from subprocess import getoutput, getstatusoutput import pprint import os class NoContainersError(Exception): pass class Docker: def ps(raw_info=getoutput('docker ps')): """ Gets info about all running Docker containers from docker ps :return: Nested dict of containers info """ if '\n' not in raw_info: raise(NoContainersError('A Docker container is required to run this program. Please create a docker container and try again.')) raw_info = getoutput('docker ps') # Header: "CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES" (with way more spaces) header = raw_info[:raw_info.find('\n')+1] header_indices = {'CONTAINER ID': header.find('CONTAINER ID'), 'IMAGE': header.find('IMAGE'), 'COMMAND': header.find('COMMAND'), 'CREATED': header.find('CREATED'), 'STATUS': header.find('STATUS'), 'PORTS': header.find('PORTS'), 'NAMES': header.find('NAMES')} # Remove header (example above) raw_info = raw_info[raw_info.find('\n')+1:] info = {} # Find container names containers = [] for line in raw_info.split('\n'): containers.append(line.strip()[line.strip().rfind(' ')+1:]) # Fill in info for i in range(len(containers)): info[containers[i]] = {} header_indices_keys = list(header_indices) for j in range(len(header_indices_keys)): # TODO: Fix start_i = header_indices[header_indices_keys[j]] if j+1 != len(header_indices): end_i = header_indices[header_indices_keys[j+1]] else: end_i = len(header) info[containers[i]][header_indices_keys[j]] = \ raw_info.split('\n')[i][start_i:end_i].strip() return info def container_list(raw_info=getoutput('docker container list')): """ Gets info about all the Docker containers :return: Nested dict of containers info """ if '\n' not in raw_info: raise(NoContainersError('A Docker container is required to run this program. Please create a docker container and try again.')) raw_info = getoutput('docker container list') # Header: "CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES" (with way more spaces) header = raw_info[:raw_info.find('\n')+1] header_indices = {'CONTAINER ID': header.find('CONTAINER ID'), 'IMAGE': header.find('IMAGE'), 'COMMAND': header.find('COMMAND'), 'CREATED': header.find('CREATED'), 'STATUS': header.find('STATUS'), 'PORTS': header.find('PORTS'), 'NAMES': header.find('NAMES')} # Remove header (example above) raw_info = raw_info[raw_info.find('\n')+1:] info = {} # Find container names containers = [] for line in raw_info.split('\n'): containers.append(line.strip()[line.strip().rfind(' ')+1:]) # Fill in info for i in range(len(containers)): info[containers[i]] = {} header_indices_keys = list(header_indices) for j in range(len(header_indices_keys)): # TODO: Fix start_i = header_indices[header_indices_keys[j]] if j+1 != len(header_indices): end_i = header_indices[header_indices_keys[j+1]] else: end_i = len(header) info[containers[i]][header_indices_keys[j]] = \ raw_info.split('\n')[i][start_i:end_i].strip() return info def compose(dir): """ Composes whatever is in dir :parameters: dir: The directory of a container; must contain docker-compose.yml file :returns: tuple: (exit_code, compose_output) """ cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(dir) status = getstatusoutput('docker ps') os.chdir(cwd) return status def start(container): """ Starts a container :parameters: container: The name of the container to start :returns: int: The exit code of docker start """ return getstatusoutput(f'docker start {container}')[0] def stop(container): """ Stops a container :parameters: container: The name of the container to stop :returns: int: The exit code of docker stop """ return getstatusoutput(f'docker stop {container}')[0] def rm(container): """ Deletes a container :parameters: container: The name of the container to remove :returns: int: The exit code of docker rm """ return getstatusoutput(f'docker rm {container}')[0] if __name__ == '__main__': try: pprint.pprint(Docker.containers_info()) except NoContainersError as e: print(e)