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askiiart 2022-10-23 12:52:24 -05:00
parent cd61cdb99c
commit 0121ec7e84

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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
#include "SerialTransfer.h"
// This program will take an number from the PC and display it using LEDs to represent it as a binary number
SerialTransfer myTransfer;
const byte OC1A_PIN = 9;
const byte OC1B_PIN = 10;
const word PWM_FREQ_HZ = 25000; //Adjust this value to adjust the frequency (Frequency in HZ!) (Set currently to 25kHZ)
const word TCNT1_TOP = 16000000/(2*PWM_FREQ_HZ);
int pin1=8; //initializing pins as vars because who wants to use constants:
int pin2=7;
int pin3=6;
int pin4=5;
int pin5=4;
int pin6=3;
int pin7=2;
void setup() {
// Setup Serial transfer with PC
pinMode(OC1A_PIN, OUTPUT);
// Clear Timer1 control and count registers
TCCR1A = 0;
TCCR1B = 0;
TCNT1 = 0;
// Set Timer1 configuration
// COM1A(1:0) = 0b10 (Output A clear rising/set falling)
// COM1B(1:0) = 0b00 (Output B normal operation)
// WGM(13:10) = 0b1010 (Phase correct PWM)
// ICNC1 = 0b0 (Input capture noise canceler disabled)
// ICES1 = 0b0 (Input capture edge select disabled)
// CS(12:10) = 0b001 (Input clock select = clock/1)
TCCR1A |= (1 << COM1A1) | (1 << WGM11);
TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM13) | (1 << CS10);
void loop() {
// send all received data back to Python
for(uint16_t i=0; i < myTransfer.bytesRead; i++){
myTransfer.packet.txBuff[i] = myTransfer.packet.rxBuff[i];
int x = int(myTransfer.packet.rxBuff);
if((x % 2) > 0) { digitalWrite(pin1, HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(pin1, LOW); }
if((x % 4) > 1) { digitalWrite(pin2, HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(pin2, LOW); }
if((x % 8) > 3) { digitalWrite(pin3, HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(pin3, LOW); }
if((x % 16) > 7) { digitalWrite(pin4, HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(pin4, LOW); }
if((x % 32) > 15) { digitalWrite(pin4, HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(pin4, LOW); }
if((x % 64) > 31) { digitalWrite(pin4, HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(pin4, LOW); }
if((x % 128) > 63) { digitalWrite(pin4, HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(pin4, LOW); }
void setPwmDuty(byte duty) {
OCR1A = (word) (duty*TCNT1_TOP)/100;