212 lines
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212 lines
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//! Contains tons of structs used by the library
use std::collections::HashMap;
use rocket::FromForm;
pub(crate) type AuthFunc = fn(String) -> Result<bool, String>;
pub(crate) type SearchFunc = fn(SearchParameters) -> Result<Vec<Torrent>, String>;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
/// The maximum and defaults for the `limit` parameter in queries
/// `max` is the maximum number of results the program can return
/// `default` is the default number of results the program will return
pub struct Limits {
I don't know why this would possibly need to be a u32, I can't imagine you'll be returning 4 billion results or whatever
In fact, I *really* hope you aren't - if you are, you're doing something extremely wrong
But hey, it's an option
/// The maximum number of entries that can be listed in a search query
pub max: u32,
/// The default number of entries to be listed in a search query
pub default: u32,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
/// A struct holding the info for a type of search
pub struct SearchInfo {
/// What type of search this is - must be `search`, `tv-search`, `movie-search`, `audio-search`, or `book-search`
pub search_type: String,
/// Whether this search type is available
pub available: bool,
/// The supported parameters for this search type
/// Highly recommended: `q` (free text query)
pub supported_params: Vec<String>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
/// Contains subcategories, for use in [`Category`]
pub struct Subcategory {
/// The numeric ID of a subcategory
/// The (de facto?) standard is `xxyy`, xx being the first two digits of the category, and the last two digits specifying the subcategory; see also: Category
pub id: u32,
/// The name of the subcategory, e.g. "Anime" under the "TV" cateogyr
pub name: String,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
/// Contains a category, for use in [`Caps`] and searches as a query parameter
pub struct Category {
/// The numeric ID of a category
/// The (de facto?) standard is `xxyy`, xx being the first two digits of the category, and the last two digits specifying the subcategory; see also: Subcategory
pub id: u32,
/// The name of the category, e.g. "Movies"
pub name: String,
/// A vector of all the subcategory in this category
pub subcategories: Vec<Subcategory>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
/// Contains a genre, for use in [`Caps`] and searches as a query parameter
pub struct Genre {
/// The numeric ID of a genre
/// I'm not aware of any standard for numbering this; the specification for Torznab shows an example with an ID of 1.
pub id: u32,
/// The numeric ID of the category this genre is for.
pub category_id: u32,
/// The name of the genre
pub name: String,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
/// Contains a tag, for use in [`Caps`] and searches as a query parameter
pub struct Tag {
/// The name of a tag for a torrent
pub name: String,
/// The description of the tag
pub description: String,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
/// Holds the configuration for the capabilities of the Torznab server (used in `/api?t=caps`)
/// <div class="warning">Note that this library might not support all the capabilities listed in yet, so check the README before listing capabilities, or just accept that unsupported capabilities will return error 501.
/// It's recommended to add any capabilities you want, and set `available` to `false` in the [`Caps`] struct for any currently unsupported search types.</div>
pub struct Caps {
/// The server info, like title - optional
/// Examples: `version`, `title`, `email`, `url`, `image`
pub server_info: Option<HashMap<String, String>>,
/// The max and default number of items to be returned by queries - see [`Limits`]
pub limits: Limits,
/// Info about each type of search
pub searching: Vec<SearchInfo>,
/// What categories the server has - see [`Category`]
pub categories: Vec<Category>,
/// What genres the server has - see [`Genre`] (optional)
pub genres: Option<Vec<Genre>>,
/// What torrents can be tagged with - see [`Tag`] (optional)
pub tags: Option<Vec<Tag>>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
/// A struct that holds configuration for torznab-toolkit
/// The search function (`/api?t=search`) and capabilities (`/api?t=caps` - struct [`Caps`]) are required
/// Everything else is optional
pub struct Config {
/// The function to use for all search types
/// What search types are available is dependent on what's marked as available in the `searching` field of `caps` ([`Caps`])
/// Search types: `search`, `tv-search`, `movie-search`, `audio-search`, `book-search`
pub search: SearchFunc,
/// The auth function - if not specified, then no authorization is needed.
pub auth: Option<AuthFunc>,
/// The capabilities of the indexer - see [`Caps`]
pub caps: Caps,
/// An internal struct to hold the parameters for a search
/// Before being sent to the "client" program, it's turned into a SearchParameters object by `to_search_param()`, adding the search type
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, FromForm)]
pub(crate) struct InternalSearchParameters {
/// The text query for the search
pub(crate) q: Option<String>,
/// The apikey, for authentication
pub(crate) apikey: Option<String>,
/// A [`Vec`] containing the numeric category IDs to be included in the search results
pub(crate) categories: Option<Vec<u32>>,
/// A [`Vec`] containing the extended attribute names to be included in the search results
pub(crate) attributes: Option<Vec<String>>,
/// Whether *all* extended attributes should be included in the search results; overrules `attributes`
pub(crate) extended_attrs: Option<bool>,
/// How many items to skip/offset by in the results.
pub(crate) offset: Option<u32>,
/// The maximum number of items to return - also limited to whatever `limits` is in [`Caps`]
pub(crate) limit: u32,
impl InternalSearchParameters {
/// Converts InternalSearchParameters to SearchParmaters, i.e. add `search_type`
/// Search types: `search`, `tv-search`, `movie-search`, `audio-search`, `book-search`
pub(crate) fn to_search_param(&self, search_type: &str) -> SearchParameters {
return SearchParameters {
search_type: search_type.to_string(),
q: self.q.clone(),
apikey: self.apikey.clone(),
categories: self.categories.clone(),
attributes: self.attributes.clone(),
extended_attrs: self.extended_attrs,
offset: self.offset,
limit: self.limit,
/// Holds the parameters for a search query
pub struct SearchParameters {
/// What type of search this is
/// Search types: `search`, `tv-search`, `movie-search`, `audio-search`, `book-search`
pub(crate) search_type: String,
/// The text query for the search
pub(crate) q: Option<String>,
/// The apikey, for authentication
pub(crate) apikey: Option<String>,
/// A [`Vec`] containing the numeric category IDs to be included in the search results
pub(crate) categories: Option<Vec<u32>>,
/// A [`Vec`] containing the extended attribute names to be included in the search results
pub(crate) attributes: Option<Vec<String>>,
/// Whether *all* extended attributes should be included in the search results; overrules `attributes`
pub(crate) extended_attrs: Option<bool>,
/// How many items to skip/offset by in the results.
pub(crate) offset: Option<u32>,
/// The maximum number of items to return - also limited to whatever `limits` is in [`Caps`]
pub(crate) limit: u32,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
/// Holds the info for a torrent
/// Any attributes not listed here are optional, and can be put in `other_attributes`; **however**, the following are recommended:
/// - `seeders`
/// - `leechers`
/// - `peers`
/// - `infohash`
/// - `link` (link to a webpage; if not specified, will fallback to `torrent_file_url`, then `magnet_uri`)
/// <div class="warning">One of either `torrent_file_url` or `magnet_uri` are required.</div>
pub struct Torrent {
/// The title of the torrent
pub title: String,
/// The description of the torrent - optional
pub description: Option<String>,
/// The size of the torrent, **in bytes**
pub size: u64,
/// A vector of (sub)category IDs
pub category_ids: Vec<u32>,
/// The URL of the `.torrent` file
pub torrent_file_url: Option<String>,
/// The magnet URI o the torrent
pub magnet_uri: Option<String>,
/// Any other attributes
pub other_attributes: Option<HashMap<String, String>>,