and x8,x8,#0x03ffffff
and x9,x9,#0x03ffffff
ubfx x10,x12,#14,#26
ubfx x11,x13,#14,#26
add x12,$padbit,x12,lsr#40
add x13,$padbit,x13,lsr#40
add x8,x8,x9,lsl#32 // bfi x8,x9,#32,#32
fmov $IN01_1,x6
add x10,x10,x11,lsl#32 // bfi x10,x11,#32,#32
add x12,x12,x13,lsl#32 // bfi x12,x13,#32,#32
movi $MASK.2d,#-1
fmov $IN01_2,x8
fmov $IN01_3,x10
fmov $IN01_4,x12
ushr $MASK.2d,$MASK.2d,#38
b.ls .Lskip_loop
.align 4
// ((inp[0]*r^4+inp[2]*r^2+inp[4])*r^4+inp[6]*r^2
// ((inp[1]*r^4+inp[3]*r^2+inp[5])*r^3+inp[7]*r
// \___________________/
// ((inp[0]*r^4+inp[2]*r^2+inp[4])*r^4+inp[6]*r^2+inp[8])*r^2
// ((inp[1]*r^4+inp[3]*r^2+inp[5])*r^4+inp[7]*r^2+inp[9])*r
// \___________________/ \____________________/
// Note that we start with inp[2:3]*r^2. This is because it
// doesn't depend on reduction in previous iteration.
// d4 = h0*r4 + h1*r3 + h2*r2 + h3*r1 + h4*r0
// d3 = h0*r3 + h1*r2 + h2*r1 + h3*r0 + h4*5*r4
// d2 = h0*r2 + h1*r1 + h2*r0 + h3*5*r4 + h4*5*r3
// d1 = h0*r1 + h1*r0 + h2*5*r4 + h3*5*r3 + h4*5*r2
// d0 = h0*r0 + h1*5*r4 + h2*5*r3 + h3*5*r2 + h4*5*r1
subs $len,$len,#64
umull $ACC4,$IN23_0,${R4}[2]
csel $in2,$zeros,$in2,lo
umull $ACC3,$IN23_0,${R3}[2]
umull $ACC2,$IN23_0,${R2}[2]
ldp x8,x12,[$in2],#16 // inp[2:3] (or zero)
umull $ACC1,$IN23_0,${R1}[2]
ldp x9,x13,[$in2],#48
umull $ACC0,$IN23_0,${R0}[2]
#ifdef __ARMEB__
rev x8,x8
rev x12,x12
rev x9,x9
rev x13,x13
umlal $ACC4,$IN23_1,${R3}[2]
and x4,x8,#0x03ffffff // base 2^64 -> base 2^26
umlal $ACC3,$IN23_1,${R2}[2]
and x5,x9,#0x03ffffff
umlal $ACC2,$IN23_1,${R1}[2]
ubfx x6,x8,#26,#26
umlal $ACC1,$IN23_1,${R0}[2]
ubfx x7,x9,#26,#26
umlal $ACC0,$IN23_1,${S4}[2]
add x4,x4,x5,lsl#32 // bfi x4,x5,#32,#32
umlal $ACC4,$IN23_2,${R2}[2]
extr x8,x12,x8,#52
umlal $ACC3,$IN23_2,${R1}[2]
extr x9,x13,x9,#52
umlal $ACC2,$IN23_2,${R0}[2]
add x6,x6,x7,lsl#32 // bfi x6,x7,#32,#32
umlal $ACC1,$IN23_2,${S4}[2]
fmov $IN23_0,x4
umlal $ACC0,$IN23_2,${S3}[2]
and x8,x8,#0x03ffffff
umlal $ACC4,$IN23_3,${R1}[2]
and x9,x9,#0x03ffffff
umlal $ACC3,$IN23_3,${R0}[2]
ubfx x10,x12,#14,#26
umlal $ACC2,$IN23_3,${S4}[2]
ubfx x11,x13,#14,#26
umlal $ACC1,$IN23_3,${S3}[2]
add x8,x8,x9,lsl#32 // bfi x8,x9,#32,#32
umlal $ACC0,$IN23_3,${S2}[2]
fmov $IN23_1,x6
add $IN01_2,$IN01_2,$H2
add x12,$padbit,x12,lsr#40
umlal $ACC4,$IN23_4,${R0}[2]
add x13,$padbit,x13,lsr#40
umlal $ACC3,$IN23_4,${S4}[2]
add x10,x10,x11,lsl#32 // bfi x10,x11,#32,#32
umlal $ACC2,$IN23_4,${S3}[2]
add x12,x12,x13,lsl#32 // bfi x12,x13,#32,#32
umlal $ACC1,$IN23_4,${S2}[2]
fmov $IN23_2,x8
umlal $ACC0,$IN23_4,${S1}[2]
fmov $IN23_3,x10
// (hash+inp[0:1])*r^4 and accumulate
add $IN01_0,$IN01_0,$H0
fmov $IN23_4,x12
umlal $ACC3,$IN01_2,${R1}[0]
ldp x8,x12,[$inp],#16 // inp[0:1]
umlal $ACC0,$IN01_2,${S3}[0]
ldp x9,x13,[$inp],#48
umlal $ACC4,$IN01_2,${R2}[0]
umlal $ACC1,$IN01_2,${S4}[0]
umlal $ACC2,$IN01_2,${R0}[0]
#ifdef __ARMEB__
rev x8,x8
rev x12,x12
rev x9,x9
rev x13,x13
add $IN01_1,$IN01_1,$H1
umlal $ACC3,$IN01_0,${R3}[0]
umlal $ACC4,$IN01_0,${R4}[0]
and x4,x8,#0x03ffffff // base 2^64 -> base 2^26
umlal $ACC2,$IN01_0,${R2}[0]
and x5,x9,#0x03ffffff
umlal $ACC0,$IN01_0,${R0}[0]
ubfx x6,x8,#26,#26
umlal $ACC1,$IN01_0,${R1}[0]
ubfx x7,x9,#26,#26
add $IN01_3,$IN01_3,$H3
add x4,x4,x5,lsl#32 // bfi x4,x5,#32,#32
umlal $ACC3,$IN01_1,${R2}[0]
extr x8,x12,x8,#52
umlal $ACC4,$IN01_1,${R3}[0]
extr x9,x13,x9,#52
umlal $ACC0,$IN01_1,${S4}[0]
add x6,x6,x7,lsl#32 // bfi x6,x7,#32,#32
umlal $ACC2,$IN01_1,${R1}[0]
fmov $IN01_0,x4
umlal $ACC1,$IN01_1,${R0}[0]
and x8,x8,#0x03ffffff
add $IN01_4,$IN01_4,$H4
and x9,x9,#0x03ffffff
umlal $ACC3,$IN01_3,${R0}[0]
ubfx x10,x12,#14,#26
umlal $ACC0,$IN01_3,${S2}[0]
ubfx x11,x13,#14,#26
umlal $ACC4,$IN01_3,${R1}[0]
add x8,x8,x9,lsl#32 // bfi x8,x9,#32,#32
umlal $ACC1,$IN01_3,${S3}[0]
fmov $IN01_1,x6
umlal $ACC2,$IN01_3,${S4}[0]
add x12,$padbit,x12,lsr#40
umlal $ACC3,$IN01_4,${S4}[0]
add x13,$padbit,x13,lsr#40
umlal $ACC0,$IN01_4,${S1}[0]
add x10,x10,x11,lsl#32 // bfi x10,x11,#32,#32
umlal $ACC4,$IN01_4,${R0}[0]
add x12,x12,x13,lsl#32 // bfi x12,x13,#32,#32
umlal $ACC1,$IN01_4,${S2}[0]
fmov $IN01_2,x8
umlal $ACC2,$IN01_4,${S3}[0]
fmov $IN01_3,x10
fmov $IN01_4,x12
// lazy reduction as discussed in "NEON crypto" by D.J. Bernstein
// and P. Schwabe
// [see discussion in poly1305-armv4 module]
ushr $T0.2d,$ACC3,#26
xtn $H3,$ACC3
ushr $T1.2d,$ACC0,#26
and $ACC0,$ACC0,$MASK.2d
add $ACC4,$ACC4,$T0.2d // h3 -> h4
bic $H3,#0xfc,lsl#24 // &=0x03ffffff
add $ACC1,$ACC1,$T1.2d // h0 -> h1
ushr $T0.2d,$ACC4,#26
xtn $H4,$ACC4
ushr $T1.2d,$ACC1,#26
xtn $H1,$ACC1
bic $H4,#0xfc,lsl#24
add $ACC2,$ACC2,$T1.2d // h1 -> h2
add $ACC0,$ACC0,$T0.2d
shl $T0.2d,$T0.2d,#2
shrn $T1.2s,$ACC2,#26
xtn $H2,$ACC2
add $ACC0,$ACC0,$T0.2d // h4 -> h0
bic $H1,#0xfc,lsl#24
add $H3,$H3,$T1.2s // h2 -> h3
bic $H2,#0xfc,lsl#24
shrn $T0.2s,$ACC0,#26
xtn $H0,$ACC0
ushr $T1.2s,$H3,#26
bic $H3,#0xfc,lsl#24
bic $H0,#0xfc,lsl#24
add $H1,$H1,$T0.2s // h0 -> h1
add $H4,$H4,$T1.2s // h3 -> h4
b.hi .Loop_neon
dup $IN23_2,${IN23_2}[0]
add $IN01_2,$IN01_2,$H2
// multiply (inp[0:1]+hash) or inp[2:3] by r^2:r^1
adds $len,$len,#32
b.ne .Long_tail
dup $IN23_2,${IN01_2}[0]
add $IN23_0,$IN01_0,$H0
add $IN23_3,$IN01_3,$H3
add $IN23_1,$IN01_1,$H1
add $IN23_4,$IN01_4,$H4
dup $IN23_0,${IN23_0}[0]
umull2 $ACC0,$IN23_2,${S3}
umull2 $ACC3,$IN23_2,${R1}
umull2 $ACC4,$IN23_2,${R2}
umull2 $ACC2,$IN23_2,${R0}
umull2 $ACC1,$IN23_2,${S4}
dup $IN23_1,${IN23_1}[0]
umlal2 $ACC0,$IN23_0,${R0}
umlal2 $ACC2,$IN23_0,${R2}
umlal2 $ACC3,$IN23_0,${R3}
umlal2 $ACC4,$IN23_0,${R4}
umlal2 $ACC1,$IN23_0,${R1}
dup $IN23_3,${IN23_3}[0]
umlal2 $ACC0,$IN23_1,${S4}
umlal2 $ACC3,$IN23_1,${R2}
umlal2 $ACC2,$IN23_1,${R1}
umlal2 $ACC4,$IN23_1,${R3}
umlal2 $ACC1,$IN23_1,${R0}
dup $IN23_4,${IN23_4}[0]
umlal2 $ACC3,$IN23_3,${R0}
umlal2 $ACC4,$IN23_3,${R1}
umlal2 $ACC0,$IN23_3,${S2}
umlal2 $ACC1,$IN23_3,${S3}
umlal2 $ACC2,$IN23_3,${S4}
umlal2 $ACC3,$IN23_4,${S4}
umlal2 $ACC0,$IN23_4,${S1}
umlal2 $ACC4,$IN23_4,${R0}
umlal2 $ACC1,$IN23_4,${S2}
umlal2 $ACC2,$IN23_4,${S3}
b.eq .Lshort_tail
// (hash+inp[0:1])*r^4:r^3 and accumulate
add $IN01_0,$IN01_0,$H0
umlal $ACC3,$IN01_2,${R1}
umlal $ACC0,$IN01_2,${S3}
umlal $ACC4,$IN01_2,${R2}
umlal $ACC1,$IN01_2,${S4}
umlal $ACC2,$IN01_2,${R0}
add $IN01_1,$IN01_1,$H1
umlal $ACC3,$IN01_0,${R3}
umlal $ACC0,$IN01_0,${R0}
umlal $ACC4,$IN01_0,${R4}
umlal $ACC1,$IN01_0,${R1}
umlal $ACC2,$IN01_0,${R2}
add $IN01_3,$IN01_3,$H3
umlal $ACC3,$IN01_1,${R2}
umlal $ACC0,$IN01_1,${S4}
umlal $ACC4,$IN01_1,${R3}
umlal $ACC1,$IN01_1,${R0}
umlal $ACC2,$IN01_1,${R1}
add $IN01_4,$IN01_4,$H4
umlal $ACC3,$IN01_3,${R0}
umlal $ACC0,$IN01_3,${S2}
umlal $ACC4,$IN01_3,${R1}
umlal $ACC1,$IN01_3,${S3}
umlal $ACC2,$IN01_3,${S4}
umlal $ACC3,$IN01_4,${S4}
umlal $ACC0,$IN01_4,${S1}
umlal $ACC4,$IN01_4,${R0}
umlal $ACC1,$IN01_4,${S2}
umlal $ACC2,$IN01_4,${S3}
// horizontal add
addp $ACC3,$ACC3,$ACC3
ldp d8,d9,[sp,#16] // meet ABI requirements
addp $ACC0,$ACC0,$ACC0
ldp d10,d11,[sp,#32]
addp $ACC4,$ACC4,$ACC4
ldp d12,d13,[sp,#48]
addp $ACC1,$ACC1,$ACC1
ldp d14,d15,[sp,#64]
addp $ACC2,$ACC2,$ACC2
// lazy reduction, but without narrowing
ushr $T0.2d,$ACC3,#26
and $ACC3,$ACC3,$MASK.2d
ushr $T1.2d,$ACC0,#26
and $ACC0,$ACC0,$MASK.2d
add $ACC4,$ACC4,$T0.2d // h3 -> h4
add $ACC1,$ACC1,$T1.2d // h0 -> h1
ushr $T0.2d,$ACC4,#26
and $ACC4,$ACC4,$MASK.2d
ushr $T1.2d,$ACC1,#26
and $ACC1,$ACC1,$MASK.2d
add $ACC2,$ACC2,$T1.2d // h1 -> h2
add $ACC0,$ACC0,$T0.2d
shl $T0.2d,$T0.2d,#2
ushr $T1.2d,$ACC2,#26
and $ACC2,$ACC2,$MASK.2d
add $ACC0,$ACC0,$T0.2d // h4 -> h0
add $ACC3,$ACC3,$T1.2d // h2 -> h3
ushr $T0.2d,$ACC0,#26
and $ACC0,$ACC0,$MASK.2d
ushr $T1.2d,$ACC3,#26
and $ACC3,$ACC3,$MASK.2d
add $ACC1,$ACC1,$T0.2d // h0 -> h1
add $ACC4,$ACC4,$T1.2d // h3 -> h4
// write the result, can be partially reduced
st4 {$ACC0,$ACC1,$ACC2,$ACC3}[0],[$ctx],#16
st1 {$ACC4}[0],[$ctx]
ldr x29,[sp],#80
.size poly1305_blocks_neon,.-poly1305_blocks_neon
.type poly1305_emit_neon,%function
.align 5
ldr $is_base2_26,[$ctx,#24]
cbz $is_base2_26,poly1305_emit
ldp w10,w11,[$ctx] // load hash value base 2^26
ldp w12,w13,[$ctx,#8]
ldr w14,[$ctx,#16]
add $h0,x10,x11,lsl#26 // base 2^26 -> base 2^64
lsr $h1,x12,#12
adds $h0,$h0,x12,lsl#52
add $h1,$h1,x13,lsl#14
adc $h1,$h1,xzr
lsr $h2,x14,#24
adds $h1,$h1,x14,lsl#40
adc $h2,$h2,xzr // can be partially reduced...
ldp $t0,$t1,[$nonce] // load nonce
and $d0,$h2,#-4 // ... so reduce
add $d0,$d0,$h2,lsr#2
and $h2,$h2,#3
adds $h0,$h0,$d0
adcs $h1,$h1,xzr
adc $h2,$h2,xzr
adds $d0,$h0,#5 // compare to modulus
adcs $d1,$h1,xzr
adc $d2,$h2,xzr
tst $d2,#-4 // see if it's carried/borrowed
csel $h0,$h0,$d0,eq
csel $h1,$h1,$d1,eq
#ifdef __ARMEB__
ror $t0,$t0,#32 // flip nonce words
ror $t1,$t1,#32
adds $h0,$h0,$t0 // accumulate nonce
adc $h1,$h1,$t1
#ifdef __ARMEB__
rev $h0,$h0 // flip output bytes
rev $h1,$h1
stp $h0,$h1,[$mac] // write result
.size poly1305_emit_neon,.-poly1305_emit_neon
.align 5
.long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
#ifdef __ILP32__
.long OPENSSL_armcap_P-.
.quad OPENSSL_armcap_P-.
.asciz "Poly1305 for ARMv8, CRYPTOGAMS by <appro\@openssl.org>"
.align 2
foreach (split("\n",$code)) {
s/\b(shrn\s+v[0-9]+)\.[24]d/$1.2s/ or
s/\b(fmov\s+)v([0-9]+)[^,]*,\s*x([0-9]+)/$1d$2,x$3/ or
(m/\bdup\b/ and (s/\.[24]s/.2d/g or 1)) or
(m/\b(eor|and)/ and (s/\.[248][sdh]/.16b/g or 1)) or
(m/\bum(ul|la)l\b/ and (s/\.4s/.2s/g or 1)) or
(m/\bum(ul|la)l2\b/ and (s/\.2s/.4s/g or 1)) or
(m/\bst[1-4]\s+{[^}]+}\[/ and (s/\.[24]d/.s/g or 1));
print $_,"\n";
close STDOUT;