import json import logging import os import random import requests from celery import Celery from little_boxes import activitypub as ap from little_boxes.errors import ActivityGoneError from little_boxes.errors import ActivityNotFoundError from little_boxes.errors import NotAnActivityError from little_boxes.httpsig import HTTPSigAuth from little_boxes.linked_data_sig import generate_signature from requests.exceptions import HTTPError import activitypub from activitypub import Box from config import DB from config import HEADERS from config import ME from config import ID from config import KEY from config import MEDIA_CACHE from config import USER_AGENT from config import BASE_URL from utils import opengraph from import Kind log = logging.getLogger(__name__) app = Celery( "tasks", broker=os.getenv("MICROBLOGPUB_AMQP_BROKER", "pyamqp://guest@localhost//") ) SigAuth = HTTPSigAuth(KEY) back = activitypub.MicroblogPubBackend() ap.use_backend(back) MY_PERSON = ap.Person(**ME) @app.task(bind=True, max_retries=12) # noqa: C901 def process_new_activity(self, iri: str) -> None: """Process an activity received in the inbox""" try: activity = ap.fetch_remote_activity(iri)"activity={activity!r}") # Is the activity expected? # following = ap.get_backend().following() should_forward = False should_delete = False tag_stream = False if activity.has_type(ap.ActivityType.ANNOUNCE): try: activity.get_object() tag_stream = True except NotAnActivityError: # Most likely on OStatus notice tag_stream = False should_delete = True except (ActivityGoneError, ActivityNotFoundError): # The announced activity is deleted/gone, drop it should_delete = True elif activity.has_type(ap.ActivityType.CREATE): note = activity.get_object() # Make the note part of the stream if it's not a reply, or if it's a local reply if not note.inReplyTo or note.inReplyTo.startswith(ID): tag_stream = True if note.inReplyTo: try: reply = ap.fetch_remote_activity(note.inReplyTo) if ( or reply.has_mention(ID) ) and activity.is_public(): # The reply is public "local reply", forward the reply (i.e. the original activity) to the # original recipients should_forward = True except NotAnActivityError: # Most likely a reply to an OStatus notce should_delete = True # (partial) Ghost replies handling # [X] This is the first time the server has seen this Activity. should_forward = False local_followers = ID + "/followers" for field in ["to", "cc"]: if field in activity._data: if local_followers in activity._data[field]: # [X] The values of to, cc, and/or audience contain a Collection owned by the server. should_forward = True # [X] The values of inReplyTo, object, target and/or tag are objects owned by the server if not (note.inReplyTo and note.inReplyTo.startswith(ID)): should_forward = False elif activity.has_type(ap.ActivityType.DELETE): note = DB.activities.find_one( {"": activity.get_object().id} ) if note and note["meta"].get("forwarded", False): # If the activity was originally forwarded, forward the delete too should_forward = True elif activity.has_type(ap.ActivityType.LIKE): if not activity.get_object_id.startswith(BASE_URL): # We only want to keep a like if it's a like for a local activity # (Pleroma relay the likes it received, we don't want to store them) should_delete = True if should_forward:"will forward {activity!r} to followers") forward_activity.delay( if should_delete:"will soft delete {activity!r}")"{iri} tag_stream={tag_stream}") DB.activities.update_one( {"remote_id":}, { "$set": { "": tag_stream, "meta.forwarded": should_forward, "meta.deleted": should_delete, } }, )"new activity {iri} processed") if not should_delete and not activity.has_type(ap.ActivityType.DELETE): cache_actor.delay(iri) except (ActivityGoneError, ActivityNotFoundError): log.exception(f"dropping activity {iri}, skip processing") except Exception as err: log.exception(f"failed to process new activity {iri}") self.retry(exc=err, countdown=int(random.uniform(2, 4) ** self.request.retries)) @app.task(bind=True, max_retries=12) # noqa: C901 def fetch_og_metadata(self, iri: str) -> None: try: activity = ap.fetch_remote_activity(iri)"activity={activity!r}") if activity.has_type(ap.ActivityType.CREATE): note = activity.get_object() links = opengraph.links_from_note(note.to_dict()) og_metadata = opengraph.fetch_og_metadata(USER_AGENT, links) for og in og_metadata: if not og.get("image"): continue MEDIA_CACHE.cache_og_image(og["image"]) log.debug(f"OG metadata {og_metadata!r}") DB.activities.update_one( {"remote_id": iri}, {"$set": {"meta.og_metadata": og_metadata}} )"OG metadata fetched for {iri}") except (ActivityGoneError, ActivityNotFoundError): log.exception(f"dropping activity {iri}, skip OG metedata") except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as http_err: if 400 <= http_err.response.status_code < 500: log.exception("bad request, no retry") return log.exception("failed to fetch OG metadata") self.retry( exc=http_err, countdown=int(random.uniform(2, 4) ** self.request.retries) ) except Exception as err: log.exception(f"failed to fetch OG metadata for {iri}") self.retry(exc=err, countdown=int(random.uniform(2, 4) ** self.request.retries)) @app.task(bind=True, max_retries=12) def cache_object(self, iri: str) -> None: try: activity = ap.fetch_remote_activity(iri)"activity={activity!r}") obj = activity.get_object() DB.activities.update_one( {"remote_id":}, { "$set": { "meta.object": obj.to_dict(embed=True), "meta.object_actor": activitypub._actor_to_meta(obj.get_actor()), } }, ) except (ActivityGoneError, ActivityNotFoundError, NotAnActivityError): DB.activities.update_one({"remote_id": iri}, {"$set": {"meta.deleted": True}}) log.exception(f"flagging activity {iri} as deleted, no object caching") except Exception as err: log.exception(f"failed to cache object for {iri}") self.retry(exc=err, countdown=int(random.uniform(2, 4) ** self.request.retries)) @app.task(bind=True, max_retries=12) def cache_actor(self, iri: str, also_cache_attachments: bool = True) -> None: try: activity = ap.fetch_remote_activity(iri)"activity={activity!r}") if activity.has_type(ap.ActivityType.CREATE): fetch_og_metadata.delay(iri) if activity.has_type([ap.ActivityType.LIKE, ap.ActivityType.ANNOUNCE]): cache_object.delay(iri) actor = activity.get_actor() cache_actor_with_inbox = False if activity.has_type(ap.ActivityType.FOLLOW): if != ID: # It's a Follow from the Inbox cache_actor_with_inbox = True else: # It's a new following, cache the "object" (which is the actor we follow) DB.activities.update_one( {"remote_id": iri}, { "$set": { "meta.object": activitypub._actor_to_meta( activity.get_object() ) } }, ) # Cache the actor info DB.activities.update_one( {"remote_id": iri}, { "$set": { "": activitypub._actor_to_meta( actor, cache_actor_with_inbox ) } }, )"actor cached for {iri}") if also_cache_attachments and activity.has_type(ap.ActivityType.CREATE): cache_attachments.delay(iri) except (ActivityGoneError, ActivityNotFoundError): DB.activities.update_one({"remote_id": iri}, {"$set": {"meta.deleted": True}}) log.exception(f"flagging activity {iri} as deleted, no actor caching") except Exception as err: log.exception(f"failed to cache actor for {iri}") self.retry(exc=err, countdown=int(random.uniform(2, 4) ** self.request.retries)) @app.task(bind=True, max_retries=12) def cache_attachments(self, iri: str) -> None: try: activity = ap.fetch_remote_activity(iri)"activity={activity!r}") # Generates thumbnails for the actor's icon and the attachments if any actor = activity.get_actor() # Update the cached actor DB.actors.update_one( {"remote_id": iri}, {"$set": {"remote_id": iri, "data": actor.to_dict(embed=True)}}, upsert=True, ) if actor.icon: MEDIA_CACHE.cache(actor.icon["url"], Kind.ACTOR_ICON) if activity.has_type(ap.ActivityType.CREATE): for attachment in activity.get_object()._data.get("attachment", []): if ( attachment.get("mediaType", "").startswith("image/") or attachment.get("type") == ap.ActivityType.IMAGE.value ): try: MEDIA_CACHE.cache(attachment["url"], Kind.ATTACHMENT) except ValueError: log.exception(f"failed to cache {attachment}")"attachments cached for {iri}") except (ActivityGoneError, ActivityNotFoundError): log.exception(f"dropping activity {iri}, no attachment caching") except Exception as err: log.exception(f"failed to cache attachments for {iri}") self.retry(exc=err, countdown=int(random.uniform(2, 4) ** self.request.retries)) def post_to_inbox(activity: ap.BaseActivity) -> None: # Check for Block activity actor = activity.get_actor() if back.outbox_is_blocked(MY_PERSON, f"actor {actor!r} is blocked, dropping the received activity {activity!r}" ) return if back.inbox_check_duplicate(MY_PERSON, # The activity is already in the inbox"received duplicate activity {activity!r}, dropping it"), activity) process_new_activity.delay("spawning task for {activity!r}") finish_post_to_inbox.delay( @app.task(bind=True, max_retries=12) # noqa: C901 def finish_post_to_inbox(self, iri: str) -> None: try: activity = ap.fetch_remote_activity(iri)"activity={activity!r}") if activity.has_type(ap.ActivityType.DELETE): back.inbox_delete(MY_PERSON, activity) elif activity.has_type(ap.ActivityType.UPDATE): back.inbox_update(MY_PERSON, activity) elif activity.has_type(ap.ActivityType.CREATE): back.inbox_create(MY_PERSON, activity) elif activity.has_type(ap.ActivityType.ANNOUNCE): back.inbox_announce(MY_PERSON, activity) elif activity.has_type(ap.ActivityType.LIKE): back.inbox_like(MY_PERSON, activity) elif activity.has_type(ap.ActivityType.FOLLOW): # Reply to a Follow with an Accept accept = ap.Accept(actor=ID, object=activity.to_dict(embed=True)) post_to_outbox(accept) elif activity.has_type(ap.ActivityType.UNDO): obj = activity.get_object() if obj.has_type(ap.ActivityType.LIKE): back.inbox_undo_like(MY_PERSON, obj) elif obj.has_type(ap.ActivityType.ANNOUNCE): back.inbox_undo_announce(MY_PERSON, obj) elif obj.has_type(ap.ActivityType.FOLLOW): back.undo_new_follower(MY_PERSON, obj) except (ActivityGoneError, ActivityNotFoundError): log.exception(f"no retry") except Exception as err: log.exception(f"failed to cache attachments for {iri}") self.retry(exc=err, countdown=int(random.uniform(2, 4) ** self.request.retries)) def post_to_outbox(activity: ap.BaseActivity) -> str: if activity.has_type(ap.CREATE_TYPES): activity = activity.build_create() # Assign create a random ID obj_id = back.random_object_id() activity.set_id(back.activity_url(obj_id), obj_id), activity) cache_actor.delay( finish_post_to_outbox.delay( return @app.task(bind=True, max_retries=12) # noqa:C901 def finish_post_to_outbox(self, iri: str) -> None: try: activity = ap.fetch_remote_activity(iri)"activity={activity!r}") recipients = activity.recipients() if activity.has_type(ap.ActivityType.DELETE): back.outbox_delete(MY_PERSON, activity) elif activity.has_type(ap.ActivityType.UPDATE): back.outbox_update(MY_PERSON, activity) elif activity.has_type(ap.ActivityType.CREATE): back.outbox_create(MY_PERSON, activity) elif activity.has_type(ap.ActivityType.ANNOUNCE): back.outbox_announce(MY_PERSON, activity) elif activity.has_type(ap.ActivityType.LIKE): back.outbox_like(MY_PERSON, activity) elif activity.has_type(ap.ActivityType.UNDO): obj = activity.get_object() if obj.has_type(ap.ActivityType.LIKE): back.outbox_undo_like(MY_PERSON, obj) elif obj.has_type(ap.ActivityType.ANNOUNCE): back.outbox_undo_announce(MY_PERSON, obj) elif obj.has_type(ap.ActivityType.FOLLOW): back.undo_new_following(MY_PERSON, obj)"recipients={recipients}") activity = ap.clean_activity(activity.to_dict()) payload = json.dumps(activity) for recp in recipients: log.debug(f"posting to {recp}") post_to_remote_inbox.delay(payload, recp) except (ActivityGoneError, ActivityNotFoundError): log.exception(f"no retry") except Exception as err: log.exception(f"failed to post to remote inbox for {iri}") self.retry(exc=err, countdown=int(random.uniform(2, 4) ** self.request.retries)) @app.task(bind=True, max_retries=12) # noqa:C901 def forward_activity(self, iri: str) -> None: try: activity = ap.fetch_remote_activity(iri) recipients = back.followers_as_recipients() log.debug(f"Forwarding {activity!r} to {recipients}") activity = ap.clean_activity(activity.to_dict()) payload = json.dumps(activity) for recp in recipients: log.debug(f"forwarding {activity!r} to {recp}") post_to_remote_inbox.delay(payload, recp) except Exception as err: log.exception(f"failed to cache attachments for {iri}") self.retry(exc=err, countdown=int(random.uniform(2, 4) ** self.request.retries)) @app.task(bind=True, max_retries=12) def post_to_remote_inbox(self, payload: str, to: str) -> None: try:"payload=%s", payload)"generating sig") signed_payload = json.loads(payload) # Don't overwrite the signature if we're forwarding an activity if "signature" not in signed_payload: generate_signature(signed_payload, KEY)"to=%s", to) resp = to, data=json.dumps(signed_payload), auth=SigAuth, headers={ "Content-Type": HEADERS[1], "Accept": HEADERS[1], "User-Agent": USER_AGENT, }, )"resp=%s", resp)"resp_body=%s", resp.text) resp.raise_for_status() except HTTPError as err: log.exception("request failed") if 400 >= err.response.status_code >= 499:"client error, no retry") return self.retry(exc=err, countdown=int(random.uniform(2, 4) ** self.request.retries))