Tweak permalink display

This commit is contained in:
Thomas Sileo 2019-10-02 23:04:39 +02:00
parent 73e3562320
commit 861e40372c

View file

@ -68,12 +68,10 @@
<strong>{{ ( or actor.preferredUsername) | clean | replace_custom_emojis(actor) | safe }}</strong>
<span class="l">@{% if not no_color and | is_from_outbox %}<span class="pcolor">{{ actor.preferredUsername | clean | replace_custom_emojis(actor) | safe }}</span>{% else %}{{ actor.preferredUsername | clean | replace_custom_emojis(actor) | safe }}{% endif %}@{% if not no_color and | is_from_outbox %}<span class="pcolor">{{ actor | url_or_id | get_url | domain }}</span>{% else %}{{ actor | url_or_id | get_url | domain }}{% endif %}</span></a>
{% if not perma %}
<span style="float:right;width: 25%;text-align: right;overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis;display: block;">
<a rel="noopener" class="u-url u-uid note-permalink l" href="{{ obj | url_or_id | get_url }}">
<time class="dt-published" title="{{ obj.published }}" datetime="{{ obj.published }}" {% if obj | url_or_id | get_url | is_from_outbox %}{%else%}rel="external noreferrer"{%endif%}>{{ obj.published | format_timeago }}</time></a>
{% endif %}
{% if meta.in_reply_to_actor %}
@ -245,11 +243,6 @@
<aside class="bottom-bar">
{% if perma %}
<time class="perma-item dt-published" style="float:left;padding:5px;" title="{{ obj.published }}" datetime="{{ obj.published }}" {% if obj | url_or_id | get_url | is_from_outbox %}{%else%}rel="external noreferrer"{%endif%}>{{ obj.published | format_timeago }}</time></a>
{% endif %}
{% if meta.count_reply and | is_from_outbox %}<a class ="bar-item" href="{{ obj.url | get_url }}"><strong>{{ meta.count_reply }}</strong> repl{% if meta.count_reply > 1 %}ies{% else %}y{% endif %}</a>
{% elif meta.count_reply and session.logged_in %}
<a class="bar-item" href="/admin/thread?oid={{aid}}"><strong>{{ meta.count_reply }}</strong> repl{% if meta.count_reply > 1 %}ies{% else %}y{% endif %}</a>{% endif %}