A safe, multi-threaded, async toolkit for adding Torznab APIs to programs. You just focus on the indexer itself, we abstract away the hell that is the Torznab API.
To configure what it listens on, just change `ROCKET_ADDRESS` and `ROCKET_PORT`; see the [relevant docs](https://rocket.rs/guide/v0.5/deploying/) for details.
- Currently this does not allow for returning errors from the program using the library, such as API limits for an account.
- Currently this does not allow for requiring authentication for `caps`; it's against spec (not that that's worth much), but common and perfectly fine to do.
Thanks to [torznab.github.io](https://torznab.github.io/spec-1.3-draft/index.html), as it's my primary reference for this; NZBDrone's [Implementing a Torznab indexer](https://nzbdrone.readthedocs.io/Implementing-a-Torznab-indexer/) was also rather helpful.