2019-08-11 11:32:52 +02:00

196 lines
6 KiB

import logging
from functools import singledispatch
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from little_boxes import activitypub as ap
from config import BASE_URL
from config import DB
from core.meta import MetaKey
from core.meta import _meta
from core.meta import by_actor
from core.meta import by_type
from core.meta import in_inbox
from core.meta import not_undo
from core.tasks import Tasks
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_NewMeta = Dict[str, Any]
_LOCAL_NETLOC = urlparse(BASE_URL).netloc
def _is_from_outbox(activity: ap.BaseActivity) -> bool:
return activity.id.startswith(BASE_URL)
def _is_local(url: str) -> bool:
return urlparse(url).netloc == _LOCAL_NETLOC
def _flag_as_notification(activity: ap.BaseActivity, new_meta: _NewMeta) -> None:
{_meta(MetaKey.NOTIFICATION): True, _meta(MetaKey.NOTIFICATION_UNREAD): True}
return None
def _set_flag(meta: _NewMeta, meta_key: MetaKey, value: Any = True) -> None:
meta.update({_meta(meta_key): value})
return None
def set_inbox_flags(activity: ap.BaseActivity, new_meta: _NewMeta) -> None:
_logger.warning(f"skipping {activity!r}")
return None
def _accept_set_inbox_flags(activity: ap.Accept, new_meta: _NewMeta) -> None:
"""Handle notifications for "accepted" following requests."""
_logger.info(f"set_inbox_flags activity={activity!r}")
# Check if this actor already follow us back
follows_back = False
follow_query = {
raw_follow = DB.activities.find_one(follow_query)
if raw_follow:
follows_back = True
follow_query, {"$set": {_meta(MetaKey.NOTIFICATION_FOLLOWS_BACK): True}}
# This Accept will be a "You started following $actor" notification
_flag_as_notification(activity, new_meta)
_set_flag(new_meta, MetaKey.GC_KEEP)
_set_flag(new_meta, MetaKey.NOTIFICATION_FOLLOWS_BACK, follows_back)
return None
def _follow_set_inbox_flags(activity: ap.Follow, new_meta: _NewMeta) -> None:
"""Handle notification for new followers."""
_logger.info(f"set_inbox_flags activity={activity!r}")
# Check if we're already following this actor
follows_back = False
accept_query = {
raw_accept = DB.activities.find_one(accept_query)
if raw_accept:
follows_back = True
accept_query, {"$set": {_meta(MetaKey.NOTIFICATION_FOLLOWS_BACK): True}}
# This Follow will be a "$actor started following you" notification
_flag_as_notification(activity, new_meta)
_set_flag(new_meta, MetaKey.GC_KEEP)
_set_flag(new_meta, MetaKey.NOTIFICATION_FOLLOWS_BACK, follows_back)
return None
def _like_set_inbox_flags(activity: ap.Like, new_meta: _NewMeta) -> None:
_logger.info(f"set_inbox_flags activity={activity!r}")
# Is it a Like of local acitivty/from the outbox
if _is_from_outbox(activity.get_object()):
# Flag it as a notification
_flag_as_notification(activity, new_meta)
# Cache the object (for display on the notifcation page)
# Also set the "keep mark" for the GC (as we want to keep it forever)
_set_flag(new_meta, MetaKey.GC_KEEP)
return None
def _announce_set_inbox_flags(activity: ap.Announce, new_meta: _NewMeta) -> None:
_logger.info(f"set_inbox_flags activity={activity!r}")
# Is it a Like of local acitivty/from the outbox
if _is_from_outbox(activity.get_object()):
# Flag it as a notification
_flag_as_notification(activity, new_meta)
# Also set the "keep mark" for the GC (as we want to keep it forever)
_set_flag(new_meta, MetaKey.GC_KEEP)
# Display it in the stream
_set_flag(new_meta, MetaKey.STREAM)
return None
def _undo_set_inbox_flags(activity: ap.Undo, new_meta: _NewMeta) -> None:
_logger.info(f"set_inbox_flags activity={activity!r}")
obj = activity.get_object()
if obj.has_type(ap.ActivityType.FOLLOW):
# Flag it as a noticiation (for the "$actor unfollowed you"
_flag_as_notification(activity, new_meta)
# Also set the "keep mark" for the GC (as we want to keep it forever)
_set_flag(new_meta, MetaKey.GC_KEEP)
return None
def _create_set_inbox_flags(activity: ap.Create, new_meta: _NewMeta) -> None:
_logger.info(f"set_inbox_flags activity={activity!r}")
obj = activity.get_object()
_set_flag(new_meta, MetaKey.POLL_ANSWER, False)
in_reply_to = obj.get_in_reply_to()
# Check if it's a local reply
if in_reply_to and _is_local(in_reply_to):
# TODO(tsileo): fetch the reply to check for poll answers more precisely
# reply_of = ap.fetch_remote_activity(in_reply_to)
# Ensure it's not a poll answer
if obj.name and not obj.content:
_set_flag(new_meta, MetaKey.POLL_ANSWER)
return None
# Flag it as a notification
_flag_as_notification(activity, new_meta)
# Also set the "keep mark" for the GC (as we want to keep it forever)
_set_flag(new_meta, MetaKey.GC_KEEP)
return None
# Check for mention
for mention in obj.get_mentions():
if mention.href and _is_local(mention.href):
# Flag it as a notification
_flag_as_notification(activity, new_meta)
# Also set the "keep mark" for the GC (as we want to keep it forever)
_set_flag(new_meta, MetaKey.GC_KEEP)
if not in_reply_to:
# A good candidate for displaying in the stream
_set_flag(new_meta, MetaKey.STREAM)
return None