import os import GPUtil import time from pySerialTransfer import pySerialTransfer as txfer from subprocess import getoutput try: # --- # You will need to customize port to your own computer; to find your port: # With your Arduino plugged in, open Arduino IDE, and click "Select Board". Then, you can see the port. # The port of the Uno will be "/dev/ttyXXX#", like "/dev/ttyACM0" or "/dev/ttyUSB0". I think macOS is the same. # Then, just remove "/dev/", and the number, from the port, and type it into the variable `port` # --- arduino_connected = False port = 'ttyACM' while not arduino_connected: ports = getoutput(f'ls /dev | grep {port}').split('\n') if ports != [''] ports.sort() port = ports[len(x) - 1] link = txfer.SerialTransfer(port, 115200, timeout=.1) time.sleep(2) # GPUtil setup gpus = GPUtil.getGPUs() while True: time.sleep(1) temp = max(gpu.temperature for gpu in gpus) speed = int(((temp - 40) / 40) * 100) min_speed = 0 max_speed = 100 if speed < 0: speed = min_speed elif speed > 100: speed = max_speed print(f'Temp: {temp}') print(f'Speed: {speed}') ################################################################################################################ # Send data to the Arduino ################################################################################################################ # send_size will be increased when data is added to payload send_size = 0 # Adds data to payload int_size = link.tx_obj(speed, send_size) - send_size send_size += int_size # Sends data to Arduino link.send(send_size) # Waits for response from Arduino, and reports errors while receiving packets while not link.available(): if link.status < 0: if link.status == txfer.CRC_ERROR: print('Error: CRC_ERROR') elif link.status == txfer.PAYLOAD_ERROR: print('Error: PAYLOAD_ERROR') elif link.status == txfer.STOP_BYTE_ERROR: print('Error: STOP_BYTE_ERROR') else: print('Error: {}'.format(link.status)) # Parse response from Arduino rec_int = link.rx_obj(obj_type=int, obj_byte_size=int_size, start_pos=(send_size - int_size)) # Evaluate for comm. errors if speed != rec_int: print(f'Error: sent {speed}, received {rec_int}') except KeyboardInterrupt: try: link.close() except: pass except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() try: link.close() except: pass