import hashlib import hmac import os import secrets from pathlib import Path import bcrypt import itsdangerous import pydantic import tomli from fastapi import Form from fastapi import HTTPException from fastapi import Request from itsdangerous import URLSafeTimedSerializer from loguru import logger from mistletoe import markdown # type: ignore from app.customization import _CUSTOM_ROUTES from app.utils.emoji import _load_emojis from app.utils.version import get_version_commit ROOT_DIR = Path().parent.resolve() _CONFIG_FILE = os.getenv("MICROBLOGPUB_CONFIG_FILE", "profile.toml") VERSION_COMMIT = "dev" try: from app._version import VERSION_COMMIT # type: ignore except ImportError: VERSION_COMMIT = get_version_commit() # Force reloading cache when the CSS is updated CSS_HASH = "none" try: css_data = (ROOT_DIR / "app" / "static" / "css" / "main.css").read_bytes() CSS_HASH = hashlib.md5(css_data, usedforsecurity=False).hexdigest() except FileNotFoundError: pass # Force reloading cache when the JS is changed JS_HASH = "none" try: # To keep things simple, we keep a single hash for the 2 files js_data_common = (ROOT_DIR / "app" / "static" / "common-admin.js").read_bytes() js_data_new = (ROOT_DIR / "app" / "static" / "new.js").read_bytes() JS_HASH = hashlib.md5( js_data_common + js_data_new, usedforsecurity=False ).hexdigest() except FileNotFoundError: pass MOVED_TO_FILE = ROOT_DIR / "data" / "moved_to.dat" def _get_moved_to() -> str | None: if not MOVED_TO_FILE.exists(): return None return MOVED_TO_FILE.read_text() def set_moved_to(moved_to: str) -> None: MOVED_TO_FILE.write_text(moved_to) VERSION = f"2.0.0+{VERSION_COMMIT}" USER_AGENT = f"microblogpub/{VERSION}" AP_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/activity+json" class _PrivacyReplace(pydantic.BaseModel): domain: str replace_by: str class _ProfileMetadata(pydantic.BaseModel): key: str value: str class _BlockedServer(pydantic.BaseModel): hostname: str reason: str | None = None class Config(pydantic.BaseModel): domain: str username: str admin_password: bytes name: str summary: str https: bool icon_url: str secret: str debug: bool = False trusted_hosts: list[str] = [""] manually_approves_followers: bool = False privacy_replace: list[_PrivacyReplace] | None = None metadata: list[_ProfileMetadata] | None = None code_highlighting_theme = "friendly_grayscale" blocked_servers: list[_BlockedServer] = [] custom_footer: str | None = None emoji: str | None = None also_known_as: str | None = None hides_followers: bool = False hides_following: bool = False inbox_retention_days: int = 15 custom_content_security_policy: str | None = None # Config items to make tests easier sqlalchemy_database: str | None = None key_path: str | None = None # Only set when the app is served on a non-root path id: str | None = None def load_config() -> Config: try: return Config.parse_obj( tomli.loads((ROOT_DIR / "data" / _CONFIG_FILE).read_text()) ) except FileNotFoundError: raise ValueError( f"Please run the configuration wizard, {_CONFIG_FILE} is missing" ) def is_activitypub_requested(req: Request) -> bool: accept_value = req.headers.get("accept") if not accept_value: return False for val in { "application/ld+json", "application/activity+json", }: if accept_value.startswith(val): return True return False def verify_password(pwd: str) -> bool: return bcrypt.checkpw(pwd.encode(), CONFIG.admin_password) CONFIG = load_config() DOMAIN = CONFIG.domain _SCHEME = "https" if CONFIG.https else "http" ID = f"{_SCHEME}://{DOMAIN}" # When running the app on a path, the ID maybe set by the config, but in this # case, a valid webfinger must be served on the root domain if ID = USERNAME = CONFIG.username MANUALLY_APPROVES_FOLLOWERS = CONFIG.manually_approves_followers HIDES_FOLLOWERS = CONFIG.hides_followers HIDES_FOLLOWING = CONFIG.hides_following PRIVACY_REPLACE = None if CONFIG.privacy_replace: PRIVACY_REPLACE = {pr.domain: pr.replace_by for pr in CONFIG.privacy_replace} BLOCKED_SERVERS = {blocked_server.hostname for blocked_server in CONFIG.blocked_servers} ALSO_KNOWN_AS = CONFIG.also_known_as CUSTOM_CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY = CONFIG.custom_content_security_policy INBOX_RETENTION_DAYS = CONFIG.inbox_retention_days CUSTOM_FOOTER = ( markdown(CONFIG.custom_footer.replace("{version}", VERSION)) if CONFIG.custom_footer else None ) BASE_URL = ID DEBUG = CONFIG.debug DB_PATH = CONFIG.sqlalchemy_database or ROOT_DIR / "data" / "microblogpub.db" SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL = f"sqlite:///{DB_PATH}" KEY_PATH = ( (ROOT_DIR / CONFIG.key_path) if CONFIG.key_path else ROOT_DIR / "data" / "key.pem" ) EMOJIS = "😺 😸 😹 😻 😼 😽 🙀 😿 😾" if CONFIG.emoji: EMOJIS = CONFIG.emoji # Emoji template for the FE EMOJI_TPL = ( '{raw}' ) _load_emojis(ROOT_DIR, BASE_URL) CODE_HIGHLIGHTING_THEME = CONFIG.code_highlighting_theme MOVED_TO = _get_moved_to() _NavBarItem = tuple[str, str] class NavBarItems: EXTRA_NAVBAR_ITEMS: list[_NavBarItem] = [] INDEX_NAVBAR_ITEM: _NavBarItem | None = None NOTES_PATH = "/" def load_custom_routes() -> None: try: from data import custom_routes # type: ignore # noqa: F401 except ImportError: pass for path, custom_handler in _CUSTOM_ROUTES.items(): # If a handler wants to replace the root, move the index to /notes if path == "/": NavBarItems.NOTES_PATH = "/notes" NavBarItems.INDEX_NAVBAR_ITEM = (path, custom_handler.title) else: if custom_handler.show_in_navbar: NavBarItems.EXTRA_NAVBAR_ITEMS.append((path, custom_handler.title)) session_serializer = URLSafeTimedSerializer( CONFIG.secret, salt=f"{ID}.session", ) csrf_serializer = URLSafeTimedSerializer( CONFIG.secret, salt=f"{ID}.csrf", ) def generate_csrf_token() -> str: return csrf_serializer.dumps(secrets.token_hex(16)) # type: ignore def verify_csrf_token( csrf_token: str = Form(), redirect_url: str | None = Form(None), ) -> None: please_try_again = "please try again" if redirect_url: please_try_again = f'please try again' try: csrf_serializer.loads(csrf_token, max_age=1800) except (itsdangerous.BadData, itsdangerous.SignatureExpired): logger.exception("Failed to verify CSRF token") raise HTTPException( status_code=403, detail=f"The security token has expired, {please_try_again}", ) return None def hmac_sha256(): return, digestmod=hashlib.sha256)