Ludvig Strigeus cf92ac7a0c Updates for TunSafe 1.4-rc1
1.Subfolders in the Config/ directory now show up as submenus.
2.Added a way to run TunSafe as a Windows Service.
  Foreground Mode: The service will disconnect when TunSafe closes.
  Background Mode: The service will stay connected in the background.
  No longer required to run the TunSafe client as Admin as long as
  the service is running.
3.New config setting [Interface].ExcludedIPs to configure IPs that
  should not be routed through TunSafe.
4.Can now automatically start TunSafe when Windows starts
5.New UI with tabs and graphs
6.Cache DNS queries to ensure DNS will succeed if connection fails
7.Recreate tray icon when explorer.exe restarts
8.Renamed window title to TunSafe instead of TunSafe VPN Client
9.Main window is now resizable
10.Disallow roaming endpoint when using AllowedIPs=
   Only the original endpoint is added in the routing table so
   this would result in an endless loop of packets.
11.Display approximate Wireguard framing overhead in stats
12.Preparations for protocol handling with multiple threads
13.Delete the routes we made when disconnecting
14.Fix error message about unable to delete a route when connecting
2018-08-12 03:30:06 +02:00

1161 lines
27 KiB

#! /usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright 2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
# ====================================================================
# Written by Andy Polyakov <appro@openssl.org> for the OpenSSL
# project. The module is, however, dual licensed under OpenSSL and
# CRYPTOGAMS licenses depending on where you obtain it. For further
# details see http://www.openssl.org/~appro/cryptogams/.
# ====================================================================
# December 2014
# ChaCha20 for ARMv4.
# Performance in cycles per byte out of large buffer.
# IALU/gcc-4.4 1xNEON 3xNEON+1xIALU
# Cortex-A5 19.3(*)/+95% 21.8 14.1
# Cortex-A8 10.5(*)/+160% 13.9 6.35
# Cortex-A9 12.9(**)/+110% 14.3 6.50
# Cortex-A15 11.0/+40% 16.0 5.00
# Snapdragon S4 11.5/+125% 13.6 4.90
# (*) most "favourable" result for aligned data on little-endian
# processor, result for misaligned data is 10-15% lower;
# (**) this result is a trade-off: it can be improved by 20%,
# but then Snapdragon S4 and Cortex-A8 results get
# 20-25% worse;
$flavour = shift;
if ($flavour=~/\w[\w\-]*\.\w+$/) { $output=$flavour; undef $flavour; }
else { while (($output=shift) && ($output!~/\w[\w\-]*\.\w+$/)) {} }
if ($flavour && $flavour ne "void") {
$0 =~ m/(.*[\/\\])[^\/\\]+$/; $dir=$1;
( $xlate="${dir}../arm-xlate.pl" and -f $xlate ) or
( $xlate="${dir}../../perlasm/arm-xlate.pl" and -f $xlate) or
die "can't locate arm-xlate.pl";
open STDOUT,"| \"$^X\" $xlate $flavour $output";
} else {
open STDOUT,">$output";
sub AUTOLOAD() # thunk [simplified] x86-style perlasm
{ my $opcode = $AUTOLOAD; $opcode =~ s/.*:://; $opcode =~ s/_/\./;
my $arg = pop;
$arg = "#$arg" if ($arg*1 eq $arg);
$code .= "\t$opcode\t".join(',',@_,$arg)."\n";
my @x=map("r$_",(0..7,"x","x","x","x",12,"x",14,"x"));
my @t=map("r$_",(8..11));
sub ROUND {
my ($a0,$b0,$c0,$d0)=@_;
my ($a1,$b1,$c1,$d1)=map(($_&~3)+(($_+1)&3),($a0,$b0,$c0,$d0));
my ($a2,$b2,$c2,$d2)=map(($_&~3)+(($_+1)&3),($a1,$b1,$c1,$d1));
my ($a3,$b3,$c3,$d3)=map(($_&~3)+(($_+1)&3),($a2,$b2,$c2,$d2));
my $odd = $d0&1;
my ($xc,$xc_) = (@t[0..1]);
my ($xd,$xd_) = $odd ? (@t[2],@x[$d1]) : (@x[$d0],@t[2]);
my @ret;
# Consider order in which variables are addressed by their
# index:
# a b c d
# 0 4 8 12 < even round
# 1 5 9 13
# 2 6 10 14
# 3 7 11 15
# 0 5 10 15 < odd round
# 1 6 11 12
# 2 7 8 13
# 3 4 9 14
# 'a', 'b' are permanently allocated in registers, @x[0..7],
# while 'c's and pair of 'd's are maintained in memory. If
# you observe 'c' column, you'll notice that pair of 'c's is
# invariant between rounds. This means that we have to reload
# them once per round, in the middle. This is why you'll see
# bunch of 'c' stores and loads in the middle, but none in
# the beginning or end. If you observe 'd' column, you'll
# notice that 15 and 13 are reused in next pair of rounds.
# This is why these two are chosen for offloading to memory,
# to make loads count more.
push @ret,(
"&add (@x[$a0],@x[$a0],@x[$b0])",
"&mov ($xd,$xd,'ror#16')",
"&add (@x[$a1],@x[$a1],@x[$b1])",
"&mov ($xd_,$xd_,'ror#16')",
"&eor ($xd,$xd,@x[$a0],'ror#16')",
"&eor ($xd_,$xd_,@x[$a1],'ror#16')",
"&add ($xc,$xc,$xd)",
"&mov (@x[$b0],@x[$b0],'ror#20')",
"&add ($xc_,$xc_,$xd_)",
"&mov (@x[$b1],@x[$b1],'ror#20')",
"&eor (@x[$b0],@x[$b0],$xc,'ror#20')",
"&eor (@x[$b1],@x[$b1],$xc_,'ror#20')",
"&add (@x[$a0],@x[$a0],@x[$b0])",
"&mov ($xd,$xd,'ror#24')",
"&add (@x[$a1],@x[$a1],@x[$b1])",
"&mov ($xd_,$xd_,'ror#24')",
"&eor ($xd,$xd,@x[$a0],'ror#24')",
"&eor ($xd_,$xd_,@x[$a1],'ror#24')",
"&add ($xc,$xc,$xd)",
"&mov (@x[$b0],@x[$b0],'ror#25')" );
push @ret,(
"&str ($xd,'[sp,#4*(16+$d0)]')",
"&ldr ($xd,'[sp,#4*(16+$d2)]')" ) if ($odd);
push @ret,(
"&add ($xc_,$xc_,$xd_)",
"&mov (@x[$b1],@x[$b1],'ror#25')" );
push @ret,(
"&str ($xd_,'[sp,#4*(16+$d1)]')",
"&ldr ($xd_,'[sp,#4*(16+$d3)]')" ) if (!$odd);
push @ret,(
"&eor (@x[$b0],@x[$b0],$xc,'ror#25')",
"&eor (@x[$b1],@x[$b1],$xc_,'ror#25')" );
$xd=@x[$d2] if (!$odd);
$xd_=@x[$d3] if ($odd);
push @ret,(
"&str ($xc,'[sp,#4*(16+$c0)]')",
"&ldr ($xc,'[sp,#4*(16+$c2)]')",
"&add (@x[$a2],@x[$a2],@x[$b2])",
"&mov ($xd,$xd,'ror#16')",
"&str ($xc_,'[sp,#4*(16+$c1)]')",
"&ldr ($xc_,'[sp,#4*(16+$c3)]')",
"&add (@x[$a3],@x[$a3],@x[$b3])",
"&mov ($xd_,$xd_,'ror#16')",
"&eor ($xd,$xd,@x[$a2],'ror#16')",
"&eor ($xd_,$xd_,@x[$a3],'ror#16')",
"&add ($xc,$xc,$xd)",
"&mov (@x[$b2],@x[$b2],'ror#20')",
"&add ($xc_,$xc_,$xd_)",
"&mov (@x[$b3],@x[$b3],'ror#20')",
"&eor (@x[$b2],@x[$b2],$xc,'ror#20')",
"&eor (@x[$b3],@x[$b3],$xc_,'ror#20')",
"&add (@x[$a2],@x[$a2],@x[$b2])",
"&mov ($xd,$xd,'ror#24')",
"&add (@x[$a3],@x[$a3],@x[$b3])",
"&mov ($xd_,$xd_,'ror#24')",
"&eor ($xd,$xd,@x[$a2],'ror#24')",
"&eor ($xd_,$xd_,@x[$a3],'ror#24')",
"&add ($xc,$xc,$xd)",
"&mov (@x[$b2],@x[$b2],'ror#25')",
"&add ($xc_,$xc_,$xd_)",
"&mov (@x[$b3],@x[$b3],'ror#25')",
"&eor (@x[$b2],@x[$b2],$xc,'ror#25')",
"&eor (@x[$b3],@x[$b3],$xc_,'ror#25')" );
#include "arm_arch.h"
#if defined(__thumb2__) || defined(__clang__)
.syntax unified
#if defined(__thumb2__)
.code 32
#if defined(__thumb2__) || defined(__clang__)
#define ldrhsb ldrbhs
.align 5
.long 0x61707865,0x3320646e,0x79622d32,0x6b206574 @ endian-neutral
.long 1,0,0,0
#if __ARM_MAX_ARCH__>=7
.word OPENSSL_armcap_P-.LChaCha20_ctr32
.word -1
.globl ChaCha20_ctr32
.type ChaCha20_ctr32,%function
.align 5
ldr r12,[sp,#0] @ pull pointer to counter and nonce
stmdb sp!,{r0-r2,r4-r11,lr}
#if __ARM_ARCH__<7 && !defined(__thumb2__)
sub r14,pc,#16 @ ChaCha20_ctr32
adr r14,.LChaCha20_ctr32
cmp r2,#0 @ len==0?
#ifdef __thumb2__
itt eq
addeq sp,sp,#4*3
beq .Lno_data
#if __ARM_MAX_ARCH__>=7
cmp r2,#192 @ test len
bls .Lshort
ldr r4,[r14,#-32]
ldr r4,[r14,r4]
# ifdef __APPLE__
ldr r4,[r4]
# endif
tst r4,#ARMV7_NEON
bne .LChaCha20_neon
ldmia r12,{r4-r7} @ load counter and nonce
sub sp,sp,#4*(16) @ off-load area
sub r14,r14,#64 @ .Lsigma
stmdb sp!,{r4-r7} @ copy counter and nonce
ldmia r3,{r4-r11} @ load key
ldmia r14,{r0-r3} @ load sigma
stmdb sp!,{r4-r11} @ copy key
stmdb sp!,{r0-r3} @ copy sigma
str r10,[sp,#4*(16+10)] @ off-load "@x[10]"
str r11,[sp,#4*(16+11)] @ off-load "@x[11]"
b .Loop_outer_enter
.align 4
ldmia sp,{r0-r9} @ load key material
str @t[3],[sp,#4*(32+2)] @ save len
str r12, [sp,#4*(32+1)] @ save inp
str r14, [sp,#4*(32+0)] @ save out
ldr @t[3], [sp,#4*(15)]
ldr @x[12],[sp,#4*(12)] @ modulo-scheduled load
ldr @t[2], [sp,#4*(13)]
ldr @x[14],[sp,#4*(14)]
str @t[3], [sp,#4*(16+15)]
mov @t[3],#10
b .Loop
.align 4
subs @t[3],@t[3],#1
foreach (&ROUND(0, 4, 8,12)) { eval; }
foreach (&ROUND(0, 5,10,15)) { eval; }
bne .Loop
ldr @t[3],[sp,#4*(32+2)] @ load len
str @t[0], [sp,#4*(16+8)] @ modulo-scheduled store
str @t[1], [sp,#4*(16+9)]
str @x[12],[sp,#4*(16+12)]
str @t[2], [sp,#4*(16+13)]
str @x[14],[sp,#4*(16+14)]
@ at this point we have first half of 512-bit result in
@ @x[0-7] and second half at sp+4*(16+8)
cmp @t[3],#64 @ done yet?
#ifdef __thumb2__
itete lo
addlo r12,sp,#4*(0) @ shortcut or ...
ldrhs r12,[sp,#4*(32+1)] @ ... load inp
addlo r14,sp,#4*(0) @ shortcut or ...
ldrhs r14,[sp,#4*(32+0)] @ ... load out
ldr @t[0],[sp,#4*(0)] @ load key material
ldr @t[1],[sp,#4*(1)]
#if __ARM_ARCH__>=6 || !defined(__ARMEB__)
# if __ARM_ARCH__<7
orr @t[2],r12,r14
tst @t[2],#3 @ are input and output aligned?
ldr @t[2],[sp,#4*(2)]
bne .Lunaligned
cmp @t[3],#64 @ restore flags
# else
ldr @t[2],[sp,#4*(2)]
# endif
ldr @t[3],[sp,#4*(3)]
add @x[0],@x[0],@t[0] @ accumulate key material
add @x[1],@x[1],@t[1]
# ifdef __thumb2__
itt hs
# endif
ldrhs @t[0],[r12],#16 @ load input
ldrhs @t[1],[r12,#-12]
add @x[2],@x[2],@t[2]
add @x[3],@x[3],@t[3]
# ifdef __thumb2__
itt hs
# endif
ldrhs @t[2],[r12,#-8]
ldrhs @t[3],[r12,#-4]
# if __ARM_ARCH__>=6 && defined(__ARMEB__)
rev @x[0],@x[0]
rev @x[1],@x[1]
rev @x[2],@x[2]
rev @x[3],@x[3]
# endif
# ifdef __thumb2__
itt hs
# endif
eorhs @x[0],@x[0],@t[0] @ xor with input
eorhs @x[1],@x[1],@t[1]
add @t[0],sp,#4*(4)
str @x[0],[r14],#16 @ store output
# ifdef __thumb2__
itt hs
# endif
eorhs @x[2],@x[2],@t[2]
eorhs @x[3],@x[3],@t[3]
ldmia @t[0],{@t[0]-@t[3]} @ load key material
str @x[1],[r14,#-12]
str @x[2],[r14,#-8]
str @x[3],[r14,#-4]
add @x[4],@x[4],@t[0] @ accumulate key material
add @x[5],@x[5],@t[1]
# ifdef __thumb2__
itt hs
# endif
ldrhs @t[0],[r12],#16 @ load input
ldrhs @t[1],[r12,#-12]
add @x[6],@x[6],@t[2]
add @x[7],@x[7],@t[3]
# ifdef __thumb2__
itt hs
# endif
ldrhs @t[2],[r12,#-8]
ldrhs @t[3],[r12,#-4]
# if __ARM_ARCH__>=6 && defined(__ARMEB__)
rev @x[4],@x[4]
rev @x[5],@x[5]
rev @x[6],@x[6]
rev @x[7],@x[7]
# endif
# ifdef __thumb2__
itt hs
# endif
eorhs @x[4],@x[4],@t[0]
eorhs @x[5],@x[5],@t[1]
add @t[0],sp,#4*(8)
str @x[4],[r14],#16 @ store output
# ifdef __thumb2__
itt hs
# endif
eorhs @x[6],@x[6],@t[2]
eorhs @x[7],@x[7],@t[3]
str @x[5],[r14,#-12]
ldmia @t[0],{@t[0]-@t[3]} @ load key material
str @x[6],[r14,#-8]
add @x[0],sp,#4*(16+8)
str @x[7],[r14,#-4]
ldmia @x[0],{@x[0]-@x[7]} @ load second half
add @x[0],@x[0],@t[0] @ accumulate key material
add @x[1],@x[1],@t[1]
# ifdef __thumb2__
itt hs
# endif
ldrhs @t[0],[r12],#16 @ load input
ldrhs @t[1],[r12,#-12]
# ifdef __thumb2__
itt hi
# endif
strhi @t[2],[sp,#4*(16+10)] @ copy "@x[10]" while at it
strhi @t[3],[sp,#4*(16+11)] @ copy "@x[11]" while at it
add @x[2],@x[2],@t[2]
add @x[3],@x[3],@t[3]
# ifdef __thumb2__
itt hs
# endif
ldrhs @t[2],[r12,#-8]
ldrhs @t[3],[r12,#-4]
# if __ARM_ARCH__>=6 && defined(__ARMEB__)
rev @x[0],@x[0]
rev @x[1],@x[1]
rev @x[2],@x[2]
rev @x[3],@x[3]
# endif
# ifdef __thumb2__
itt hs
# endif
eorhs @x[0],@x[0],@t[0]
eorhs @x[1],@x[1],@t[1]
add @t[0],sp,#4*(12)
str @x[0],[r14],#16 @ store output
# ifdef __thumb2__
itt hs
# endif
eorhs @x[2],@x[2],@t[2]
eorhs @x[3],@x[3],@t[3]
str @x[1],[r14,#-12]
ldmia @t[0],{@t[0]-@t[3]} @ load key material
str @x[2],[r14,#-8]
str @x[3],[r14,#-4]
add @x[4],@x[4],@t[0] @ accumulate key material
add @x[5],@x[5],@t[1]
# ifdef __thumb2__
itt hi
# endif
addhi @t[0],@t[0],#1 @ next counter value
strhi @t[0],[sp,#4*(12)] @ save next counter value
# ifdef __thumb2__
itt hs
# endif
ldrhs @t[0],[r12],#16 @ load input
ldrhs @t[1],[r12,#-12]
add @x[6],@x[6],@t[2]
add @x[7],@x[7],@t[3]
# ifdef __thumb2__
itt hs
# endif
ldrhs @t[2],[r12,#-8]
ldrhs @t[3],[r12,#-4]
# if __ARM_ARCH__>=6 && defined(__ARMEB__)
rev @x[4],@x[4]
rev @x[5],@x[5]
rev @x[6],@x[6]
rev @x[7],@x[7]
# endif
# ifdef __thumb2__
itt hs
# endif
eorhs @x[4],@x[4],@t[0]
eorhs @x[5],@x[5],@t[1]
# ifdef __thumb2__
it ne
# endif
ldrne @t[0],[sp,#4*(32+2)] @ re-load len
# ifdef __thumb2__
itt hs
# endif
eorhs @x[6],@x[6],@t[2]
eorhs @x[7],@x[7],@t[3]
str @x[4],[r14],#16 @ store output
str @x[5],[r14,#-12]
# ifdef __thumb2__
it hs
# endif
subhs @t[3],@t[0],#64 @ len-=64
str @x[6],[r14,#-8]
str @x[7],[r14,#-4]
bhi .Loop_outer
beq .Ldone
# if __ARM_ARCH__<7
b .Ltail
.align 4
.Lunaligned: @ unaligned endian-neutral path
cmp @t[3],#64 @ restore flags
# endif
#if __ARM_ARCH__<7
ldr @t[3],[sp,#4*(3)]
for ($i=0;$i<16;$i+=4) {
my $j=$i&0x7;
$code.=<<___ if ($i==4);
add @x[0],sp,#4*(16+8)
$code.=<<___ if ($i==8);
ldmia @x[0],{@x[0]-@x[7]} @ load second half
# ifdef __thumb2__
itt hi
# endif
strhi @t[2],[sp,#4*(16+10)] @ copy "@x[10]"
strhi @t[3],[sp,#4*(16+11)] @ copy "@x[11]"
add @x[$j+0],@x[$j+0],@t[0] @ accumulate key material
$code.=<<___ if ($i==12);
# ifdef __thumb2__
itt hi
# endif
addhi @t[0],@t[0],#1 @ next counter value
strhi @t[0],[sp,#4*(12)] @ save next counter value
add @x[$j+1],@x[$j+1],@t[1]
add @x[$j+2],@x[$j+2],@t[2]
# ifdef __thumb2__
itete lo
# endif
eorlo @t[0],@t[0],@t[0] @ zero or ...
ldrhsb @t[0],[r12],#16 @ ... load input
eorlo @t[1],@t[1],@t[1]
ldrhsb @t[1],[r12,#-12]
add @x[$j+3],@x[$j+3],@t[3]
# ifdef __thumb2__
itete lo
# endif
eorlo @t[2],@t[2],@t[2]
ldrhsb @t[2],[r12,#-8]
eorlo @t[3],@t[3],@t[3]
ldrhsb @t[3],[r12,#-4]
eor @x[$j+0],@t[0],@x[$j+0] @ xor with input (or zero)
eor @x[$j+1],@t[1],@x[$j+1]
# ifdef __thumb2__
itt hs
# endif
ldrhsb @t[0],[r12,#-15] @ load more input
ldrhsb @t[1],[r12,#-11]
eor @x[$j+2],@t[2],@x[$j+2]
strb @x[$j+0],[r14],#16 @ store output
eor @x[$j+3],@t[3],@x[$j+3]
# ifdef __thumb2__
itt hs
# endif
ldrhsb @t[2],[r12,#-7]
ldrhsb @t[3],[r12,#-3]
strb @x[$j+1],[r14,#-12]
eor @x[$j+0],@t[0],@x[$j+0],lsr#8
strb @x[$j+2],[r14,#-8]
eor @x[$j+1],@t[1],@x[$j+1],lsr#8
# ifdef __thumb2__
itt hs
# endif
ldrhsb @t[0],[r12,#-14] @ load more input
ldrhsb @t[1],[r12,#-10]
strb @x[$j+3],[r14,#-4]
eor @x[$j+2],@t[2],@x[$j+2],lsr#8
strb @x[$j+0],[r14,#-15]
eor @x[$j+3],@t[3],@x[$j+3],lsr#8
# ifdef __thumb2__
itt hs
# endif
ldrhsb @t[2],[r12,#-6]
ldrhsb @t[3],[r12,#-2]
strb @x[$j+1],[r14,#-11]
eor @x[$j+0],@t[0],@x[$j+0],lsr#8
strb @x[$j+2],[r14,#-7]
eor @x[$j+1],@t[1],@x[$j+1],lsr#8
# ifdef __thumb2__
itt hs
# endif
ldrhsb @t[0],[r12,#-13] @ load more input
ldrhsb @t[1],[r12,#-9]
strb @x[$j+3],[r14,#-3]
eor @x[$j+2],@t[2],@x[$j+2],lsr#8
strb @x[$j+0],[r14,#-14]
eor @x[$j+3],@t[3],@x[$j+3],lsr#8
# ifdef __thumb2__
itt hs
# endif
ldrhsb @t[2],[r12,#-5]
ldrhsb @t[3],[r12,#-1]
strb @x[$j+1],[r14,#-10]
strb @x[$j+2],[r14,#-6]
eor @x[$j+0],@t[0],@x[$j+0],lsr#8
strb @x[$j+3],[r14,#-2]
eor @x[$j+1],@t[1],@x[$j+1],lsr#8
strb @x[$j+0],[r14,#-13]
eor @x[$j+2],@t[2],@x[$j+2],lsr#8
strb @x[$j+1],[r14,#-9]
eor @x[$j+3],@t[3],@x[$j+3],lsr#8
strb @x[$j+2],[r14,#-5]
strb @x[$j+3],[r14,#-1]
$code.=<<___ if ($i<12);
add @t[0],sp,#4*(4+$i)
ldmia @t[0],{@t[0]-@t[3]} @ load key material
# ifdef __thumb2__
it ne
# endif
ldrne @t[0],[sp,#4*(32+2)] @ re-load len
# ifdef __thumb2__
it hs
# endif
subhs @t[3],@t[0],#64 @ len-=64
bhi .Loop_outer
beq .Ldone
ldr r12,[sp,#4*(32+1)] @ load inp
add @t[1],sp,#4*(0)
ldr r14,[sp,#4*(32+0)] @ load out
ldrb @t[2],[@t[1]],#1 @ read buffer on stack
ldrb @t[3],[r12],#1 @ read input
subs @t[0],@t[0],#1
eor @t[3],@t[3],@t[2]
strb @t[3],[r14],#1 @ store output
bne .Loop_tail
add sp,sp,#4*(32+3)
ldmia sp!,{r4-r11,pc}
.size ChaCha20_ctr32,.-ChaCha20_ctr32
my ($a0,$b0,$c0,$d0,$a1,$b1,$c1,$d1,$a2,$b2,$c2,$d2,$t0,$t1,$t2,$t3) =
my $odd = pop;
my ($a,$b,$c,$d,$t)=@_;
"&vadd_i32 ($a,$a,$b)",
"&veor ($d,$d,$a)",
"&vrev32_16 ($d,$d)", # vrot ($d,16)
"&vadd_i32 ($c,$c,$d)",
"&veor ($t,$b,$c)",
"&vshr_u32 ($b,$t,20)",
"&vsli_32 ($b,$t,12)",
"&vadd_i32 ($a,$a,$b)",
"&veor ($t,$d,$a)",
"&vshr_u32 ($d,$t,24)",
"&vsli_32 ($d,$t,8)",
"&vadd_i32 ($c,$c,$d)",
"&veor ($t,$b,$c)",
"&vshr_u32 ($b,$t,25)",
"&vsli_32 ($b,$t,7)",
"&vext_8 ($c,$c,$c,8)",
"&vext_8 ($b,$b,$b,$odd?12:4)",
"&vext_8 ($d,$d,$d,$odd?4:12)"
#if __ARM_MAX_ARCH__>=7
.arch armv7-a
.fpu neon
.type ChaCha20_neon,%function
.align 5
ldr r12,[sp,#0] @ pull pointer to counter and nonce
stmdb sp!,{r0-r2,r4-r11,lr}
adr r14,.Lsigma
vstmdb sp!,{d8-d15} @ ABI spec says so
stmdb sp!,{r0-r3}
vld1.32 {$b0-$c0},[r3] @ load key
ldmia r3,{r4-r11} @ load key
sub sp,sp,#4*(16+16)
vld1.32 {$d0},[r12] @ load counter and nonce
add r12,sp,#4*8
ldmia r14,{r0-r3} @ load sigma
vld1.32 {$a0},[r14]! @ load sigma
vld1.32 {$t0},[r14] @ one
vst1.32 {$c0-$d0},[r12] @ copy 1/2key|counter|nonce
vst1.32 {$a0-$b0},[sp] @ copy sigma|1/2key
str r10,[sp,#4*(16+10)] @ off-load "@x[10]"
str r11,[sp,#4*(16+11)] @ off-load "@x[11]"
vshl.i32 $t1#lo,$t0#lo,#1 @ two
vstr $t0#lo,[sp,#4*(16+0)]
vshl.i32 $t2#lo,$t0#lo,#2 @ four
vstr $t1#lo,[sp,#4*(16+2)]
vmov $a1,$a0
vstr $t2#lo,[sp,#4*(16+4)]
vmov $a2,$a0
vmov $b1,$b0
vmov $b2,$b0
b .Loop_neon_enter
.align 4
ldmia sp,{r0-r9} @ load key material
cmp @t[3],#64*2 @ if len<=64*2
bls .Lbreak_neon @ switch to integer-only
vmov $a1,$a0
str @t[3],[sp,#4*(32+2)] @ save len
vmov $a2,$a0
str r12, [sp,#4*(32+1)] @ save inp
vmov $b1,$b0
str r14, [sp,#4*(32+0)] @ save out
vmov $b2,$b0
ldr @t[3], [sp,#4*(15)]
vadd.i32 $d1,$d0,$t0 @ counter+1
ldr @x[12],[sp,#4*(12)] @ modulo-scheduled load
vmov $c1,$c0
ldr @t[2], [sp,#4*(13)]
vmov $c2,$c0
ldr @x[14],[sp,#4*(14)]
vadd.i32 $d2,$d1,$t0 @ counter+2
str @t[3], [sp,#4*(16+15)]
mov @t[3],#10
add @x[12],@x[12],#3 @ counter+3
b .Loop_neon
.align 4
subs @t[3],@t[3],#1
my @thread0=&NEONROUND($a0,$b0,$c0,$d0,$t0,0);
my @thread1=&NEONROUND($a1,$b1,$c1,$d1,$t1,0);
my @thread2=&NEONROUND($a2,$b2,$c2,$d2,$t2,0);
my @thread3=&ROUND(0,4,8,12);
foreach (@thread0) {
eval; eval(shift(@thread3));
eval(shift(@thread1)); eval(shift(@thread3));
eval(shift(@thread2)); eval(shift(@thread3));
foreach (@thread0) {
eval; eval(shift(@thread3));
eval(shift(@thread1)); eval(shift(@thread3));
eval(shift(@thread2)); eval(shift(@thread3));
bne .Loop_neon
add @t[3],sp,#32
vld1.32 {$t0-$t1},[sp] @ load key material
vld1.32 {$t2-$t3},[@t[3]]
ldr @t[3],[sp,#4*(32+2)] @ load len
str @t[0], [sp,#4*(16+8)] @ modulo-scheduled store
str @t[1], [sp,#4*(16+9)]
str @x[12],[sp,#4*(16+12)]
str @t[2], [sp,#4*(16+13)]
str @x[14],[sp,#4*(16+14)]
@ at this point we have first half of 512-bit result in
@ @x[0-7] and second half at sp+4*(16+8)
ldr r12,[sp,#4*(32+1)] @ load inp
ldr r14,[sp,#4*(32+0)] @ load out
vadd.i32 $a0,$a0,$t0 @ accumulate key material
vadd.i32 $a1,$a1,$t0
vadd.i32 $a2,$a2,$t0
vldr $t0#lo,[sp,#4*(16+0)] @ one
vadd.i32 $b0,$b0,$t1
vadd.i32 $b1,$b1,$t1
vadd.i32 $b2,$b2,$t1
vldr $t1#lo,[sp,#4*(16+2)] @ two
vadd.i32 $c0,$c0,$t2
vadd.i32 $c1,$c1,$t2
vadd.i32 $c2,$c2,$t2
vadd.i32 $d1#lo,$d1#lo,$t0#lo @ counter+1
vadd.i32 $d2#lo,$d2#lo,$t1#lo @ counter+2
vadd.i32 $d0,$d0,$t3
vadd.i32 $d1,$d1,$t3
vadd.i32 $d2,$d2,$t3
cmp @t[3],#64*4
blo .Ltail_neon
vld1.8 {$t0-$t1},[r12]! @ load input
mov @t[3],sp
vld1.8 {$t2-$t3},[r12]!
veor $a0,$a0,$t0 @ xor with input
veor $b0,$b0,$t1
vld1.8 {$t0-$t1},[r12]!
veor $c0,$c0,$t2
veor $d0,$d0,$t3
vld1.8 {$t2-$t3},[r12]!
veor $a1,$a1,$t0
vst1.8 {$a0-$b0},[r14]! @ store output
veor $b1,$b1,$t1
vld1.8 {$t0-$t1},[r12]!
veor $c1,$c1,$t2
vst1.8 {$c0-$d0},[r14]!
veor $d1,$d1,$t3
vld1.8 {$t2-$t3},[r12]!
veor $a2,$a2,$t0
vld1.32 {$a0-$b0},[@t[3]]! @ load for next iteration
veor $t0#hi,$t0#hi,$t0#hi
vldr $t0#lo,[sp,#4*(16+4)] @ four
veor $b2,$b2,$t1
vld1.32 {$c0-$d0},[@t[3]]
veor $c2,$c2,$t2
vst1.8 {$a1-$b1},[r14]!
veor $d2,$d2,$t3
vst1.8 {$c1-$d1},[r14]!
vadd.i32 $d0#lo,$d0#lo,$t0#lo @ next counter value
vldr $t0#lo,[sp,#4*(16+0)] @ one
ldmia sp,{@t[0]-@t[3]} @ load key material
add @x[0],@x[0],@t[0] @ accumulate key material
ldr @t[0],[r12],#16 @ load input
vst1.8 {$a2-$b2},[r14]!
add @x[1],@x[1],@t[1]
ldr @t[1],[r12,#-12]
vst1.8 {$c2-$d2},[r14]!
add @x[2],@x[2],@t[2]
ldr @t[2],[r12,#-8]
add @x[3],@x[3],@t[3]
ldr @t[3],[r12,#-4]
# ifdef __ARMEB__
rev @x[0],@x[0]
rev @x[1],@x[1]
rev @x[2],@x[2]
rev @x[3],@x[3]
# endif
eor @x[0],@x[0],@t[0] @ xor with input
add @t[0],sp,#4*(4)
eor @x[1],@x[1],@t[1]
str @x[0],[r14],#16 @ store output
eor @x[2],@x[2],@t[2]
str @x[1],[r14,#-12]
eor @x[3],@x[3],@t[3]
ldmia @t[0],{@t[0]-@t[3]} @ load key material
str @x[2],[r14,#-8]
str @x[3],[r14,#-4]
add @x[4],@x[4],@t[0] @ accumulate key material
ldr @t[0],[r12],#16 @ load input
add @x[5],@x[5],@t[1]
ldr @t[1],[r12,#-12]
add @x[6],@x[6],@t[2]
ldr @t[2],[r12,#-8]
add @x[7],@x[7],@t[3]
ldr @t[3],[r12,#-4]
# ifdef __ARMEB__
rev @x[4],@x[4]
rev @x[5],@x[5]
rev @x[6],@x[6]
rev @x[7],@x[7]
# endif
eor @x[4],@x[4],@t[0]
add @t[0],sp,#4*(8)
eor @x[5],@x[5],@t[1]
str @x[4],[r14],#16 @ store output
eor @x[6],@x[6],@t[2]
str @x[5],[r14,#-12]
eor @x[7],@x[7],@t[3]
ldmia @t[0],{@t[0]-@t[3]} @ load key material
str @x[6],[r14,#-8]
add @x[0],sp,#4*(16+8)
str @x[7],[r14,#-4]
ldmia @x[0],{@x[0]-@x[7]} @ load second half
add @x[0],@x[0],@t[0] @ accumulate key material
ldr @t[0],[r12],#16 @ load input
add @x[1],@x[1],@t[1]
ldr @t[1],[r12,#-12]
# ifdef __thumb2__
it hi
# endif
strhi @t[2],[sp,#4*(16+10)] @ copy "@x[10]" while at it
add @x[2],@x[2],@t[2]
ldr @t[2],[r12,#-8]
# ifdef __thumb2__
it hi
# endif
strhi @t[3],[sp,#4*(16+11)] @ copy "@x[11]" while at it
add @x[3],@x[3],@t[3]
ldr @t[3],[r12,#-4]
# ifdef __ARMEB__
rev @x[0],@x[0]
rev @x[1],@x[1]
rev @x[2],@x[2]
rev @x[3],@x[3]
# endif
eor @x[0],@x[0],@t[0]
add @t[0],sp,#4*(12)
eor @x[1],@x[1],@t[1]
str @x[0],[r14],#16 @ store output
eor @x[2],@x[2],@t[2]
str @x[1],[r14,#-12]
eor @x[3],@x[3],@t[3]
ldmia @t[0],{@t[0]-@t[3]} @ load key material
str @x[2],[r14,#-8]
str @x[3],[r14,#-4]
add @x[4],@x[4],@t[0] @ accumulate key material
add @t[0],@t[0],#4 @ next counter value
add @x[5],@x[5],@t[1]
str @t[0],[sp,#4*(12)] @ save next counter value
ldr @t[0],[r12],#16 @ load input
add @x[6],@x[6],@t[2]
add @x[4],@x[4],#3 @ counter+3
ldr @t[1],[r12,#-12]
add @x[7],@x[7],@t[3]
ldr @t[2],[r12,#-8]
ldr @t[3],[r12,#-4]
# ifdef __ARMEB__
rev @x[4],@x[4]
rev @x[5],@x[5]
rev @x[6],@x[6]
rev @x[7],@x[7]
# endif
eor @x[4],@x[4],@t[0]
# ifdef __thumb2__
it hi
# endif
ldrhi @t[0],[sp,#4*(32+2)] @ re-load len
eor @x[5],@x[5],@t[1]
eor @x[6],@x[6],@t[2]
str @x[4],[r14],#16 @ store output
eor @x[7],@x[7],@t[3]
str @x[5],[r14,#-12]
sub @t[3],@t[0],#64*4 @ len-=64*4
str @x[6],[r14,#-8]
str @x[7],[r14,#-4]
bhi .Loop_neon_outer
b .Ldone_neon
.align 4
@ harmonize NEON and integer-only stack frames: load data
@ from NEON frame, but save to integer-only one; distance
@ between the two is 4*(32+4+16-32)=4*(20).
str @t[3], [sp,#4*(20+32+2)] @ save len
add @t[3],sp,#4*(32+4)
str r12, [sp,#4*(20+32+1)] @ save inp
str r14, [sp,#4*(20+32+0)] @ save out
ldr @x[12],[sp,#4*(16+10)]
ldr @x[14],[sp,#4*(16+11)]
vldmia @t[3],{d8-d15} @ fulfill ABI requirement
str @x[12],[sp,#4*(20+16+10)] @ copy "@x[10]"
str @x[14],[sp,#4*(20+16+11)] @ copy "@x[11]"
ldr @t[3], [sp,#4*(15)]
ldr @x[12],[sp,#4*(12)] @ modulo-scheduled load
ldr @t[2], [sp,#4*(13)]
ldr @x[14],[sp,#4*(14)]
str @t[3], [sp,#4*(20+16+15)]
add @t[3],sp,#4*(20)
vst1.32 {$a0-$b0},[@t[3]]! @ copy key
add sp,sp,#4*(20) @ switch frame
vst1.32 {$c0-$d0},[@t[3]]
mov @t[3],#10
b .Loop @ go integer-only
.align 4
cmp @t[3],#64*3
bhs .L192_or_more_neon
cmp @t[3],#64*2
bhs .L128_or_more_neon
cmp @t[3],#64*1
bhs .L64_or_more_neon
add @t[0],sp,#4*(8)
vst1.8 {$a0-$b0},[sp]
add @t[2],sp,#4*(0)
vst1.8 {$c0-$d0},[@t[0]]
b .Loop_tail_neon
.align 4
vld1.8 {$t0-$t1},[r12]!
vld1.8 {$t2-$t3},[r12]!
veor $a0,$a0,$t0
veor $b0,$b0,$t1
veor $c0,$c0,$t2
veor $d0,$d0,$t3
vst1.8 {$a0-$b0},[r14]!
vst1.8 {$c0-$d0},[r14]!
beq .Ldone_neon
add @t[0],sp,#4*(8)
vst1.8 {$a1-$b1},[sp]
add @t[2],sp,#4*(0)
vst1.8 {$c1-$d1},[@t[0]]
sub @t[3],@t[3],#64*1 @ len-=64*1
b .Loop_tail_neon
.align 4
vld1.8 {$t0-$t1},[r12]!
vld1.8 {$t2-$t3},[r12]!
veor $a0,$a0,$t0
veor $b0,$b0,$t1
vld1.8 {$t0-$t1},[r12]!
veor $c0,$c0,$t2
veor $d0,$d0,$t3
vld1.8 {$t2-$t3},[r12]!
veor $a1,$a1,$t0
veor $b1,$b1,$t1
vst1.8 {$a0-$b0},[r14]!
veor $c1,$c1,$t2
vst1.8 {$c0-$d0},[r14]!
veor $d1,$d1,$t3
vst1.8 {$a1-$b1},[r14]!
vst1.8 {$c1-$d1},[r14]!
beq .Ldone_neon
add @t[0],sp,#4*(8)
vst1.8 {$a2-$b2},[sp]
add @t[2],sp,#4*(0)
vst1.8 {$c2-$d2},[@t[0]]
sub @t[3],@t[3],#64*2 @ len-=64*2
b .Loop_tail_neon
.align 4
vld1.8 {$t0-$t1},[r12]!
vld1.8 {$t2-$t3},[r12]!
veor $a0,$a0,$t0
veor $b0,$b0,$t1
vld1.8 {$t0-$t1},[r12]!
veor $c0,$c0,$t2
veor $d0,$d0,$t3
vld1.8 {$t2-$t3},[r12]!
veor $a1,$a1,$t0
veor $b1,$b1,$t1
vld1.8 {$t0-$t1},[r12]!
veor $c1,$c1,$t2
vst1.8 {$a0-$b0},[r14]!
veor $d1,$d1,$t3
vld1.8 {$t2-$t3},[r12]!
veor $a2,$a2,$t0
vst1.8 {$c0-$d0},[r14]!
veor $b2,$b2,$t1
vst1.8 {$a1-$b1},[r14]!
veor $c2,$c2,$t2
vst1.8 {$c1-$d1},[r14]!
veor $d2,$d2,$t3
vst1.8 {$a2-$b2},[r14]!
vst1.8 {$c2-$d2},[r14]!
beq .Ldone_neon
ldmia sp,{@t[0]-@t[3]} @ load key material
add @x[0],@x[0],@t[0] @ accumulate key material
add @t[0],sp,#4*(4)
add @x[1],@x[1],@t[1]
add @x[2],@x[2],@t[2]
add @x[3],@x[3],@t[3]
ldmia @t[0],{@t[0]-@t[3]} @ load key material
add @x[4],@x[4],@t[0] @ accumulate key material
add @t[0],sp,#4*(8)
add @x[5],@x[5],@t[1]
add @x[6],@x[6],@t[2]
add @x[7],@x[7],@t[3]
ldmia @t[0],{@t[0]-@t[3]} @ load key material
# ifdef __ARMEB__
rev @x[0],@x[0]
rev @x[1],@x[1]
rev @x[2],@x[2]
rev @x[3],@x[3]
rev @x[4],@x[4]
rev @x[5],@x[5]
rev @x[6],@x[6]
rev @x[7],@x[7]
# endif
stmia sp,{@x[0]-@x[7]}
add @x[0],sp,#4*(16+8)
ldmia @x[0],{@x[0]-@x[7]} @ load second half
add @x[0],@x[0],@t[0] @ accumulate key material
add @t[0],sp,#4*(12)
add @x[1],@x[1],@t[1]
add @x[2],@x[2],@t[2]
add @x[3],@x[3],@t[3]
ldmia @t[0],{@t[0]-@t[3]} @ load key material
add @x[4],@x[4],@t[0] @ accumulate key material
add @t[0],sp,#4*(8)
add @x[5],@x[5],@t[1]
add @x[4],@x[4],#3 @ counter+3
add @x[6],@x[6],@t[2]
add @x[7],@x[7],@t[3]
ldr @t[3],[sp,#4*(32+2)] @ re-load len
# ifdef __ARMEB__
rev @x[0],@x[0]
rev @x[1],@x[1]
rev @x[2],@x[2]
rev @x[3],@x[3]
rev @x[4],@x[4]
rev @x[5],@x[5]
rev @x[6],@x[6]
rev @x[7],@x[7]
# endif
stmia @t[0],{@x[0]-@x[7]}
add @t[2],sp,#4*(0)
sub @t[3],@t[3],#64*3 @ len-=64*3
ldrb @t[0],[@t[2]],#1 @ read buffer on stack
ldrb @t[1],[r12],#1 @ read input
subs @t[3],@t[3],#1
eor @t[0],@t[0],@t[1]
strb @t[0],[r14],#1 @ store output
bne .Loop_tail_neon
add sp,sp,#4*(32+4)
vldmia sp,{d8-d15}
add sp,sp,#4*(16+3)
ldmia sp!,{r4-r11,pc}
.size ChaCha20_neon,.-ChaCha20_neon
.comm OPENSSL_armcap_P,4,4
foreach (split("\n",$code)) {
s/\`([^\`]*)\`/eval $1/geo;
s/\bq([0-9]+)#(lo|hi)/sprintf "d%d",2*$1+($2 eq "hi")/geo;
print $_,"\n";
close STDOUT;