tunsafe-clang15/docs/WireGuard TCP.txt

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WireGuard over TCP
We hate running one TCP implementation on top of another TCP implementation.
There's problems with cascading retransmissions and head of line blocking,
and performance is always much worse than a UDP based tunnel.
However, we also recognize that several users need to run WireGuard over TCP.
One reason is that UDP packets are sometimes blocked by the network in
corporate scenarios or in other types of firewalls. Also, in misconfigured
networks outside of the user's control, TCP may be more reliable than UDP.
Additionally, we want TunSafe to be a drop-in replacement for OpenVPN, which
also supports TCP based tunneling. The feature could also be used to run
WireGuard tunnels over ssh tunnels, or through socks/https proxies.
The TunSafe project therefore takes the pragmatic approach of supporting
WireGuard over TCP, while discouraging its use. We absolutely don't want
people to start using TCP by default. It's meant to be used only in the
extreme cases when nothing else is working.
We've added experimental support for TCP in the latest TunSafe master,
which means you can try this out on Windows, OSX, Linux, and FreeBSD.
On the server side, to listen on a TCP port, use ListenPortTCP=1234. (Not
working on Windows yet). On the clients, use Endpoint=tcp://
The code is still very experimental and untested, and is not recommended
for general use. Once the code is more well tested, we'll also release
support for connecting to WireGuard over TCP in our Android and iOS clients.
To make the impact as small as possible to our WireGuard protocol handling,
and to minimize the risk of security related issues, the TCP feature has been
designed to be as self-contained as possible. When a packet comes in over
TCP, it's sent over to the WireGuard protocol handler and treated as if it
was a UDP packet, and vice versa. This means TCP support can also be supported
in existing WireGuard deployments by using a separate process that converts
TCP connections into UDP packets sent to the WireGuard Linux kernel module.
Each packet over TCP is prefixed by a 2-byte big endian number, which contains
the length of the packet's payload. The payload is then the actual WireGuard
UDP packet.
TCP has larger overhead than UDP, and we want to support the usual WireGuard
MTU of 1420 without introducing extra packet "fragmenting". So we implemented
an optimization to skip sending the 16-byte WireGuard header for every packet.
TCP is a reliable connection, we know that sequence numbers are always
monotonically increasing, so we can predict the contents of this header.
Here's an example:
A 1420 byte big packet sent over a WireGuard link will have 2 bytes of
TCP payload length, 16 bytes of WireGuard headers, 16 bytes of WireGuard MAC,
20 bytes of TCP headers, and 40 bytes of IPv6 headers.
This is a total of 1420 + 2 + 16 + 16 + 20 + 40 = 1514 bytes, exceeding
the usual 1500 byte Ethernet MTU by 14 bytes. This means that a single full
sized packet over WireGuard will result in 2 TCP packets. With our
optimization, we reduce this to 1498 bytes, so it fits in one TCP packet.
Protocol specification
| |
| \-- Payload length, high byte first.
\----- Packet type
The packet types (TT) currently defined are:
TT = 00 = Normal The payload is a normal unmodified WireGuard packet
including the regular WireGuard header.
10 = Data A WireGuard data packet (type 04) without the 16 byte
?1 = Reserved
When parsing an incoming Data (TT=10) packet, the Key ID and Counter from
the most recently parsed WireGuard data packet (type 04) is prepended to
the payload, with Counter incremented by 1.
This happens independently in each of the two TCP directions.