import logging from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta from time import perf_counter from typing import Any from typing import Dict from typing import List from little_boxes import activitypub as ap import activitypub from activitypub import Box from config import DAYS_TO_KEEP from config import ID from config import ME from config import MEDIA_CACHE from utils.migrations import DB back = activitypub.MicroblogPubBackend() ap.use_backend(back) MY_PERSON = ap.Person(**ME) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def threads_of_interest() -> List[str]: out = set() # Fetch all the threads we've participed in for data in DB.activities.find( { "meta.thread_root_parent": {"$exists": True}, "box": Box.OUTBOX.value, "type": ap.ActivityType.CREATE.value, } ): out.add(data["meta"]["thread_root_parent"]) # Fetch all threads related to bookmarked activities for data in DB.activities.find({"meta.bookmarked": True}): # Keep the replies out.add(data["meta"]["object_id"]) # And the whole thread if any if "thread_root_parent" in data["meta"]: out.add(data["meta"]["thread_root_parent"]) return list(out) def _keep(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: DB.activities.update_one({"_id": data["_id"]}, {"$set": {"meta.gc_keep": True}}) def perform() -> None: # noqa: C901 start = perf_counter() d = (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=DAYS_TO_KEEP)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") toi = threads_of_interest()"thread_of_interest={toi!r}") create_deleted = 0 create_count = 0 # Go over the old Create activities for data in DB.activities.find( { "box": Box.INBOX.value, "type": ap.ActivityType.CREATE.value, "activity.published": {"$lt": d}, "meta.gc_keep": {"$exists": False}, } ).limit(500): try: create_count += 1 remote_id = data["remote_id"] meta = data["meta"] activity = ap.parse_activity(data["activity"])"activity={activity!r}") # This activity has been bookmarked, keep it if meta.get("bookmarked"): _keep(data) continue # Inspect the object obj = activity.get_object() # This activity mentions the server actor, keep it if obj.has_mention(ID): _keep(data) continue # This activity is a direct reply of one the server actor activity, keep it in_reply_to = obj.get_in_reply_to() if in_reply_to and in_reply_to.startswith(ID): _keep(data) continue # This activity is part of a thread we want to keep, keep it if in_reply_to and meta.get("thread_root_parent"): thread_root_parent = meta["thread_root_parent"] if thread_root_parent.startswith(ID) or thread_root_parent in toi: _keep(data) continue # This activity was boosted or liked, keep it if meta.get("boosted") or meta.get("liked"): _keep(data) continue # TODO(tsileo): remove after tests if meta.get("keep"): logger.warning( f"{activity!r} would not have been deleted, skipping for now" ) _keep(data) continue # Delete the cached attachment for grid_item in MEDIA_CACHE.fs.find({"remote_id": remote_id}): MEDIA_CACHE.fs.delete(grid_item._id) # Delete the activity DB.activities.delete_one({"_id": data["_id"]}) create_deleted += 1 except Exception: logger.exception(f"failed to process {data!r}") after_gc_create = perf_counter() time_to_gc_create = after_gc_create - start f"{time_to_gc_create:.2f} seconds to analyze {create_count} Create, {create_deleted} deleted" ) announce_count = 0 announce_deleted = 0 # Go over the old Create activities for data in DB.activities.find( { "box": Box.INBOX.value, "type": ap.ActivityType.ANNOUNCE.value, "activity.published": {"$lt": d}, "meta.gc_keep": {"$exists": False}, } ).limit(500): try: announce_count += 1 remote_id = data["remote_id"] meta = data["meta"] activity = ap.parse_activity(data["activity"])"activity={activity!r}") # This activity has been bookmarked, keep it if meta.get("bookmarked"): _keep(data) continue object_id = activity.get_object_id() # This announce is for a local activity (i.e. from the outbox), keep it if object_id.startswith(ID): _keep(data) continue for grid_item in MEDIA_CACHE.fs.find({"remote_id": remote_id}): MEDIA_CACHE.fs.delete(grid_item._id) # TODO(tsileo): here for legacy reason, this needs to be removed at some point for grid_item in MEDIA_CACHE.fs.find({"remote_id": object_id}): MEDIA_CACHE.fs.delete(grid_item._id) # Delete the activity DB.activities.delete_one({"_id": data["_id"]}) announce_deleted += 1 except Exception: logger.exception(f"failed to process {data!r}") after_gc_announce = perf_counter() time_to_gc_announce = after_gc_announce - after_gc_create f"{time_to_gc_announce:.2f} seconds to analyze {announce_count} Announce, {announce_deleted} deleted" )