import time import os import requests from html2text import html2text from utils import activitypub_utils from typing import Tuple from typing import List def resp2plaintext(resp): """Convert the body of a requests reponse to plain text in order to make basic assertions.""" return html2text(resp.text) class Instance(object): """Test instance wrapper.""" def __init__(self, name, host_url, docker_url=None): self.host_url = host_url self.docker_url = docker_url or host_url self._create_delay = 10 with open( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), f'fixtures/{name}/config/admin_api_key.key') ) as f: api_key = self._auth_headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}'} def _do_req(self, url, headers): """Used to parse collection.""" url = url.replace(self.docker_url, self.host_url) resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers) resp.raise_for_status() return resp.json() def _parse_collection(self, payload=None, url=None): """Parses a collection (go through all the pages).""" return activitypub_utils.parse_collection(url=url, payload=payload, do_req=self._do_req) def ping(self): """Ensures the homepage is reachable.""" resp = requests.get(f'{self.host_url}/') resp.raise_for_status() assert resp.status_code == 200 def debug(self): """Returns the debug infos (number of items in the inbox/outbox.""" resp = requests.get( f'{self.host_url}/api/debug', headers={**self._auth_headers, 'Accept': 'application/json'}, ) resp.raise_for_status() return resp.json() def drop_db(self): """Drops the MongoDB DB.""" resp = requests.delete( f'{self.host_url}/api/debug', headers={**self._auth_headers, 'Accept': 'application/json'}, ) resp.raise_for_status() return resp.json() def block(self, actor_url) -> None: """Blocks an actor.""" # Instance1 follows instance2 resp = f'{self.host_url}/api/block', params={'actor': actor_url}, headers=self._auth_headers, ) assert resp.status_code == 201 # We need to wait for the Follow/Accept dance time.sleep(self._create_delay/2) return resp.json().get('activity') def follow(self, instance: 'Instance') -> str: """Follows another instance.""" # Instance1 follows instance2 resp = f'{self.host_url}/api/follow', json={'actor': instance.docker_url}, headers=self._auth_headers, ) assert resp.status_code == 201 # We need to wait for the Follow/Accept dance time.sleep(self._create_delay) return resp.json().get('activity') def new_note(self, content, reply=None) -> str: """Creates a new note.""" params = {'content': content} if reply: params['reply'] = reply resp = f'{self.host_url}/api/new_note', json=params, headers=self._auth_headers, ) assert resp.status_code == 201 time.sleep(self._create_delay) return resp.json().get('activity') def boost(self, oid: str) -> str: """Creates an Announce activity.""" resp = f'{self.host_url}/api/boost', json={'id': oid}, headers=self._auth_headers, ) assert resp.status_code == 201 time.sleep(self._create_delay) return resp.json().get('activity') def like(self, oid: str) -> str: """Creates a Like activity.""" resp = f'{self.host_url}/api/like', json={'id': oid}, headers=self._auth_headers, ) assert resp.status_code == 201 time.sleep(self._create_delay) return resp.json().get('activity') def delete(self, oid: str) -> str: """Creates a Delete activity.""" resp = f'{self.host_url}/api/note/delete', json={'id': oid}, headers=self._auth_headers, ) assert resp.status_code == 201 time.sleep(self._create_delay) return resp.json().get('activity') def undo(self, oid: str) -> str: """Creates a Undo activity.""" resp = f'{self.host_url}/api/undo', json={'id': oid}, headers=self._auth_headers, ) assert resp.status_code == 201 # We need to wait for the Follow/Accept dance time.sleep(self._create_delay) return resp.json().get('activity') def followers(self) -> List[str]: """Parses the followers collection.""" resp = requests.get( f'{self.host_url}/followers', headers={'Accept': 'application/activity+json'}, ) resp.raise_for_status() data = resp.json() return self._parse_collection(payload=data) def following(self): """Parses the following collection.""" resp = requests.get( f'{self.host_url}/following', headers={'Accept': 'application/activity+json'}, ) resp.raise_for_status() data = resp.json() return self._parse_collection(payload=data) def outbox(self): """Returns the instance outbox.""" resp = requests.get( f'{self.host_url}/following', headers={'Accept': 'application/activity+json'}, ) resp.raise_for_status() return resp.json() def outbox_get(self, aid): """Fetches a specific item from the instance outbox.""" resp = requests.get( aid.replace(self.docker_url, self.host_url), headers={'Accept': 'application/activity+json'}, ) resp.raise_for_status() return resp.json() def stream_jsonfeed(self): """Returns the "stream"'s JSON feed.""" resp = requests.get( f'{self.host_url}/api/stream', headers={**self._auth_headers, 'Accept': 'application/json'}, ) resp.raise_for_status() return resp.json() def _instances() -> Tuple[Instance, Instance]: """Initializes the client for the two test instances.""" instance1 = Instance('instance1', 'http://localhost:5006', 'http://instance1_web_1:5005') instance2 = Instance('instance2', 'http://localhost:5007', 'http://instance2_web_1:5005') # Return the DB instance1.drop_db() instance2.drop_db() return instance1, instance2 def test_follow() -> None: """instance1 follows instance2.""" instance1, instance2 = _instances() # Instance1 follows instance2 instance1.follow(instance2) instance1_debug = instance1.debug() assert instance1_debug['inbox'] == 1 # An Accept activity should be there assert instance1_debug['outbox'] == 1 # We've sent a Follow activity instance2_debug = instance2.debug() assert instance2_debug['inbox'] == 1 # An Follow activity should be there assert instance2_debug['outbox'] == 1 # We've sent a Accept activity assert instance2.followers() == [instance1.docker_url] assert instance1.following() == [instance2.docker_url] def test_follow_unfollow(): """instance1 follows instance2, then unfollows it.""" instance1, instance2 = _instances() # Instance1 follows instance2 follow_id = instance1.follow(instance2) instance1_debug = instance1.debug() assert instance1_debug['inbox'] == 1 # An Accept activity should be there assert instance1_debug['outbox'] == 1 # We've sent a Follow activity instance2_debug = instance2.debug() assert instance2_debug['inbox'] == 1 # An Follow activity should be there assert instance2_debug['outbox'] == 1 # We've sent a Accept activity assert instance2.followers() == [instance1.docker_url] assert instance1.following() == [instance2.docker_url] instance1.undo(follow_id) assert instance2.followers() == [] assert instance1.following() == [] instance1_debug = instance1.debug() assert instance1_debug['inbox'] == 1 # An Accept activity should be there assert instance1_debug['outbox'] == 2 # We've sent a Follow and a Undo activity instance2_debug = instance2.debug() assert instance2_debug['inbox'] == 2 # An Follow and Undo activity should be there assert instance2_debug['outbox'] == 1 # We've sent a Accept activity def test_post_content(): """Instances follow each other, and instance1 creates a note.""" instance1, instance2 = _instances() # Instance1 follows instance2 instance1.follow(instance2) instance2.follow(instance1) inbox_stream = instance2.stream_jsonfeed() assert len(inbox_stream['items']) == 0 create_id = instance1.new_note('hello') instance2_debug = instance2.debug() assert instance2_debug['inbox'] == 3 # An Follow, Accept and Create activity should be there assert instance2_debug['outbox'] == 2 # We've sent a Accept and a Follow activity # Ensure the post is visible in instance2's stream inbox_stream = instance2.stream_jsonfeed() assert len(inbox_stream['items']) == 1 assert inbox_stream['items'][0]['id'] == create_id def test_block_and_post_content(): """Instances follow each other, instance2 blocks instance1, instance1 creates a new note.""" instance1, instance2 = _instances() # Instance1 follows instance2 instance1.follow(instance2) instance2.follow(instance1) inbox_stream = instance2.stream_jsonfeed() assert len(inbox_stream['items']) == 0 instance2.block(instance1.docker_url) instance1.new_note('hello') instance2_debug = instance2.debug() assert instance2_debug['inbox'] == 2 # An Follow, Accept activity should be there, Create should have been dropped assert instance2_debug['outbox'] == 3 # We've sent a Accept and a Follow activity + the Block activity # Ensure the post is not visible in instance2's stream inbox_stream = instance2.stream_jsonfeed() assert len(inbox_stream['items']) == 0 def test_post_content_and_delete(): """Instances follow each other, instance1 creates a new note, then deletes it.""" instance1, instance2 = _instances() # Instance1 follows instance2 instance1.follow(instance2) instance2.follow(instance1) inbox_stream = instance2.stream_jsonfeed() assert len(inbox_stream['items']) == 0 create_id = instance1.new_note('hello') instance2_debug = instance2.debug() assert instance2_debug['inbox'] == 3 # An Follow, Accept and Create activity should be there assert instance2_debug['outbox'] == 2 # We've sent a Accept and a Follow activity # Ensure the post is visible in instance2's stream inbox_stream = instance2.stream_jsonfeed() assert len(inbox_stream['items']) == 1 assert inbox_stream['items'][0]['id'] == create_id instance1.delete(f'{create_id}/activity') instance2_debug = instance2.debug() assert instance2_debug['inbox'] == 4 # An Follow, Accept and Create and Delete activity should be there assert instance2_debug['outbox'] == 2 # We've sent a Accept and a Follow activity # Ensure the post has been delete from instance2's stream inbox_stream = instance2.stream_jsonfeed() assert len(inbox_stream['items']) == 0 def test_post_content_and_like(): """Instances follow each other, instance1 creates a new note, instance2 likes it.""" instance1, instance2 = _instances() # Instance1 follows instance2 instance1.follow(instance2) instance2.follow(instance1) create_id = instance1.new_note('hello') # Ensure the post is visible in instance2's stream inbox_stream = instance2.stream_jsonfeed() assert len(inbox_stream['items']) == 1 assert inbox_stream['items'][0]['id'] == create_id # Now, instance2 like the note like_id ='{create_id}/activity') instance1_debug = instance1.debug() assert instance1_debug['inbox'] == 3 # Follow, Accept and Like assert instance1_debug['outbox'] == 3 # Folllow, Accept, and Create note = instance1.outbox_get(f'{create_id}/activity') assert 'likes' in note assert note['likes']['totalItems'] == 1 likes = instance1._parse_collection(url=note['likes']['first']) assert len(likes) == 1 assert likes[0]['id'] == like_id def test_post_content_and_like_unlike() -> None: """Instances follow each other, instance1 creates a new note, instance2 likes it, then unlikes it.""" instance1, instance2 = _instances() # Instance1 follows instance2 instance1.follow(instance2) instance2.follow(instance1) create_id = instance1.new_note('hello') # Ensure the post is visible in instance2's stream inbox_stream = instance2.stream_jsonfeed() assert len(inbox_stream['items']) == 1 assert inbox_stream['items'][0]['id'] == create_id # Now, instance2 like the note like_id ='{create_id}/activity') instance1_debug = instance1.debug() assert instance1_debug['inbox'] == 3 # Follow, Accept and Like assert instance1_debug['outbox'] == 3 # Folllow, Accept, and Create note = instance1.outbox_get(f'{create_id}/activity') assert 'likes' in note assert note['likes']['totalItems'] == 1 likes = instance1._parse_collection(url=note['likes']['first']) assert len(likes) == 1 assert likes[0]['id'] == like_id instance2.undo(like_id) instance1_debug = instance1.debug() assert instance1_debug['inbox'] == 4 # Follow, Accept and Like and Undo assert instance1_debug['outbox'] == 3 # Folllow, Accept, and Create note = instance1.outbox_get(f'{create_id}/activity') assert 'likes' in note assert note['likes']['totalItems'] == 0 def test_post_content_and_boost() -> None: """Instances follow each other, instance1 creates a new note, instance2 "boost" it.""" instance1, instance2 = _instances() # Instance1 follows instance2 instance1.follow(instance2) instance2.follow(instance1) create_id = instance1.new_note('hello') # Ensure the post is visible in instance2's stream inbox_stream = instance2.stream_jsonfeed() assert len(inbox_stream['items']) == 1 assert inbox_stream['items'][0]['id'] == create_id # Now, instance2 like the note boost_id = instance2.boost(f'{create_id}/activity') instance1_debug = instance1.debug() assert instance1_debug['inbox'] == 3 # Follow, Accept and Announce assert instance1_debug['outbox'] == 3 # Folllow, Accept, and Create note = instance1.outbox_get(f'{create_id}/activity') assert 'shares' in note assert note['shares']['totalItems'] == 1 shares = instance1._parse_collection(url=note['shares']['first']) assert len(shares) == 1 assert shares[0]['id'] == boost_id def test_post_content_and_boost_unboost() -> None: """Instances follow each other, instance1 creates a new note, instance2 "boost" it, then "unboost" it.""" instance1, instance2 = _instances() # Instance1 follows instance2 instance1.follow(instance2) instance2.follow(instance1) create_id = instance1.new_note('hello') # Ensure the post is visible in instance2's stream inbox_stream = instance2.stream_jsonfeed() assert len(inbox_stream['items']) == 1 assert inbox_stream['items'][0]['id'] == create_id # Now, instance2 like the note boost_id = instance2.boost(f'{create_id}/activity') instance1_debug = instance1.debug() assert instance1_debug['inbox'] == 3 # Follow, Accept and Announce assert instance1_debug['outbox'] == 3 # Folllow, Accept, and Create note = instance1.outbox_get(f'{create_id}/activity') assert 'shares' in note assert note['shares']['totalItems'] == 1 shares = instance1._parse_collection(url=note['shares']['first']) assert len(shares) == 1 assert shares[0]['id'] == boost_id instance2.undo(boost_id) instance1_debug = instance1.debug() assert instance1_debug['inbox'] == 4 # Follow, Accept and Announce and Undo assert instance1_debug['outbox'] == 3 # Folllow, Accept, and Create note = instance1.outbox_get(f'{create_id}/activity') assert 'shares' in note assert note['shares']['totalItems'] == 0 def test_post_content_and_post_reply() -> None: """Instances follow each other, instance1 creates a new note, instance2 replies to it.""" instance1, instance2 = _instances() # Instance1 follows instance2 instance1.follow(instance2) instance2.follow(instance1) inbox_stream = instance2.stream_jsonfeed() assert len(inbox_stream['items']) == 0 instance1_create_id = instance1.new_note('hello') instance2_debug = instance2.debug() assert instance2_debug['inbox'] == 3 # An Follow, Accept and Create activity should be there assert instance2_debug['outbox'] == 2 # We've sent a Accept and a Follow activity # Ensure the post is visible in instance2's stream instance2_inbox_stream = instance2.stream_jsonfeed() assert len(instance2_inbox_stream['items']) == 1 assert instance2_inbox_stream['items'][0]['id'] == instance1_create_id instance2_create_id = instance2.new_note( f'hey @instance1@{instance1.docker_url}', reply=f'{instance1_create_id}/activity', ) instance2_debug = instance2.debug() assert instance2_debug['inbox'] == 3 # An Follow, Accept and Create activity should be there assert instance2_debug['outbox'] == 3 # We've sent a Accept and a Follow and a Create activity instance1_debug = instance1.debug() assert instance1_debug['inbox'] == 3 # An Follow, Accept and Create activity should be there assert instance1_debug['outbox'] == 3 # We've sent a Accept and a Follow and a Create activity instance1_inbox_stream = instance1.stream_jsonfeed() assert len(instance1_inbox_stream['items']) == 1 assert instance1_inbox_stream['items'][0]['id'] == instance2_create_id instance1_note = instance1.outbox_get(f'{instance1_create_id}/activity') assert 'replies' in instance1_note assert instance1_note['replies']['totalItems'] == 1 replies = instance1._parse_collection(url=instance1_note['replies']['first']) assert len(replies) == 1 assert replies[0]['id'] == f'{instance2_create_id}/activity' def test_post_content_and_post_reply_and_delete() -> None: """Instances follow each other, instance1 creates a new note, instance2 replies to it, then deletes its reply.""" instance1, instance2 = _instances() # Instance1 follows instance2 instance1.follow(instance2) instance2.follow(instance1) inbox_stream = instance2.stream_jsonfeed() assert len(inbox_stream['items']) == 0 instance1_create_id = instance1.new_note('hello') instance2_debug = instance2.debug() assert instance2_debug['inbox'] == 3 # An Follow, Accept and Create activity should be there assert instance2_debug['outbox'] == 2 # We've sent a Accept and a Follow activity # Ensure the post is visible in instance2's stream instance2_inbox_stream = instance2.stream_jsonfeed() assert len(instance2_inbox_stream['items']) == 1 assert instance2_inbox_stream['items'][0]['id'] == instance1_create_id instance2_create_id = instance2.new_note( f'hey @instance1@{instance1.docker_url}', reply=f'{instance1_create_id}/activity', ) instance2_debug = instance2.debug() assert instance2_debug['inbox'] == 3 # An Follow, Accept and Create activity should be there assert instance2_debug['outbox'] == 3 # We've sent a Accept and a Follow and a Create activity instance1_debug = instance1.debug() assert instance1_debug['inbox'] == 3 # An Follow, Accept and Create activity should be there assert instance1_debug['outbox'] == 3 # We've sent a Accept and a Follow and a Create activity instance1_inbox_stream = instance1.stream_jsonfeed() assert len(instance1_inbox_stream['items']) == 1 assert instance1_inbox_stream['items'][0]['id'] == instance2_create_id instance1_note = instance1.outbox_get(f'{instance1_create_id}/activity') assert 'replies' in instance1_note assert instance1_note['replies']['totalItems'] == 1 instance2.delete(f'{instance2_create_id}/activity') instance1_debug = instance1.debug() assert instance1_debug['inbox'] == 4 # An Follow, Accept and Create and Delete activity should be there assert instance1_debug['outbox'] == 3 # We've sent a Accept and a Follow and a Create activity instance1_note = instance1.outbox_get(f'{instance1_create_id}/activity') assert 'replies' in instance1_note assert instance1_note['replies']['totalItems'] == 0