import asyncio import io import shutil import tarfile from contextlib import contextmanager from pathlib import Path from typing import Generator from typing import Optional import httpx from invoke import Context # type: ignore from invoke import run # type: ignore from invoke import task # type: ignore @task def generate_db_migration(ctx, message): # type: (Context, str) -> None run(f'alembic revision --autogenerate -m "{message}"', echo=True) @task def migrate_db(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None run("alembic upgrade head", echo=True) @task def autoformat(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None run("black .", echo=True) run("isort -sl .", echo=True) @task def lint(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None run("black --check .", echo=True) run("isort -sl --check-only .", echo=True) run("flake8 .", echo=True) run("mypy .", echo=True) @task def compile_scss(ctx, watch=False): # type: (Context, bool) -> None from app.utils.favicon import build_favicon theme_file = Path("data/_theme.scss") if not theme_file.exists(): theme_file.write_text("// override vars for theming here") favicon_file = Path("data/favicon.ico") if not favicon_file.exists(): build_favicon() else: shutil.copy2(favicon_file, "app/static/favicon.ico") if watch: run("boussole watch", echo=True) else: run("boussole compile", echo=True) @task def uvicorn(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None run("uvicorn app.main:app --no-server-header", pty=True, echo=True) @task def process_outgoing_activities(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None from app.outgoing_activities import loop @task def process_incoming_activities(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None from app.incoming_activities import loop @task def tests(ctx, k=None): # type: (Context, Optional[str]) -> None pytest_args = " -vvv" if k: pytest_args += f" -k {k}" run( f"MICROBLOGPUB_CONFIG_FILE=tests.toml pytest tests{pytest_args}", pty=True, echo=True, ) @task def generate_requirements_txt(ctx, where="requirements.txt"): # type: (Context, str) -> None run( f"poetry export -f requirements.txt --without-hashes > {where}", pty=True, echo=True, ) @task def build_docs(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None with embed_version(): run("PYTHONPATH=. python scripts/", pty=True, echo=True) @task def download_twemoji(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None resp = httpx.get( "", follow_redirects=True, ) resp.raise_for_status() tf = members = [ member for member in tf.getmembers() if"twemoji-14.0.2/assets/svg/") ] for member in members: emoji_name = Path( with open(f"app/static/twemoji/{emoji_name}", "wb") as f: f.write(tf.extractfile(member).read()) # type: ignore @task(download_twemoji, compile_scss) def configuration_wizard(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None run("MICROBLOGPUB_CONFIG_FILE=tests.toml alembic upgrade head", echo=True) run( "MICROBLOGPUB_CONFIG_FILE=tests.toml PYTHONPATH=. python scripts/", # noqa: E501 pty=True, echo=True, ) @task def install_deps(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None run("poetry install", pty=True, echo=True) @task(pre=[compile_scss], post=[migrate_db]) def update(ctx, update_deps=True): # type: (Context, bool) -> None if update_deps: run("poetry install", pty=True, echo=True) print("Done") @task def stats(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None from app.utils.stats import print_stats print_stats() @contextmanager def embed_version() -> Generator[None, None, None]: from app.utils.version import get_version_commit version_file = Path("app/") version_file.unlink(missing_ok=True) version_commit = get_version_commit() version_file.write_text(f'VERSION_COMMIT = "{version_commit}"') try: yield finally: version_file.unlink() @task def build_docker_image(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None with embed_version(): run("docker build -t microblogpub/microblogpub .") @task def prune_old_data(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None from app.prune import run_prune_old_data @task def webfinger(ctx, account): # type: (Context, str) -> None import traceback from loguru import logger from app.source import _MENTION_REGEX from app.webfinger import get_actor_url logger.disable("app") if not account.startswith("@"): account = f"@{account}" if not _MENTION_REGEX.match(account): print(f"Invalid acccount {account}") return print(f"Resolving {account}") try: maybe_actor_url = if maybe_actor_url: print(f"SUCCESS: {maybe_actor_url}") else: print(f"ERROR: Failed to resolve {account}") except Exception as exc: print(f"ERROR: Failed to resolve {account}") print("".join(traceback.format_exception(exc))) @task def move_to(ctx, moved_to): # type: (Context, str) -> None import traceback from loguru import logger from import LOCAL_ACTOR from import fetch_actor from app.boxes import send_move from app.database import async_session from app.source import _MENTION_REGEX from app.webfinger import get_actor_url logger.disable("app") if not moved_to.startswith("@"): moved_to = f"@{moved_to}" if not _MENTION_REGEX.match(moved_to): print(f"Invalid acccount {moved_to}") return async def _send_move(): print(f"Initiating move to {moved_to}") async with async_session() as db_session: try: moved_to_actor_id = await get_actor_url(moved_to) except Exception as exc: print(f"ERROR: Failed to resolve {moved_to}") print("".join(traceback.format_exception(exc))) return if not moved_to_actor_id: print("ERROR: Failed to resolve {moved_to}") return new_actor = await fetch_actor(db_session, moved_to_actor_id) if LOCAL_ACTOR.ap_id not in new_actor.ap_actor.get("alsoKnownAs", []): print( f"{new_actor.handle}/{moved_to_actor_id} is missing " f"{LOCAL_ACTOR.ap_id} in alsoKnownAs" ) return await send_move(db_session, new_actor.ap_id) print("Done") @task def self_destruct(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None from loguru import logger from app.boxes import send_self_destruct from app.database import async_session logger.disable("app") async def _send_self_destruct(): if input("Initiating self destruct, type yes to confirm: ") != "yes": print("Aborting") async with async_session() as db_session: await send_self_destruct(db_session) print("Done") @task def yunohost_config( ctx, domain, username, name, summary, password, ): # type: (Context, str, str, str, str, str) -> None from app.utils import yunohost yunohost.setup_config_file( domain=domain, username=username, name=name, summary=summary, password=password, ) @task def reset_password(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None import bcrypt from prompt_toolkit import prompt new_password = bcrypt.hashpw( prompt("New admin password: ", is_password=True).encode(), bcrypt.gensalt() ).decode() print() print("Update data/profile.toml with:") print(f'admin_password = "{new_password}"') @task def check_config(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None import sys import traceback from loguru import logger logger.disable("app") try: from app import config # noqa: F401 except Exception as exc: print("Config error, please fix data/profile.toml:\n") print("".join(traceback.format_exception(exc))) sys.exit(1) else: print("Config is OK")