{% extends "layout.html" %} {% import 'utils.html' as utils %} {% block title %}{% if request.path == url_for('admin.admin_stream') %}Stream{% elif actor_id %}Profile {{ actor.name }}{% else %}Notifications{% endif %} - {{ config.NAME }}{% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% if request.path == url_for('admin.admin_notifications') and unread_notifications_count %}
{% endif %} {% if actor %} {% set actor_redir = request.path + "?actor_id=" + request.args.get('actor_id') %}
{% if follower %}follows you!{% endif %} {% if following %}
{% if lists %}
{% endif %} {% for l in lists %} {% if actor.id in l.members %}
{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% else %}
{% endif %}
{% if not actor.icon %} {% else %} {% endif %}
{{ (actor.name or actor.preferredUsername) | clean | replace_custom_emojis(actor) | safe }}
@{{ actor.preferredUsername }}@{{ actor | url_or_id | get_url | domain }} {% if actor.manuallyApprovesFollowers %}

Manually approves followers

{% endif %}
{% if actor.summary %}
{{ actor.summary | clean | replace_custom_emojis(actor) | safe }}
{% endif %} {% if actor.attachment %}
    {% for item in actor.attachment %} {% if item.type == "PropertyValue" %}
  • {{ item.name }}: {{ item.value | clean | replace_custom_emojis(actor) | safe }}
  • {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% for item in inbox_data %} {% if 'actor' in item.meta %} {% if item | has_type('Create') %} {% if request.path.startswith("/admin") and not item.meta.reply_acked and item.meta.object_visibility | visibility_is_public %}
{% endif %} {{ utils.display_note(item.activity.object, ui=True, meta=item.meta) }} {% else %} {% if item | has_type('Announce') %} {% set boost_actor = item.meta.actor %} {% if boost_actor %}
{{ boost_actor.name or boost_actor.preferredUsername }} boosted {% if request.path == url_for('admin.admin_notifications') %} {% if item.meta.notification_unread %}new{% endif %} {{ (item.activity.published or item.meta.published) | format_timeago }} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if item.meta.object %} {{ utils.display_note(item.meta.object, ui=True, meta=item.meta) }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if item | has_type('Like') %} {% set boost_actor = item.meta.actor %}
{{ boost_actor.name or boost_actor.preferredUsername }} liked {% if item.meta.notification_unread %}new{% endif %} {{ (item.activity.published or item.meta.published) | format_timeago }}
{% if item.meta.object %} {{ utils.display_note(item.meta.object, ui=False, meta=item.meta) }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if item | has_type('Follow') %}
new follower {% if item.meta.notification_unread %}new{% endif %} {{ (item.activity.published or item.meta.published) | format_timeago }} profile {% if item.meta.notification_follows_back %}already following {% else %}
{% endif %}
{{ utils.display_actor_inline(item.meta.actor, size=50) }}
{% elif item | has_type('Accept') %}
you started following {% if item.meta.notification_unread %}new{% endif %} {{ (item.activity.published or item.meta.published) | format_timeago }} profile {% if item.meta.notification_follows_back %}follows you back{% endif %}
{{ utils.display_actor_inline(item.meta.actor, size=50) }}
{% elif item | has_type('Reject') %}
rejected your follow request {% if item.meta.notification_unread %}new{% endif %} {{ (item.activity.published or item.meta.published) | format_timeago }} profile {% if item.meta.notification_follows_back %}follows you{% endif %}
{{ utils.display_actor_inline(item.meta.actor, size=50) }}
{% elif item | has_type('Undo') %}
unfollowed you {% if item.meta.notification_unread %}new{% endif %} {{ (item.activity.published or item.meta.published) | format_timeago }}
{{ utils.display_actor_inline(item.meta.actor, size=50) }}
{% else %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% if item | has_type('question_ended') %}

poll ended

{{ utils.display_note(item.activity, meta={"object_visibility": "PUBLIC"}) }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {{ utils.display_pagination(older_than, newer_than) }}
{% endblock %}