#!/usr/bin/env bash if [ $(whoami) == "root" ]; then echo "Run as a normal user, not root" exit 1 fi GIT_DIR=$(cd -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" &>/dev/null && pwd) # gnome-keyring is for VS Code yay -S gnome-keyring lxqt-policykit --noconfirm --needed yay -S waybar j4-dmenu-desktop swaylock swaybg swaync clipman --noconfirm --needed yay -S pipewire-pulse pavucontrol blueman bluetooth-support qpwgraph --noconfirm --needed yay -S brightnessctl --noconfirm --needed yay -S eog nemo gnome-calculator --noconfirm --needed # for screenshots and color picker yay -S slurp grim zenity imagemagick --noconfirm --needed sudo systemctl enable --now NetworkManager # Install catppuccin grub theme git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/catppuccin/grub sudo cp -r ./grub/src/* /usr/share/grub/themes/ rm -rf grub/ sudo sed -i 's/#GRUB_THEME="\/path\/to\/gfxtheme"/GRUB_THEME=\/usr\/share\/grub\/themes\/catppuccin-mocha-grub-theme\/theme.txt/g' /etc/default/grub sudo sed -i 's/#GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=false/GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=false/g' /etc/default/grub sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg # greetd, replaced by ly which should be preinstalled #yay -S greetd --noconfirm --needed #sudo cp $GIT_DIR/greetd/config.toml /etc/greetd/config.toml #sudo systemctl enable greetd.service # make GUI stuff work when running as root (e.g. gparted) yay -S xorg-xhost --noconfirm --needed xhost +SI:localuser:root # Enable MultiProfile for bluetooth (enables more than just headset-quality support on thing that support many audio profiles) sudo sed -i 's/#MultiProfile = off/MultiProfile = multiple/g' /etc/bluetooth/main.conf sudo systemctl restart bluetooth.service