#!/usr/bin/env python3 import csv import re # a bunch of horrible code to make the chart.js code class HelperFunctions: def get_fs(dir): if dir.endswith('dwarfs'): return 'DwarFS' elif dir.endswith('fuse-archive-tar'): return 'fuse-archive (tar)' return 'Btrfs' def get_label(filename): if filename == '25G-null.bin': return 'Null 25 GiB file' elif filename == '25G-random.bin': return 'Random 25 GiB file' elif filename == '100M-polygon.txt': return '100 million-sided polygon data' elif filename.startswith('kernel'): return 'Linux LTS kernel' elif filename == 'small-files/random': return '1024 random files (avg)' elif filename == 'small-files/null': return '1024 null files (avg)' def convert_time(time: str, unit: str) -> int: unit_exponents = ['ns', 'µs', 'ms', 's'] if time.endswith('ms'): current_unit = 'ms' elif time.endswith('µs'): current_unit = 'µs' elif time.endswith('ns'): current_unit = 'ns' else: current_unit = 's' unit_multiplier = unit_exponents.index(current_unit) - unit_exponents.index( unit ) return HelperFunctions.time_num(time) * (1000**unit_multiplier) def time_num(time: str): time = re.sub('[^0-9\\.]', '', time) return float(time) def get_data(single_files_index: int, bulk_test_name: str): # format: { 'labels': ['btrfs'], 'btrfs': [9, 8, 4, 6]} data = {'labels': []} with open('assets/benchmarking-dwarfs/data/benchmark-data.csv', 'rt') as f: for line in csv.reader(f): fs = HelperFunctions.get_fs(line[0]) label = HelperFunctions.get_label(line[1]) data['labels'].append(label) if label not in data[ 'labels' ] else False try: data[fs].append(line[single_files_index]) except KeyError: data[fs] = [] data[fs].append(line[single_files_index]) # NOTE: this will break if the bulk data contains a larger unit than the single file data, but that's unlikely to happen so I'm not gonna deal with it # and it's a bit broken regardless but whatever largest_time_unit = 'ns' for key in data.keys(): if key == 'labels': continue for item in data[key]: if largest_time_unit == 's': break if item.endswith('ms'): largest_time_unit = 'ms' elif item.endswith('µs') and largest_time_unit != 'ms': largest_time_unit = 'µs' elif ( item.endswith('ns') and largest_time_unit != 'ms' and largest_time_unit != 'µs' ): largest_time_unit = 'ns' elif re.sub('[0-9\\.]', '', item) == 's': largest_time_unit = 's' break for key in data.keys(): if key == 'labels': continue for i in range(len(data[key])): data[key][i] = HelperFunctions.convert_time( data[key][i], largest_time_unit ) with open('assets/benchmarking-dwarfs/data/bulk.csv', 'rt') as f: for line in csv.reader(f): if line[2] != bulk_test_name: continue fs = HelperFunctions.get_fs(line[0]) label = HelperFunctions.get_label(line[1]) data['labels'].append(label) if label not in data[ 'labels' ] else False for item in line[3:]: if largest_time_unit == 's': break if item.endswith('ms'): largest_time_unit = 'ms' elif item.endswith('µs') and largest_time_unit != 'ms': largest_time_unit = 'µs' elif ( item.endswith('ns') and largest_time_unit != 'ms' and largest_time_unit != 'µs' ): largest_time_unit = 'ns' elif re.sub('[0-9]\\.', '', item) == 's': largest_time_unit = 's' break for i in range(len(line[3:])): line[i + 3] = HelperFunctions.convert_time(item, largest_time_unit) data[fs].append(sum(line[3:]) / len(line[3:])) return (data, largest_time_unit) def run(single_files_index: int, bulk_test_name: str, filename: str, title: str, chart_canvas_id: str): with open(f'assets/benchmarking-dwarfs/js/{filename}', 'wt') as f: # from https://github.com/chartjs/Chart.js/blob/master/docs/scripts/utils.js (CHART_COLORS) # modified so similar color aren't adjacent chart_colors = [ "'rgb(255, 99, 132)'", # red "'rgb(75, 192, 192)'", # green "'rgb(54, 162, 235)'", # blue "'rgb(255, 159, 64)'", # orange "'rgb(153, 102, 255)'", # purple "'rgb(255, 205, 86)'", # yellow "'rgb(201, 203, 207)'", # grey ] labels_code = 'labels = $labels$' dataset_code = ''' { label: '$label$', data: $data$, backgroundColor: $color$, }, ''' config_code = ''' config = { type: 'bar', data: { datasets: data, labels }, options: { plugins: { title: { display: true, text: '$title$ - in $timeunit$' }, }, responsive: true, interaction: { intersect: false, }, } }; ''' data, largest_time_unit = get_data(single_files_index, bulk_test_name) labels_code = labels_code.replace('$labels$', format(data['labels'])) f.write(labels_code) data.pop('labels') f.write('\ndata = [') for fs in data.keys(): f.write( dataset_code.replace('$label$', fs) .replace('$data$', format(data[fs])) .replace('$color$', format(chart_colors[list(data.keys()).index(fs)])) ) f.write('\n]\n') f.write( config_code.replace('$title$', title).replace( '$timeunit$', largest_time_unit ) ) f.write('\nChart.defaults.borderColor = "#eee"\n') f.write('Chart.defaults.color = "#eee";\n') f.write(f'ctx = document.getElementById("{chart_canvas_id}");\n') f.write('new Chart(ctx, config);\n') def declare_vars(): with open('assets/benchmarking-dwarfs/js/declare_vars.js', 'wt') as f: f.write('let labels;\n') f.write('let config;\n') f.write('let data;\n') f.write('let ctx;\n') if __name__ == '__main__': # NOTE: this code is absolutely horrible and all these functions (except declare_vars) should be one function that just takes the title, chart canvas id, filename, test name in bulk, and index in singles # and what function to get data from, if that's possible # i will repent to the DRY gods someday declare_vars() run(2, 'bulk_sequential_read', 'seq_read.js', 'Sequential Read Times', 'seq_read_chart') run(3, 'bulk_random_read', 'rand_read.js', 'Random Read Times', 'rand_read_chart') run(4, 'bulk_sequential_read_latency', 'seq_latency.js', 'Sequential Read Latency', 'seq_read_latency_chart') run(5, 'bulk_random_read_latency', 'rand_latency.js', 'Random Read Latency', 'rand_read_latency_chart')