# Docker Composer This is a simple program to manage docker containers. It works similarly to Umbrel, but it is not limited to Umbrel. It can be used to manage any docker container. ## How to use - **Note:** All scrips must be run in the same directory as the `docker-composer.conf` file. - If you want to re-compose your containers on boot, you can run `composer.py` on boot - If you want to re-compose your containers on demand, you can run `re_compose.py` manually - If you just want to do basic management, like stopping, starting, removing docker containers, etc, then use `basic-management.py`. It's essentially an interactive wrapper for the basics of docker. ## Installation I'll get to this later once this program is actually usable. You can use `docker-data/` to test the program, or can put your own data there. `docker-composer.conf` is already set up to use that directory! ## Usage `docker-composer.conf` parameters: - `compose-path`: The path to the folder containing the folders for each docker container - the folder for each container includes a `docker-compose.yml` file. - `exclude-containers`: A list of containers to exclude from being managed by the program. This will stop the program from doing **anything** to those containers. Notes: - The folders *must* have the same name as their respective docker containers - Remember to run the script as a user that can access `docker ` ## Dev Notes - Maybe later expand this to an interactive docker manager. ## Status - `composer.py` and `re_compose` are finished - Redoing stuff as a new class `docker_parser.py` - ps() is done - container_info() still a WIP