2019-08-01 21:44:35 +02:00

233 lines
6.9 KiB

import os
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timezone
from functools import wraps
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import Union
import flask
import werkzeug
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
from flask import current_app as app
from flask import redirect
from flask import request
from flask import session
from flask import url_for
from flask_wtf.csrf import CSRFProtect
from little_boxes import activitypub as ap
from little_boxes.activitypub import format_datetime
from poussetaches import PousseTaches
import activitypub
from activitypub import Box
from activitypub import _answer_key
from config import DB
from config import ME
from tasks import Tasks
_Response = Union[flask.Response, werkzeug.wrappers.Response, str]
p = PousseTaches(
os.getenv("MICROBLOGPUB_POUSSETACHES_HOST", "http://localhost:7991"),
os.getenv("MICROBLOGPUB_INTERNAL_HOST", "http://localhost:5000"),
csrf = CSRFProtect()
back = activitypub.MicroblogPubBackend()
MY_PERSON = ap.Person(**ME)
def add_response_headers(headers={}):
"""This decorator adds the headers passed in to the response"""
def decorator(f):
def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs):
resp = flask.make_response(f(*args, **kwargs))
h = resp.headers
for header, value in headers.items():
h[header] = value
return resp
return decorated_function
return decorator
def noindex(f):
"""This decorator passes X-Robots-Tag: noindex, nofollow"""
return add_response_headers({"X-Robots-Tag": "noindex, nofollow"})(f)
def login_required(f):
def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs):
if not session.get("logged_in"):
return redirect(url_for("admin_login", next=request.url))
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return decorated_function
def _get_ip():
"""Guess the IP address from the request. Only used for security purpose (failed logins or bad payload).
Geoip will be returned if the "broxy" headers are set (it does Geoip
using an offline database and append these special headers).
ip = request.headers.get("X-Forwarded-For", request.remote_addr)
geoip = None
if request.headers.get("Broxy-Geoip-Country"):
geoip = (
+ "/"
+ request.headers.get("Broxy-Geoip-Region")
return ip, geoip
def post_to_outbox(activity: ap.BaseActivity) -> str:
if activity.has_type(ap.CREATE_TYPES):
activity = activity.build_create()
# Assign create a random ID
obj_id = back.random_object_id()
activity.set_id(back.activity_url(obj_id), obj_id)
back.save(Box.OUTBOX, activity)
return activity.id
def _build_thread(data, include_children=True): # noqa: C901
data["_requested"] = True
root_id = data["meta"].get("thread_root_parent", data["activity"]["object"]["id"])
query = {
"$or": [{"meta.thread_root_parent": root_id}, {"activity.object.id": root_id}],
"meta.deleted": False,
replies = [data]
for dat in DB.activities.find(query):
if dat["type"][0] == ap.ActivityType.CREATE.value:
if dat["type"][0] == ap.ActivityType.UPDATE.value:
# Make a Note/Question/... looks like a Create
dat = {
"activity": {"object": dat["activity"]},
"meta": dat["meta"],
"_id": dat["_id"],
replies = sorted(replies, key=lambda d: d["activity"]["object"]["published"])
# Index all the IDs in order to build a tree
idx = {}
replies2 = []
for rep in replies:
rep_id = rep["activity"]["object"]["id"]
if rep_id in idx:
idx[rep_id] = rep.copy()
idx[rep_id]["_nodes"] = []
# Build the tree
for rep in replies2:
rep_id = rep["activity"]["object"]["id"]
if rep_id == root_id:
reply_of = ap._get_id(rep["activity"]["object"].get("inReplyTo"))
except KeyError:
app.logger.info(f"{reply_of} is not there! skipping {rep}")
# Flatten the tree
thread = []
def _flatten(node, level=0):
node["_level"] = level
for snode in sorted(
key=lambda d: d["activity"]["object"]["published"],
_flatten(snode, level=level + 1)
except KeyError:
app.logger.info(f"{root_id} is not there! skipping")
return thread
def paginated_query(db, q, limit=25, sort_key="_id"):
older_than = newer_than = None
query_sort = -1
first_page = not request.args.get("older_than") and not request.args.get(
query_older_than = request.args.get("older_than")
query_newer_than = request.args.get("newer_than")
if query_older_than:
q["_id"] = {"$lt": ObjectId(query_older_than)}
elif query_newer_than:
q["_id"] = {"$gt": ObjectId(query_newer_than)}
query_sort = 1
outbox_data = list(db.find(q, limit=limit + 1).sort(sort_key, query_sort))
outbox_len = len(outbox_data)
outbox_data = sorted(
outbox_data[:limit], key=lambda x: str(x[sort_key]), reverse=True
if query_older_than:
newer_than = str(outbox_data[0]["_id"])
if outbox_len == limit + 1:
older_than = str(outbox_data[-1]["_id"])
elif query_newer_than:
older_than = str(outbox_data[-1]["_id"])
if outbox_len == limit + 1:
newer_than = str(outbox_data[0]["_id"])
elif first_page and outbox_len == limit + 1:
older_than = str(outbox_data[-1]["_id"])
return outbox_data, older_than, newer_than
def _add_answers_to_question(raw_doc: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
activity = raw_doc["activity"]
if (
ap._has_type(activity["type"], ap.ActivityType.CREATE)
and "object" in activity
and ap._has_type(activity["object"]["type"], ap.ActivityType.QUESTION)
for choice in activity["object"].get("oneOf", activity["object"].get("anyOf")):
choice["replies"] = {
"type": ap.ActivityType.COLLECTION.value,
"totalItems": raw_doc["meta"]
.get("question_answers", {})
.get(_answer_key(choice["name"]), 0),
now = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
if format_datetime(now) >= activity["object"]["endTime"]:
activity["object"]["closed"] = activity["object"]["endTime"]