import os output = './_Bootscreen.h' video = '/home/ben/Videos/bad_apple_5fps.mp4' # Make video into xbm files os.mkdir('temp') os.mkdir('temp/pngs') os.mkdir('temp/xbms') # Convert video to pngs os.system(f'ffmpeg -i {video} temp/pngs/%05d.png') # Remove duplicates and rename files files = sorted(os.listdir('temp/pngs')) for item in files: i = files.index(item) if (i + 1) % 6 != 1: os.remove(f'temp/pngs/{item}') files = sorted(os.listdir('temp/pngs')) for item in files: os.rename(f'temp/pngs/{item}', f'temp/pngs/{files.index(item)+1}.png') # Convert pngs to xbms pngs = os.listdir('temp/pngs') filenames = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] for filename in pngs] for filename in filenames: os.system(f'convert temp/pngs/{filename}.png temp/xbms/{filename}.xbm') # Make some pngs for debugging debug = True if debug: from random import random os.mkdir('temp/debug_pngs') for filename in filenames: if random() < 0.01: # Takes a long time, so only convert 1% of the images os.system(f'convert temp/xbms/{filename}.xbm temp/debug_pngs/{filename}.png') for filename in filenames: f = open(f'temp/xbms/{filename}.xbm', 'r') lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: line = ' ' + line.strip().replace(', }; ', ' };') if filename == '1': lines.insert(0, 'const unsigned char custom_start_bmp[] PROGMEM = {') else: lines.insert(0, f'const unsigned char custom_start_bmp{int(filename) - 2}[] PROGMEM = {{') f.close() f = open(output, 'a') f.write('\n') f.write('\n'.join(lines)) f.write('\n') f.close() start_of_ending = ['#ifdef CUSTOM_BOOTSCREEN_ANIMATED_FRAME_TIME', '', ' // Each frame has its own custom duration', ' const boot_frame_t custom_bootscreen_animation[] PROGMEM = {', ' { custom_start_bmp1, 2000 }, // 2.0s', ' { custom_start_bmp1, 100 }, // 0.1s x 5 frames', ' { custom_start_bmp2, 100 },', ' { custom_start_bmp3, 100 },', ' { custom_start_bmp4, 100 },', ' { custom_start_bmp5, 100 },', ' { custom_start_bmp6, 100 },', ' { custom_start_bmp, 500 }, // 0.5s', ' };', '', '#else', '', ' // Each frame shows for CUSTOM_BOOTSCREEN_FRAME_TIME', ' const unsigned char * const custom_bootscreen_animation[] PROGMEM = {'] middle_of_ending = ' custom_start_bmp, ' for i in range(len(filenames))[:-2]: middle_of_ending += f'custom_start_bmp{i}, ' end_of_ending = [' };', '', '#endif', ''] f = open(output, 'a') f.write('\n') for line in start_of_ending: f.write(line + '\n') f.write(middle_of_ending) for line in end_of_ending: f.write(line + '\n') f.close() #os.system('rm -r temp/')