import json import binascii import os from datetime import datetime from enum import Enum import requests from bson.objectid import ObjectId from html2text import html2text from feedgen.feed import FeedGenerator from utils.linked_data_sig import generate_signature from utils.actor_service import NotAnActorError from config import USERNAME, BASE_URL, ID from config import CTX_AS, CTX_SECURITY, AS_PUBLIC from config import KEY, DB, ME, ACTOR_SERVICE from config import OBJECT_SERVICE from config import PUBLIC_INSTANCES import tasks from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Any, Union from typing import TypeVar A = TypeVar('A', bound='BaseActivity') ObjectType = Dict[str, Any] ObjectOrIDType = Union[str, ObjectType] class ActivityTypes(Enum): ANNOUNCE = 'Announce' BLOCK = 'Block' LIKE = 'Like' CREATE = 'Create' UPDATE = 'Update' PERSON = 'Person' ORDERED_COLLECTION = 'OrderedCollection' ORDERED_COLLECTION_PAGE = 'OrderedCollectionPage' COLLECTION_PAGE = 'CollectionPage' COLLECTION = 'Collection' NOTE = 'Note' ACCEPT = 'Accept' REJECT = 'Reject' FOLLOW = 'Follow' DELETE = 'Delete' UNDO = 'Undo' IMAGE = 'Image' TOMBSTONE = 'Tombstone' def random_object_id() -> str: return binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(8)).decode('utf-8') def _remove_id(doc: ObjectType) -> ObjectType: doc = doc.copy() if '_id' in doc: del(doc['_id']) return doc def _to_list(data: Union[List[Any], Any]) -> List[Any]: if isinstance(data, list): return data return [data] def clean_activity(activity: ObjectType) -> Dict[str, Any]: # Remove the hidden bco and bcc field for field in ['bto', 'bcc']: if field in activity: del(activity[field]) if activity['type'] == 'Create' and field in activity['object']: del(activity['object'][field]) return activity def _get_actor_id(actor: ObjectOrIDType) -> str: if isinstance(actor, dict): return actor['id'] return actor class BaseActivity(object): ACTIVITY_TYPE = None # type: Optional[ActivityTypes] NO_CONTEXT = False ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES = None # type: List[ActivityTypes] def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: if not self.ACTIVITY_TYPE: raise ValueError('Missing ACTIVITY_TYPE') if kwargs.get('type') is not None and kwargs.pop('type') != self.ACTIVITY_TYPE.value: raise ValueError('Expect the type to be {}'.format(self.ACTIVITY_TYPE)) self._data = {'type': self.ACTIVITY_TYPE.value} # type: Dict[str, Any] if 'id' in kwargs: self._data['id'] = kwargs.pop('id') if self.ACTIVITY_TYPE != ActivityTypes.PERSON: actor = kwargs.get('actor') if actor: kwargs.pop('actor') actor = self._validate_person(actor) self._data['actor'] = actor else: if not self.NO_CONTEXT: actor = ID self._data['actor'] = actor if 'object' in kwargs: obj = kwargs.pop('object') if isinstance(obj, str): self._data['object'] = obj else: if not self.ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES: raise ValueError('unexpected object') if 'type' not in obj or (self.ACTIVITY_TYPE != ActivityTypes.CREATE and 'id' not in obj): raise ValueError('invalid object') if ActivityTypes(obj['type']) not in self.ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES: print(self, kwargs) raise ValueError(f'unexpected object type {obj["type"]} (allowed={self.ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES})') self._data['object'] = obj if '@context' not in kwargs: if not self.NO_CONTEXT: self._data['@context'] = CTX_AS else: self._data['@context'] = kwargs.pop('@context') # @context check if not self.NO_CONTEXT: if not isinstance(self._data['@context'], list): self._data['@context'] = [self._data['@context']] if CTX_SECURITY not in self._data['@context']: self._data['@context'].append(CTX_SECURITY) if isinstance(self._data['@context'][-1], dict): self._data['@context'][-1]['Hashtag'] = 'as:Hashtag' self._data['@context'][-1]['sensitive'] = 'as:sensitive' else: self._data['@context'].append({'Hashtag': 'as:Hashtag', 'sensitive': 'as:sensitive'}) allowed_keys = None try: allowed_keys = self._init(**kwargs) except NotImplementedError: pass if allowed_keys: # Allows an extra to (like for Accept and Follow) kwargs.pop('to', None) if len(set(kwargs.keys()) - set(allowed_keys)) > 0: raise ValueError('extra data left: {}'.format(kwargs)) else: # Remove keys with `None` value valid_kwargs = {} for k, v in kwargs.items(): if v is None: break valid_kwargs[k] = v self._data.update(**valid_kwargs) def _init(self, **kwargs) -> Optional[List[str]]: raise NotImplementedError def _verify(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError def verify(self) -> None: try: self._verify() except NotImplementedError: pass def __repr__(self) -> str: return '{}({!r})'.format(self.__class__.__qualname__, self._data.get('id')) def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self._data['id']) def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: if self._data.get(name): return self._data.get(name) @property def type_enum(self) -> ActivityTypes: return ActivityTypes(self.type) def _set_id(self, uri: str, obj_id: str) -> None: raise NotImplementedError def set_id(self, uri: str, obj_id: str) -> None: self._data['id'] = uri try: self._set_id(uri, obj_id) except NotImplementedError: pass def _actor_id(self, obj: ObjectOrIDType) -> str: if isinstance(obj, dict) and obj['type'] == ActivityTypes.PERSON.value: obj_id = obj.get('id') if not obj_id: raise ValueError('missing object id') return obj_id else: return str(obj) def _validate_person(self, obj: ObjectOrIDType) -> str: obj_id = self._actor_id(obj) try: actor = ACTOR_SERVICE.get(obj_id) except Exception: return obj_id # FIXME(tsileo): handle this if not actor: raise ValueError('Invalid actor') return actor['id'] def get_object(self) -> 'BaseActivity': if self.__obj: return self.__obj if isinstance(self._data['object'], dict): p = parse_activity(self._data['object']) else: if self.ACTIVITY_TYPE == ActivityTypes.FOLLOW: p = Person(**ACTOR_SERVICE.get(self._data['object'])) else: obj = OBJECT_SERVICE.get(self._data['object']) if ActivityTypes(obj.get('type')) not in self.ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES: raise ValueError('invalid object type') p = parse_activity(obj) self.__obj = p # type: BaseActivity return p def _to_dict(self, data: ObjectType) -> ObjectType: return data def to_dict(self, embed: bool = False) -> ObjectType: data = dict(self._data) if embed: for k in ['@context', 'signature']: if k in data: del(data[k]) return self._to_dict(data) def get_actor(self) -> 'BaseActivity': actor = self._data.get('actor') if not actor: if self.type_enum == ActivityTypes.NOTE: actor = str(self._data.get('attributedTo')) else: raise ValueError('failed to fetch actor') actor_id = self._actor_id(actor) return Person(**ACTOR_SERVICE.get(actor_id)) def _post_to_outbox(self, obj_id: str, activity: ObjectType, recipients: List[str]) -> None: raise NotImplementedError def _undo_outbox(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError def _process_from_inbox(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError def _undo_inbox(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError def process_from_inbox(self) -> None: self.verify() actor = self.get_actor() if DB.outbox.find_one({'type': ActivityTypes.BLOCK.value, 'activity.object':, 'meta.undo': False}): print('actor is blocked, drop activity') return if DB.inbox.find_one({'remote_id':}): # The activity is already in the inbox print('received duplicate activity') return activity = self.to_dict() DB.inbox.insert_one({ 'activity': activity, 'type': self.type, 'remote_id':, 'meta': {'undo': False, 'deleted': False}, }) try: self._process_from_inbox() except NotImplementedError: pass def post_to_outbox(self) -> None: obj_id = random_object_id() self.set_id(f'{ID}/outbox/{obj_id}', obj_id) self.verify() activity = self.to_dict() DB.outbox.insert_one({ 'id': obj_id, 'activity': activity, 'type': self.type, 'remote_id':, 'meta': {'undo': False, 'deleted': False}, }) recipients = self.recipients() activity = clean_activity(activity) try: self._post_to_outbox(obj_id, activity, recipients) except NotImplementedError: pass generate_signature(activity, KEY.privkey) payload = json.dumps(activity) print('will post') for recp in recipients: self._post_to_inbox(payload, recp) print('done') def _post_to_inbox(self, payload: str, to: str): tasks.post_to_inbox.delay(payload, to) def _recipients(self) -> List[str]: return [] def recipients(self) -> List[str]: recipients = self._recipients() out = [] # type: List[str] for recipient in recipients: if recipient in PUBLIC_INSTANCES: if recipient not in out: out.append(str(recipient)) continue if recipient in [ME, AS_PUBLIC, None]: continue if isinstance(recipient, Person): if == ME: continue actor = recipient else: try: actor = Person(**ACTOR_SERVICE.get(recipient)) except NotAnActorError as error: # Is the activity a `Collection`/`OrderedCollection`? if error.activity and error.activity['type'] in [ActivityTypes.COLLECTION.value, ActivityTypes.ORDERED_COLLECTION.value]: for item in parse_collection(error.activity): if item in [ME, AS_PUBLIC]: continue try: col_actor = Person(**ACTOR_SERVICE.get(item)) except NotAnActorError: pass if col_actor.endpoints: shared_inbox = col_actor.endpoints.get('sharedInbox') if shared_inbox not in out: out.append(shared_inbox) continue if col_actor.inbox and col_actor.inbox not in out: out.append(col_actor.inbox) continue if actor.endpoints: shared_inbox = actor.endpoints.get('sharedInbox') if shared_inbox not in out: out.append(shared_inbox) continue if actor.inbox and actor.inbox not in out: out.append(actor.inbox) return out def build_undo(self) -> 'BaseActivity': raise NotImplementedError class Person(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityTypes.PERSON def _init(self, **kwargs): # if 'icon' in kwargs: # self._data['icon'] = Image(**kwargs.pop('icon')) pass def _verify(self) -> None: ACTOR_SERVICE.get(self._data['id']) def _to_dict(self, data): # if 'icon' in data: # data['icon'] = data['icon'].to_dict() return data class Block(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityTypes.BLOCK class Collection(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityTypes.COLLECTION class Image(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityTypes.IMAGE NO_CONTEXT = True def _init(self, **kwargs): self._data.update( url=kwargs.pop('url'), ) def __repr__(self): return 'Image({!r})'.format(self._data.get('url')) class Follow(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityTypes.FOLLOW ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES = [ActivityTypes.PERSON] def _build_reply(self, reply_type: ActivityTypes) -> BaseActivity: if reply_type == ActivityTypes.ACCEPT: return Accept( object=self.to_dict(embed=True), ) raise ValueError(f'type {reply_type} is invalid for building a reply') def _recipients(self) -> List[str]: return [self.get_object().id] def _process_from_inbox(self) -> None: accept = self.build_accept() accept.post_to_outbox() remote_actor = self.get_actor().id if DB.followers.find({'remote_actor': remote_actor}).count() == 0: DB.followers.insert_one({'remote_actor': remote_actor}) def _undo_inbox(self) -> None: DB.followers.delete_one({'remote_actor': self.get_actor().id}) def build_accept(self) -> BaseActivity: return self._build_reply(ActivityTypes.ACCEPT) def build_undo(self) -> BaseActivity: return Undo(object=self.to_dict(embed=True)) class Accept(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityTypes.ACCEPT ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES = [ActivityTypes.FOLLOW] def _recipients(self) -> List[str]: return [self.get_object().get_actor().id] def _process_from_inbox(self) -> None: remote_actor = self.get_actor().id if DB.following.find({'remote_actor': remote_actor}).count() == 0: DB.following.insert_one({'remote_actor': remote_actor}) class Undo(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityTypes.UNDO ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES = [ActivityTypes.FOLLOW, ActivityTypes.LIKE, ActivityTypes.ANNOUNCE] def _recipients(self) -> List[str]: obj = self.get_object() if obj.type_enum == ActivityTypes.FOLLOW: return [obj.get_object().id] else: return [obj.get_object().get_actor().id] # TODO(tsileo): handle like and announce raise Exception('TODO') def _process_from_inbox(self) -> None: obj = self.get_object() DB.inbox.update_one({'remote_id':}, {'$set': {'meta.undo': True}}) try: obj._undo_inbox() except NotImplementedError: pass def _post_to_outbox(self, obj_id: str, activity: ObjectType, recipients: List[str]) -> None: obj = self.get_object() DB.outbox.update_one({'remote_id':}, {'$set': {'meta.undo': True}}) try: obj._undo_outbox() except NotImplementedError: pass class Like(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityTypes.LIKE ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES = [ActivityTypes.NOTE] def _recipients(self) -> List[str]: return [self.get_object().get_actor().id] def _process_from_inbox(self): obj = self.get_object() # Update the meta counter if the object is published by the server DB.outbox.update_one({'':}, {'$inc': {'meta.count_like': 1}}) def _undo_inbox(self) -> None: obj = self.get_object() # Update the meta counter if the object is published by the server DB.outbox.update_one({'':}, {'$inc': {'meta.count_like': -1}}) def _post_to_outbox(self, obj_id: str, activity: ObjectType, recipients: List[str]): obj = self.get_object() # Unlikely, but an actor can like it's own post DB.outbox.update_one({'':}, {'$inc': {'meta.count_like': 1}}) DB.inbox.update_one({'':}, {'$set': {'meta.liked': obj_id}}) def _undo_outbox(self) -> None: obj = self.get_object() # Unlikely, but an actor can like it's own post DB.outbox.update_one({'':}, {'$inc': {'meta.count_like': -1}}) DB.inbox.update_one({'':}, {'$set': {'meta.liked': False}}) def build_undo(self) -> BaseActivity: return Undo(object=self.to_dict(embed=True)) class Announce(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityTypes.ANNOUNCE ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES = [ActivityTypes.NOTE] def _recipients(self) -> List[str]: recipients = [] for field in ['to', 'cc']: if field in self._data: recipients.extend(_to_list(self._data[field])) return recipients def _process_from_inbox(self) -> None: if isinstance(self._data['object'], str) and not self._data['object'].startswith('http'): # TODO(tsileo): actually drop it without storing it and better logging, also move the check somewhere else print(f'received an Annouce referencing an OStatus notice ({self._data["object"]}), dropping the message') return # Save/cache the object, and make it part of the stream so we can fetch it if isinstance(self._data['object'], str): raw_obj = OBJECT_SERVICE.get( self._data['object'], reload_cache=True, part_of_stream=True, announce_published=self._data['published'], ) obj = parse_activity(raw_obj) else: obj = self.get_object() DB.outbox.update_one({'':}, {'$inc': {'meta.count_boost': 1}}) def _undo_inbox(self) -> None: obj = self.get_object() DB.inbox.update_one({'remote_id':}, {'$set': {'meta.undo': True}}) DB.outbox.update_one({'':}, {'$inc': {'meta.count_boost': -1}}) def _post_to_outbox(self, obj_id: str, activity: ObjectType, recipients: List[str]) -> None: if isinstance(self._data['object'], str): # Put the object in the cache OBJECT_SERVICE.get( self._data['object'], reload_cache=True, part_of_stream=True, announce_published=self._data['published'], ) obj = self.get_object() DB.inbox.update_one({'':}, {'$set': {'meta.boosted': obj_id}}) def _undo_outbox(self) -> None: obj = self.get_object() DB.inbox.update_one({'':}, {'$set': {'meta.boosted': False}}) def build_undo(self) -> BaseActivity: return Undo(object=self.to_dict(embed=True)) class Delete(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityTypes.DELETE ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES = [ActivityTypes.NOTE, ActivityTypes.TOMBSTONE] def _recipients(self) -> List[str]: return self.get_object().recipients() def _process_from_inbox(self): DB.inbox.update_one({'': self.get_object().id}, {'$set': {'meta.deleted': True}}) # TODO(tsileo): also delete copies stored in parents' `meta.replies` def _post_to_outbox(self, obj_id, activity, recipients): DB.outbox.update_one({'': self.get_object().id}, {'$set': {'meta.deleted': True}}) class Update(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityTypes.UPDATE ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES = [ActivityTypes.NOTE, ActivityTypes.PERSON] # TODO(tsileo): ensure the actor updating is the same as the orinial activity # (ensuring that the Update and its object are of same origin) def _process_from_inbox(self): obj = self.get_object() if obj.type_enum == ActivityTypes.NOTE: DB.inbox.update_one({'':}, {'$set': {'activity.object': obj.to_dict()}}) return # If the object is a Person, it means the profile was updated, we just refresh our local cache ACTOR_SERVICE.get(, reload_cache=True) def _post_to_outbox(self, obj_id: str, activity: ObjectType, recipients: List[str]) -> None: obj = self.get_object() update_prefix = 'activity.object.' update = {'$set': dict(), '$unset': dict()} # type: Dict[str, Any] update['$set'][f'{update_prefix}updated'] = datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() + 'Z' for k, v in obj._data.items(): if k in ['id', 'type']: continue if v is None: update['$unset'][f'{update_prefix}{k}'] = '' else: update['$set'][f'{update_prefix}{k}'] = v if len(update['$unset']) == 0: del(update['$unset']) DB.outbox.update_one({'remote_id':'/activity', '')}, update) # FIXME(tsileo): should send an Update (but not a partial one, to all the note's recipients # (create a new Update with the result of the update, and send it without saving it?) class Create(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityTypes.CREATE ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES = [ActivityTypes.NOTE] def _set_id(self, uri: str, obj_id: str) -> None: self._data['object']['id'] = uri + '/activity' self._data['object']['url'] = ID + '/' + self.get_object().type.lower() + '/' + obj_id def _init(self, **kwargs): obj = self.get_object() if not obj.attributedTo: self._data['object']['attributedTo'] = self.get_actor().id if not obj.published: if self.published: self._data['object']['published'] = self.published else: now = datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() + 'Z' self._data['published'] = now self._data['object']['published'] = now def _recipients(self) -> List[str]: # TODO(tsileo): audience support? recipients = [] for field in ['to', 'cc', 'bto', 'bcc']: if field in self._data: recipients.extend(_to_list(self._data[field])) recipients.extend(self.get_object()._recipients()) return recipients def _process_from_inbox(self): obj = self.get_object() tasks.fetch_og.delay('INBOX', in_reply_to = obj.inReplyTo if in_reply_to: parent = DB.inbox.find_one({'activity.type': 'Create', '': in_reply_to}) if not parent: DB.outbox.update_one( {'': in_reply_to}, {'$inc': {'meta.count_reply': 1}}, ) return # If the note is a "reply of a reply" update the parent message # TODO(tsileo): review this code while parent: DB.inbox.update_one({'_id': parent['_id']}, {'$push': {'meta.replies': self.to_dict()}}) in_reply_to = parent.get('activity', {}).get('object', {}).get('inReplyTo') if in_reply_to: parent = DB.inbox.find_one({'activity.type': 'Create', '': in_reply_to}) if parent is None: # The reply is a note from the outbox DB.outbox.update_one( {'': in_reply_to}, {'$inc': {'meta.count_reply': 1}}, ) else: parent = None class Tombstone(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityTypes.TOMBSTONE class Note(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityTypes.NOTE def _init(self, **kwargs): print(self._data) # Remove the `actor` field as `attributedTo` is used for `Note` instead if 'actor' in self._data: del(self._data['actor']) # FIXME(tsileo): use kwarg # TODO(tsileo): support mention tag # TODO(tisleo): implement the tag endpoint if 'sensitive' not in kwargs: self._data['sensitive'] = False # FIXME(tsileo): add the tag in CC # for t in kwargs.get('tag', []): # if t['type'] == 'Mention': # cc -> c['href'] def _recipients(self) -> List[str]: # TODO(tsileo): audience support? recipients = [] # type: List[str] # If the note is public, we publish it to the defined "public instances" if AS_PUBLIC in self._data.get('to', []): recipients.extend(PUBLIC_INSTANCES) print('publishing to public instances') print(recipients) for field in ['to', 'cc', 'bto', 'bcc']: if field in self._data: recipients.extend(_to_list(self._data[field])) return recipients def build_create(self) -> BaseActivity: """Wraps an activity in a Create activity.""" create_payload = { 'object': self.to_dict(embed=True), 'actor': self.attributedTo or ME, } for field in ['published', 'to', 'bto', 'cc', 'bcc', 'audience']: if field in self._data: create_payload[field] = self._data[field] return Create(**create_payload) def build_like(self) -> BaseActivity: return Like( def build_announce(self) -> BaseActivity: return Announce(, to=[AS_PUBLIC], cc=[ID+'/followers', self.attributedTo], published=datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() + 'Z', ) _ACTIVITY_TYPE_TO_CLS = { ActivityTypes.IMAGE: Image, ActivityTypes.PERSON: Person, ActivityTypes.FOLLOW: Follow, ActivityTypes.ACCEPT: Accept, ActivityTypes.UNDO: Undo, ActivityTypes.LIKE: Like, ActivityTypes.ANNOUNCE: Announce, ActivityTypes.UPDATE: Update, ActivityTypes.DELETE: Delete, ActivityTypes.CREATE: Create, ActivityTypes.NOTE: Note, ActivityTypes.BLOCK: Block, ActivityTypes.COLLECTION: Collection, ActivityTypes.TOMBSTONE: Tombstone, } def parse_activity(payload: ObjectType) -> BaseActivity: t = ActivityTypes(payload['type']) if t not in _ACTIVITY_TYPE_TO_CLS: raise ValueError('unsupported activity type') return _ACTIVITY_TYPE_TO_CLS[t](**payload) def gen_feed(): fg = FeedGenerator()'{ID}') fg.title(f'{USERNAME} notes'){'name': USERNAME, 'email': ''}), rel='alternate') fg.description(f'{USERNAME} notes') fg.logo(ME.get('icon', {}).get('url')) fg.language('en') for item in DB.outbox.find({'type': 'Create'}, limit=50): fe = fg.add_entry()['activity']['object'].get('url'))['activity']['object'].get('url')) fe.title(item['activity']['object']['content']) fe.description(item['activity']['object']['content']) return fg def json_feed(path: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """JSON Feed ( document.""" data = [] for item in DB.outbox.find({'type': 'Create'}, limit=50): data.append({ "id": item["id"], "url": item['activity']['object'].get('url'), "content_html": item['activity']['object']['content'], "content_text": html2text(item['activity']['object']['content']), "date_published": item['activity']['object'].get('published'), }) return { "version": "", "user_comment": ("This is a microblog feed. You can add this to your feed reader using the following URL: " + ID + path), "title": USERNAME, "home_page_url": ID, "feed_url": ID + path, "author": { "name": USERNAME, "url": ID, "avatar": ME.get('icon', {}).get('url'), }, "items": data, } def build_inbox_json_feed(path: str, request_cursor: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: data = [] cursor = None q = {'type': 'Create'} # type: Dict[str, Any] if request_cursor: q['_id'] = {'$lt': request_cursor} for item in DB.inbox.find(q, limit=50).sort('_id', -1): actor = ACTOR_SERVICE.get(item['activity']['actor']) data.append({ "id": item["activity"]["id"], "url": item['activity']['object'].get('url'), "content_html": item['activity']['object']['content'], "content_text": html2text(item['activity']['object']['content']), "date_published": item['activity']['object'].get('published'), "author": { "name": actor.get('name', actor.get('preferredUsername')), "url": actor.get('url'), 'avatar': actor.get('icon', {}).get('url'), }, }) cursor = str(item['_id']) resp = { "version": "", "title": f'{USERNAME}\'s stream', "home_page_url": ID, "feed_url": ID + path, "items": data, } if cursor and len(data) == 50: resp['next_url'] = ID + path + '?cursor=' + cursor return resp def parse_collection(payload: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, url: Optional[str] = None) -> List[str]: """Resolve/fetch a `Collection`/`OrderedCollection`.""" # Resolve internal collections via MongoDB directly if url == ID + '/followers': return [doc['remote_actor'] for doc in DB.followers.find()] elif url == ID + '/following': return [doc['remote_actor'] for doc in DB.following.find()] # Go through all the pages out = [] # type: List[str] if url: resp = requests.get(url, headers={'Accept': 'application/activity+json'}) resp.raise_for_status() payload = resp.json() if not payload: raise ValueError('must at least prove a payload or an URL') if payload['type'] in ['Collection', 'OrderedCollection']: if 'orderedItems' in payload: return payload['orderedItems'] if 'items' in payload: return payload['items'] if 'first' in payload: if 'orderedItems' in payload['first']: out.extend(payload['first']['orderedItems']) if 'items' in payload['first']: out.extend(payload['first']['items']) n = payload['first'].get('next') if n: out.extend(parse_collection(url=n)) return out while payload: if payload['type'] in ['CollectionPage', 'OrderedCollectionPage']: if 'orderedItems' in payload: out.extend(payload['orderedItems']) if 'items' in payload: out.extend(payload['items']) n = payload.get('next') if n is None: break resp = requests.get(n, headers={'Accept': 'application/activity+json'}) resp.raise_for_status() payload = resp.json() else: raise Exception('unexpected activity type {}'.format(payload['type'])) return out def build_ordered_collection(col, q=None, cursor=None, map_func=None, limit=50, col_name=None): col_name = col_name or if q is None: q = {} if cursor: q['_id'] = {'$lt': ObjectId(cursor)} data = list(col.find(q, limit=limit).sort('_id', -1)) if not data: return { 'id': BASE_URL + '/' + col_name, 'totalItems': 0, 'type': 'OrderedCollection', 'orederedItems': [], } start_cursor = str(data[0]['_id']) next_page_cursor = str(data[-1]['_id']) total_items = col.find(q).count() data = [_remove_id(doc) for doc in data] if map_func: data = [map_func(doc) for doc in data] # No cursor, this is the first page and we return an OrderedCollection if not cursor: resp = { '@context': CTX_AS, 'id': f'{BASE_URL}/{col_name}', 'totalItems': total_items, 'type': 'OrderedCollection', 'first': { 'id': f'{BASE_URL}/{col_name}?cursor={start_cursor}', 'orderedItems': data, 'partOf': f'{BASE_URL}/{col_name}', 'totalItems': total_items, 'type': 'OrderedCollectionPage' }, } if len(data) == limit: resp['first']['next'] = BASE_URL + '/' + col_name + '?cursor=' + next_page_cursor return resp # If there's a cursor, then we return an OrderedCollectionPage resp = { '@context': CTX_AS, 'type': 'OrderedCollectionPage', 'id': BASE_URL + '/' + col_name + '?cursor=' + start_cursor, 'totalItems': total_items, 'partOf': BASE_URL + '/' + col_name, 'orderedItems': data, } if len(data) == limit: resp['next'] = BASE_URL + '/' + col_name + '?cursor=' + next_page_cursor return resp