/// Specify the ServerInfo to be listed in <server> for `/api?t=caps`
/// These fields are just those listed in the example on [torznab.github.io](https://torznab.github.io), there's no actual specification for thse fields.
/// TODO: Update this to have customizable fields instead
/// Holds the configuration for the capabilities of the Torznab server
/// - server_info: `ServerInfo`
/// - see: `ServerInfo` docs
/// - limits: `Limits`
/// - specifies the max and default items listed when searching
/// - see: `Limits` docs
/// - searching: `Vec<SearchInfo>`
/// - specifies the capabilities of each search mode
/// - see: `SearchInfo` docs
/// - categories: `Vec<Category>`
/// - lists known categories
/// - see: `Category` docs
/// - genres: `Option<Vec<Genre>>`
/// - lists known genres, optional
/// - see: `Genre` docs
/// <div class="warning">Note that this library might not support all the capabilities listed in yet, so check the README before listing capabilities, or just accept that unsupported capabilities will return error 404.
/// It's recommended to add any capabilities you want, and set `available` to `false` in the `Caps` struct for any currently unsupported search types.</div>
/// TODO: Add a way to partially(?) generate automatically from the Config