import typing import re import json import binascii import os from datetime import datetime from enum import Enum import requests from bleach.linkifier import Linker from bson.objectid import ObjectId from html2text import html2text from feedgen.feed import FeedGenerator from markdown import markdown from utils.linked_data_sig import generate_signature from utils.actor_service import NotAnActorError from utils.webfinger import get_actor_url from utils.content_helper import parse_markdown from config import USERNAME, BASE_URL, ID from config import CTX_AS, CTX_SECURITY, AS_PUBLIC from config import KEY, DB, ME, ACTOR_SERVICE from config import OBJECT_SERVICE from config import PUBLIC_INSTANCES import tasks from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Dict, Any, Union, Type from typing import TypeVar A = TypeVar('A', bound='BaseActivity') ObjectType = Dict[str, Any] ObjectOrIDType = Union[str, ObjectType] # Pleroma sample # {'@context': ['', '', {'Emoji': 'toot:Emoji', 'Hashtag': 'as:Hashtag', 'atomUri': 'ostatus:atomUri', 'conversation': 'ostatus:conversation', 'inReplyToAtomUri': 'ostatus:inReplyToAtomUri', 'manuallyApprovesFollowers': 'as:manuallyApprovesFollowers', 'ostatus': '', 'sensitive': 'as:sensitive', 'toot': ''}], 'actor': '', 'attachment': [{'mediaType': 'image/jpeg', 'name': 'stallmanlemote.jpg', 'type': 'Document', 'url': ''}], 'attributedTo': '', 'cc': ['', ''], 'content': '@vantablack
stallmanlemote.jpg', 'context': ',2018-04-05:objectId=5756519:objectType=Conversation', 'conversation': ',2018-04-05:objectId=5756519:objectType=Conversation', 'emoji': {}, 'id': '', 'inReplyTo': '', 'inReplyToStatusId': 300713, 'like_count': 1, 'likes': [''], 'published': '2018-04-05T21:30:52.658817Z', 'sensitive': False, 'summary': None, 'tag': [{'href': '', 'name': '', 'type': 'Mention'}], 'to': [''], 'type': 'Note'} class ActivityTypes(Enum): ANNOUNCE = 'Announce' BLOCK = 'Block' LIKE = 'Like' CREATE = 'Create' UPDATE = 'Update' PERSON = 'Person' ORDERED_COLLECTION = 'OrderedCollection' ORDERED_COLLECTION_PAGE = 'OrderedCollectionPage' COLLECTION_PAGE = 'CollectionPage' COLLECTION = 'Collection' NOTE = 'Note' ACCEPT = 'Accept' REJECT = 'Reject' FOLLOW = 'Follow' DELETE = 'Delete' UNDO = 'Undo' IMAGE = 'Image' TOMBSTONE = 'Tombstone' def random_object_id() -> str: return binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(8)).decode('utf-8') def _remove_id(doc: ObjectType) -> ObjectType: doc = doc.copy() if '_id' in doc: del(doc['_id']) return doc def _to_list(data: Union[List[Any], Any]) -> List[Any]: if isinstance(data, list): return data return [data] def clean_activity(activity: ObjectType) -> Dict[str, Any]: # Remove the hidden bco and bcc field for field in ['bto', 'bcc']: if field in activity: del(activity[field]) if activity['type'] == 'Create' and field in activity['object']: del(activity['object'][field]) return activity def _get_actor_id(actor: ObjectOrIDType) -> str: if isinstance(actor, dict): return actor['id'] return actor class BaseActivity(object): ACTIVITY_TYPE = None # type: Optional[ActivityTypes] NO_CONTEXT = False ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES = None # type: List[ActivityTypes] def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: if not self.ACTIVITY_TYPE: raise ValueError('Missing ACTIVITY_TYPE') if kwargs.get('type') is not None and kwargs.pop('type') != self.ACTIVITY_TYPE.value: raise ValueError('Expect the type to be {}'.format(self.ACTIVITY_TYPE)) self._data = {'type': self.ACTIVITY_TYPE.value} # type: Dict[str, Any] if 'id' in kwargs: self._data['id'] = kwargs.pop('id') if self.ACTIVITY_TYPE != ActivityTypes.PERSON: actor = kwargs.get('actor') if actor: kwargs.pop('actor') actor = self._validate_person(actor) self._data['actor'] = actor else: if not self.NO_CONTEXT: actor = ID self._data['actor'] = actor if 'object' in kwargs: obj = kwargs.pop('object') if isinstance(obj, str): self._data['object'] = obj else: if not self.ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES: raise ValueError('unexpected object') if 'type' not in obj or (self.ACTIVITY_TYPE != ActivityTypes.CREATE and 'id' not in obj): raise ValueError('invalid object') if ActivityTypes(obj['type']) not in self.ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES: print(self, kwargs) raise ValueError(f'unexpected object type {obj["type"]} (allowed={self.ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES})') self._data['object'] = obj if '@context' not in kwargs: if not self.NO_CONTEXT: self._data['@context'] = CTX_AS else: self._data['@context'] = kwargs.pop('@context') # @context check if not self.NO_CONTEXT: if not isinstance(self._data['@context'], list): self._data['@context'] = [self._data['@context']] if not CTX_SECURITY in self._data['@context']: self._data['@context'].append(CTX_SECURITY) if isinstance(self._data['@context'][-1], dict): self._data['@context'][-1]['Hashtag'] = 'as:Hashtag' self._data['@context'][-1]['sensitive'] = 'as:sensitive' else: self._data['@context'].append({'Hashtag': 'as:Hashtag', 'sensitive': 'as:sensitive'}) allowed_keys = None try: allowed_keys = self._init(**kwargs) except NotImplementedError: pass if allowed_keys: # Allows an extra to (like for Accept and Follow) kwargs.pop('to', None) if len(set(kwargs.keys()) - set(allowed_keys)) > 0: raise ValueError('extra data left: {}'.format(kwargs)) else: # Remove keys with `None` value valid_kwargs = {} for k, v in kwargs.items(): if v is None: break valid_kwargs[k] = v self._data.update(**valid_kwargs) def _init(self, **kwargs) -> Optional[List[str]]: raise NotImplementedError def _verify(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError def verify(self) -> None: try: self._verify() except NotImplementedError: pass def __repr__(self) -> str: return '{}({!r})'.format(self.__class__.__qualname__, self._data.get('id')) def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self._data['id']) def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: if self._data.get(name): return self._data.get(name) @property def type_enum(self) -> ActivityTypes: return ActivityTypes(self.type) def _set_id(self, uri: str, obj_id: str) -> None: raise NotImplementedError def set_id(self, uri: str, obj_id: str) -> None: self._data['id'] = uri try: self._set_id(uri, obj_id) except NotImplementedError: pass def _actor_id(self, obj: ObjectOrIDType) -> str: if isinstance(obj, dict) and obj['type'] == ActivityTypes.PERSON.value: obj_id = obj.get('id') if not obj_id: raise ValueError('missing object id') return obj_id else: return str(obj) def _validate_person(self, obj: ObjectOrIDType) -> str: obj_id = self._actor_id(obj) try: actor = ACTOR_SERVICE.get(obj_id) except Exception: return obj_id # FIXME(tsileo): handle this if not actor: raise ValueError('Invalid actor') return actor['id'] def get_object(self) -> 'BaseActivity': if self.__obj: return self.__obj if isinstance(self._data['object'], dict): p = parse_activity(self._data['object']) else: if self.ACTIVITY_TYPE == ActivityTypes.FOLLOW: p = Person(**ACTOR_SERVICE.get(self._data['object'])) else: obj = OBJECT_SERVICE.get(self._data['object']) if ActivityTypes(obj.get('type')) not in self.ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES: raise ValueError('invalid object type') p = parse_activity(obj) self.__obj = p # type: BaseActivity return p def _to_dict(self, data: ObjectType) -> ObjectType: return data def to_dict(self, embed: bool = False) -> ObjectType: data = dict(self._data) if embed: for k in ['@context', 'signature']: if k in data: del(data[k]) return self._to_dict(data) def get_actor(self) -> 'BaseActivity': actor = self._data.get('actor') if not actor: if self.type_enum == ActivityTypes.NOTE: actor = str(self._data.get('attributedTo')) else: raise ValueError('failed to fetch actor') actor_id = self._actor_id(actor) return Person(**ACTOR_SERVICE.get(actor_id)) def _post_to_outbox(self, obj_id: str, activity: ObjectType, recipients: List[str]) -> None: raise NotImplementedError def _undo_outbox(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError def _process_from_inbox(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError def _undo_inbox(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError def process_from_inbox(self) -> None: self.verify() actor = self.get_actor() if DB.outbox.find_one({'type': ActivityTypes.BLOCK.value, 'activity.object':, 'meta.undo': False}): print('actor is blocked, drop activity') return if DB.inbox.find_one({'remote_id':}): # The activity is already in the inbox print('received duplicate activity') return activity = self.to_dict() DB.inbox.insert_one({ 'activity': activity, 'type': self.type, 'remote_id':, 'meta': {'undo': False, 'deleted': False}, }) try: self._process_from_inbox() except NotImplementedError: pass def post_to_outbox(self) -> None: obj_id = random_object_id() self.set_id(f'{ID}/outbox/{obj_id}', obj_id) self.verify() activity = self.to_dict() DB.outbox.insert_one({ 'id': obj_id, 'activity': activity, 'type': self.type, 'remote_id':, 'meta': {'undo': False, 'deleted': False}, }) recipients = self.recipients() activity = clean_activity(activity) try: self._post_to_outbox(obj_id, activity, recipients) except NotImplementedError: pass #return generate_signature(activity, KEY.privkey) payload = json.dumps(activity) print('will post') for recp in recipients: self._post_to_inbox(payload, recp) print('done') def _post_to_inbox(self, payload: str, to: str): tasks.post_to_inbox.delay(payload, to) def _recipients(self) -> List[str]: return [] def recipients(self) -> List[str]: recipients = self._recipients() out = [] # type: List[str] for recipient in recipients: if recipient in PUBLIC_INSTANCES: if recipient not in out: out.append(str(recipient)) continue if recipient in [ME, AS_PUBLIC, None]: continue if isinstance(recipient, Person): if == ME: continue actor = recipient else: try: actor = Person(**ACTOR_SERVICE.get(recipient)) except NotAnActorError as error: # Is the activity a `Collection`/`OrderedCollection`? if error.activity and error.activity['type'] in [ActivityTypes.COLLECTION.value, ActivityTypes.ORDERED_COLLECTION.value]: for item in parse_collection(error.activity): if item in [ME, AS_PUBLIC]: continue try: col_actor = Person(**ACTOR_SERVICE.get(item)) except NotAnActorError: pass if col_actor.endpoints: shared_inbox = col_actor.endpoints.get('sharedInbox') if shared_inbox not in out: out.append(shared_inbox) continue if col_actor.inbox and col_actor.inbox not in out: out.append(col_actor.inbox) continue if actor.endpoints: shared_inbox = actor.endpoints.get('sharedInbox') if shared_inbox not in out: out.append(shared_inbox) continue if actor.inbox and actor.inbox not in out: out.append(actor.inbox) return out def build_undo(self) -> 'BaseActivity': raise NotImplementedError class Person(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityTypes.PERSON def _init(self, **kwargs): #if 'icon' in kwargs: # self._data['icon'] = Image(**kwargs.pop('icon')) pass def _verify(self) -> None: ACTOR_SERVICE.get(self._data['id']) def _to_dict(self, data): #if 'icon' in data: # data['icon'] = data['icon'].to_dict() # return data class Block(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityTypes.BLOCK class Collection(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityTypes.COLLECTION class Image(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityTypes.IMAGE NO_CONTEXT = True def _init(self, **kwargs): self._data.update( url=kwargs.pop('url'), ) def __repr__(self): return 'Image({!r})'.format(self._data.get('url')) class Follow(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityTypes.FOLLOW ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES = [ActivityTypes.PERSON] def _build_reply(self, reply_type: ActivityTypes) -> BaseActivity: if reply_type == ActivityTypes.ACCEPT: return Accept( object=self.to_dict(embed=True), ) raise ValueError(f'type {reply_type} is invalid for building a reply') def _recipients(self) -> List[str]: return [self.get_object().id] def _process_from_inbox(self) -> None: accept = self.build_accept() accept.post_to_outbox() remote_actor = self.get_actor().id if DB.followers.find({'remote_actor': remote_actor}).count() == 0: DB.followers.insert_one({'remote_actor': remote_actor}) def _undo_inbox(self) -> None: DB.followers.delete_one({'remote_actor': self.get_actor().id}) def build_accept(self) -> BaseActivity: return self._build_reply(ActivityTypes.ACCEPT) def build_undo(self) -> BaseActivity: return Undo(object=self.to_dict(embed=True)) class Accept(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityTypes.ACCEPT ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES = [ActivityTypes.FOLLOW] def _recipients(self) -> List[str]: return [self.get_object().get_actor().id] def _process_from_inbox(self) -> None: remote_actor = self.get_actor().id if DB.following.find({'remote_actor': remote_actor}).count() == 0: DB.following.insert_one({'remote_actor': remote_actor}) class Undo(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityTypes.UNDO ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES = [ActivityTypes.FOLLOW, ActivityTypes.LIKE, ActivityTypes.ANNOUNCE] def _recipients(self) -> List[str]: obj = self.get_object() if obj.type_enum == ActivityTypes.FOLLOW: return [obj.get_object().id] else: return [obj.get_object().get_actor().id] # TODO(tsileo): handle like and announce raise Exception('TODO') def _process_from_inbox(self) -> None: obj = self.get_object() DB.inbox.update_one({'remote_id':}, {'$set': {'meta.undo': True}}) try: obj._undo_inbox() except NotImplementedError: pass def _post_to_outbox(self, obj_id: str, activity: ObjectType, recipients: List[str]) -> None: obj = self.get_object() DB.outbox.update_one({'remote_id':}, {'$set': {'meta.undo': True}}) try: obj._undo_outbox() except NotImplementedError: pass class Like(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityTypes.LIKE ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES = [ActivityTypes.NOTE] def _recipients(self) -> List[str]: return [self.get_object().get_actor().id] def _process_from_inbox(self): obj = self.get_object() # Update the meta counter if the object is published by the server DB.outbox.update_one({'':}, {'$inc': {'meta.count_like': 1}}) def _undo_inbox(self) -> None: obj = self.get_object() # Update the meta counter if the object is published by the server DB.outbox.update_one({'':}, {'$inc': {'meta.count_like': -1}}) def _post_to_outbox(self, obj_id: str, activity: ObjectType, recipients: List[str]): obj = self.get_object() # Unlikely, but an actor can like it's own post DB.outbox.update_one({'':}, {'$inc': {'meta.count_like': 1}}) DB.inbox.update_one({'':}, {'$set': {'meta.liked': obj_id}}) def _undo_outbox(self) -> None: obj = self.get_object() # Unlikely, but an actor can like it's own post DB.outbox.update_one({'':}, {'$inc': {'meta.count_like': -1}}) DB.inbox.update_one({'':}, {'$set': {'meta.liked': False}}) def build_undo(self) -> BaseActivity: return Undo(object=self.to_dict(embed=True)) class Announce(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityTypes.ANNOUNCE ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES = [ActivityTypes.NOTE] def _recipients(self) -> List[str]: recipients = [] for field in ['to', 'cc']: if field in self._data: recipients.extend(_to_list(self._data[field])) return recipients def _process_from_inbox(self) -> None: if isinstance(self._data['object'], str) and not self._data['object'].startswith('http'): # TODO(tsileo): actually drop it without storing it and better logging, also move the check somewhere else print(f'received an Annouce referencing an OStatus notice ({self._data["object"]}), dropping the message') return # Save/cache the object, and make it part of the stream so we can fetch it if isinstance(self._data['object'], str): raw_obj = OBJECT_SERVICE.get(self._data['object'], reload_cache=True, part_of_stream=True, announce_published=self._data['published']) obj = parse_activity(raw_obj) else: obj = self.get_object() DB.outbox.update_one({'':}, {'$inc': {'meta.count_boost': 1}}) def _undo_inbox(self) -> None: obj = self.get_object() DB.inbox.update_one({'remote_id':}, {'$set': {'meta.undo': True}}) DB.outbox.update_one({'':}, {'$inc': {'meta.count_boost': -1}}) def _post_to_outbox(self, obj_id: str, activity: ObjectType, recipients: List[str]) -> None: if isinstance(self._data['object'], str): # Put the object in the cache OBJECT_SERVICE.get(self._data['object'], reload_cache=True, part_of_stream=True, announce_published=self._data['published']) obj = self.get_object() DB.inbox.update_one({'':}, {'$set': {'meta.boosted': obj_id}}) def _undo_outbox(self) -> None: obj = self.get_object() DB.inbox.update_one({'':}, {'$set': {'meta.boosted': False}}) def build_undo(self) -> BaseActivity: return Undo(object=self.to_dict(embed=True)) class Delete(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityTypes.DELETE ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES = [ActivityTypes.NOTE, ActivityTypes.TOMBSTONE] def _recipients(self) -> List[str]: return self.get_object().recipients() def _process_from_inbox(self): DB.inbox.update_one({'': self.get_object().id}, {'$set': {'meta.deleted': True}}) # TODO(tsileo): also delete copies stored in parents' `meta.replies` def _post_to_outbox(self, obj_id, activity, recipients): DB.outbox.update_one({'': self.get_object().id}, {'$set': {'meta.deleted': True}}) class Update(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityTypes.UPDATE ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES = [ActivityTypes.NOTE, ActivityTypes.PERSON] # TODO(tsileo): ensure the actor updating is the same as the orinial activity # (ensuring that the Update and its object are of same origin) def _process_from_inbox(self): obj = self.get_object() if obj.type_enum == ActivityTypes.NOTE: DB.inbox.update_one({'':}, {'$set': {'activity.object': obj.to_dict()}}) return # If the object is a Person, it means the profile was updated, we just refresh our local cache ACTOR_SERVICE.get(, reload_cache=True) def _post_to_outbox(self, obj_id: str, activity: ObjectType, recipients: List[str]) -> None: obj = self.get_object() update_prefix = 'activity.object.' update = {'$set': dict(), '$unset': dict()} # type: Dict[str, Any] update['$set'][f'{update_prefix}updated'] = datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() + 'Z' for k, v in obj._data.items(): if k in ['id', 'type']: continue if v is None: update['$unset'][f'{update_prefix}{k}'] = '' else: update['$set'][f'{update_prefix}{k}'] = v if len(update['$unset']) == 0: del(update['$unset']) DB.outbox.update_one({'remote_id':'/activity', '')}, update) # FIXME(tsileo): should send an Update (but not a partial one, to all the note's recipients # (create a new Update with the result of the update, and send it without saving it?) class Create(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityTypes.CREATE ALLOWED_OBJECT_TYPES = [ActivityTypes.NOTE] def _set_id(self, uri: str, obj_id: str) -> None: self._data['object']['id'] = uri + '/activity' self._data['object']['url'] = ID + '/' + self.get_object().type.lower() + '/' + obj_id def _init(self, **kwargs): obj = self.get_object() if not obj.attributedTo: self._data['object']['attributedTo'] = self.get_actor().id if not obj.published: if self.published: self._data['object']['published'] = self.published else: now = datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() + 'Z' self._data['published'] = now self._data['object']['published'] = now def _recipients(self) -> List[str]: # TODO(tsileo): audience support? recipients = [] for field in ['to', 'cc', 'bto', 'bcc']: if field in self._data: recipients.extend(_to_list(self._data[field])) recipients.extend(self.get_object()._recipients()) return recipients def _process_from_inbox(self): obj = self.get_object() tasks.fetch_og.delay('INBOX', in_reply_to = obj.inReplyTo if in_reply_to: parent = DB.inbox.find_one({'activity.type': 'Create', '': in_reply_to}) if not parent: DB.outbox.update_one( {'': in_reply_to}, {'$inc': {'meta.count_reply': 1}}, ) return # If the note is a "reply of a reply" update the parent message # TODO(tsileo): review this code while parent: DB.inbox.update_one({'_id': parent['_id']}, {'$push': {'meta.replies': self.to_dict()}}) in_reply_to = parent.get('activity', {}).get('object', {}).get('inReplyTo') if in_reply_to: parent = DB.inbox.find_one({'activity.type': 'Create', '': in_reply_to}) if parent is None: # The reply is a note from the outbox data = DB.outbox.update_one( {'': in_reply_to}, {'$inc': {'meta.count_reply': 1}}, ) else: parent = None class Tombstone(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityTypes.TOMBSTONE class Note(BaseActivity): ACTIVITY_TYPE = ActivityTypes.NOTE def _init(self, **kwargs): print(self._data) # Remove the `actor` field as `attributedTo` is used for `Note` instead if 'actor' in self._data: del(self._data['actor']) # FIXME(tsileo): use kwarg # TODO(tsileo): support mention tag # TODO(tisleo): implement the tag endpoint if 'sensitive' not in kwargs: self._data['sensitive'] = False # FIXME(tsileo): add the tag in CC # for t in kwargs.get('tag', []): # if t['type'] == 'Mention': # cc -> c['href'] def _recipients(self) -> List[str]: # TODO(tsileo): audience support? recipients = [] # type: List[str] # If the note is public, we publish it to the defined "public instances" if AS_PUBLIC in self._data.get('to', []): recipients.extend(PUBLIC_INSTANCES) print('publishing to public instances') print(recipients) for field in ['to', 'cc', 'bto', 'bcc']: if field in self._data: recipients.extend(_to_list(self._data[field])) return recipients def build_create(self) -> BaseActivity: """Wraps an activity in a Create activity.""" create_payload = { 'object': self.to_dict(embed=True), 'actor': self.attributedTo or ME, } for field in ['published', 'to', 'bto', 'cc', 'bcc', 'audience']: if field in self._data: create_payload[field] = self._data[field] return Create(**create_payload) def build_like(self) -> BaseActivity: return Like( def build_announce(self) -> BaseActivity: return Announce(, to=[AS_PUBLIC], cc=[ID+'/followers', self.attributedTo], published=datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() + 'Z', ) _ACTIVITY_TYPE_TO_CLS = { ActivityTypes.IMAGE: Image, ActivityTypes.PERSON: Person, ActivityTypes.FOLLOW: Follow, ActivityTypes.ACCEPT: Accept, ActivityTypes.UNDO: Undo, ActivityTypes.LIKE: Like, ActivityTypes.ANNOUNCE: Announce, ActivityTypes.UPDATE: Update, ActivityTypes.DELETE: Delete, ActivityTypes.CREATE: Create, ActivityTypes.NOTE: Note, ActivityTypes.BLOCK: Block, ActivityTypes.COLLECTION: Collection, ActivityTypes.TOMBSTONE: Tombstone, } def parse_activity(payload: ObjectType) -> BaseActivity: t = ActivityTypes(payload['type']) if t not in _ACTIVITY_TYPE_TO_CLS: raise ValueError('unsupported activity type') return _ACTIVITY_TYPE_TO_CLS[t](**payload) def gen_feed(): fg = FeedGenerator()'{ID}') fg.title(f'{USERNAME} notes') {'name': USERNAME,'email':''} ), rel='alternate') fg.description(f'{USERNAME} notes') fg.logo(ME.get('icon', {}).get('url')) href='', rel='self' ) fg.language('en') for item in DB.outbox.find({'type': 'Create'}, limit=50): fe = fg.add_entry()['activity']['object'].get('url'))['activity']['object'].get('url')) fe.title(item['activity']['object']['content']) fe.description(item['activity']['object']['content']) return fg def json_feed(path: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """JSON Feed ( document.""" data = [] for item in DB.outbox.find({'type': 'Create'}, limit=50): data.append({ "id": item["id"], "url": item['activity']['object'].get('url'), "content_html": item['activity']['object']['content'], "content_text": html2text(item['activity']['object']['content']), "date_published": item['activity']['object'].get('published'), }) return { "version": "", "user_comment": "This is a microblog feed. You can add this to your feed reader using the following URL: " + ID + path, "title": USERNAME, "home_page_url": ID, "feed_url": ID + path, "author": { "name": USERNAME, "url": ID, "avatar": ME.get('icon', {}).get('url'), }, "items": data, } def build_inbox_json_feed(path: str, request_cursor: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: data = [] cursor = None q = {'type': 'Create'} # type: Dict[str, Any] if request_cursor: q['_id'] = {'$lt': request_cursor} for item in DB.inbox.find(q, limit=50).sort('_id', -1): actor = ACTOR_SERVICE.get(item['activity']['actor']) data.append({ "id": item["activity"]["id"], "url": item['activity']['object'].get('url'), "content_html": item['activity']['object']['content'], "content_text": html2text(item['activity']['object']['content']), "date_published": item['activity']['object'].get('published'), "author": { "name": actor.get('name', actor.get('preferredUsername')), "url": actor.get('url'), 'avatar': actor.get('icon', {}).get('url'), }, }) cursor = str(item['_id']) resp = { "version": "", "title": f'{USERNAME}\'s stream', "home_page_url": ID, "feed_url": ID + path, "items": data, } if cursor and len(data) == 50: resp['next_url'] = ID + path + '?cursor=' + cursor return resp def parse_collection(payload: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, url: Optional[str] = None) -> List[str]: """Resolve/fetch a `Collection`/`OrderedCollection`.""" # Resolve internal collections via MongoDB directly if url == ID + '/followers': return [doc['remote_actor'] for doc in DB.followers.find()] elif url == ID + '/following': return [doc['remote_actor'] for doc in DB.following.find()] # Go through all the pages out = [] # type: List[str] if url: resp = requests.get(url, headers={'Accept': 'application/activity+json'}) resp.raise_for_status() payload = resp.json() if not payload: raise ValueError('must at least prove a payload or an URL') if payload['type'] in ['Collection', 'OrderedCollection']: if 'orderedItems' in payload: return payload['orderedItems'] if 'items' in payload: return payload['items'] if 'first' in payload: if 'orderedItems' in payload['first']: out.extend(payload['first']['orderedItems']) if 'items' in payload['first']: out.extend(payload['first']['items']) n = payload['first'].get('next') if n: out.extend(parse_collection(url=n)) return out while payload: if payload['type'] in ['CollectionPage', 'OrderedCollectionPage']: if 'orderedItems' in payload: out.extend(payload['orderedItems']) if 'items' in payload: out.extend(payload['items']) n = payload.get('next') if n is None: break resp = requests.get(n, headers={'Accept': 'application/activity+json'}) resp.raise_for_status() payload = resp.json() else: raise Exception('unexpected activity type {}'.format(payload['type'])) return out def build_ordered_collection(col, q=None, cursor=None, map_func=None, limit=50, col_name=None): col_name = col_name or if q is None: q = {} if cursor: q['_id'] = {'$lt': ObjectId(cursor)} data = list(col.find(q, limit=limit).sort('_id', -1)) if not data: return { 'id': BASE_URL + '/' + col_name, 'totalItems': 0, 'type': 'OrderedCollection', 'orederedItems': [], } start_cursor = str(data[0]['_id']) next_page_cursor = str(data[-1]['_id']) total_items = col.find(q).count() data = [_remove_id(doc) for doc in data] if map_func: data = [map_func(doc) for doc in data] # No cursor, this is the first page and we return an OrderedCollection if not cursor: resp = { '@context': CTX_AS, 'first': { 'id': BASE_URL + '/' + col_name + '?cursor=' + start_cursor, 'orderedItems': data, 'partOf': BASE_URL + '/' + col_name, 'totalItems': total_items, 'type': 'OrderedCollectionPage' }, 'id': BASE_URL + '/' + col_name, 'totalItems': total_items, 'type': 'OrderedCollection' } if len(data) == limit: resp['first']['next'] = BASE_URL + '/' + col_name + '?cursor=' + next_page_cursor return resp # If there's a cursor, then we return an OrderedCollectionPage resp = { '@context': CTX_AS, 'type': 'OrderedCollectionPage', 'id': BASE_URL + '/' + col_name + '?cursor=' + start_cursor, 'totalItems': total_items, 'partOf': BASE_URL + '/' + col_name, 'orderedItems': data, } if len(data) == limit: resp['next'] = BASE_URL + '/' + col_name + '?cursor=' + next_page_cursor return resp