#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e if [ $(whoami) == "root" ]; then echo "Run as a normal user, not root" exit 1 fi command_exists() { type "$1" &>/dev/null; } if command_exists "apt-get"; then sudo apt-get install fish -y elif command_exists "yum"; then sudo yum install fish -y elif command_exists "rpm-ostree" && ! command_exists "fish"; then rpm-ostree install fish -y read -p "Press enter to reboot, then run do-everything.bash again" reboot elif command_exists "pacman"; then sudo pacman -S fish --noconfirm elif command_exists "zypp"; then # Untested sudo zypper install fish -y elif command_exists "emerge"; then sudo echo Not yet supported, exiting... exit elif command_exists "apk"; then sudo apk add fish elif command_exists "xbps-install"; then sudo xbps-install fish-shell -y else echo "Unsupported: unknown package manager and distro" exit fi chsh -s $(readlink -f $(which fish))