#!/usr/bin/env bash # config file still must be done by hand to take into account rotation and stuff, but this makes the backgrounds images themselves # TODO: add config generation generate() { magick background.png -resize ${1}x${2}! background-${1}x${2}.png magick composite -gravity center logo.png background-${1}x${2}.png result-${1}x${2}.png cp result-${1}x${2}.png ~/.config/sway/backgrounds/${1}x${2}.png rm background-* rm result-* } outputs=$(swaymsg -t get_outputs) i=0 while [ "$(echo $outputs | jq -r .[$i])" != "null" ]; do width=$(echo $outputs | jq -r .[$i].modes.[0].width) height=$(echo $outputs | jq -r .[$i].modes.[0].height) generate $width $height generate $height $width ((i++)) done