2023-11-20 12:28:28 -06:00
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
if [ $(whoami) == "root" ]; then
echo "Run as a normal user, not root"
exit 1
2024-04-17 21:41:40 -05:00
# only fedora is up-to-date
2023-11-20 12:28:28 -06:00
command_exists() { type "$1" &>/dev/null; }
if command_exists "apt-get"; then
sudo apt-get install kitty -y
echo "Please install SchildiChat, nvim/neovim"
2024-03-17 18:56:48 -05:00
elif command_exists "dnf"; then
2024-08-01 14:49:07 -05:00
sudo dnf install kitty neovim gcc gnome-hexgl drawing make vlc freeglut ncdu gcolor3 rustup clippy p7zip mosh krita podman podman-docker podman-compose gajim progress yt-dlp genisoimage zstd iperf3 keepassxc python3-pip ffmpegthumbnailer linuxconsoletools bind-tools hyfetch fastfetch ffmpeg nmap unrar-free restic gparted bsdtar android-tools httpd-tools digikam edid-decode hexchat htop -y
2024-07-10 14:29:31 -05:00
# Install schildichat-desktop
# should be in my repo, but this works as both a fallback, and is faster than downloading from my repo - updates will come from my repo, though
sudo dnf install $(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/SchildiChat/schildichat-desktop/releases/latest | grep "browser_download_url.*schildichat-desktop-.*.x86_64.rpm" | cut -d : -f 2,3 | tr -d \" | tr -d ' ')
2024-03-17 18:56:48 -05:00
# Install Prism Launcher
sudo dnf copr enable g3tchoo/prismlauncher
sudo dnf install prismlauncher-qt5
2024-07-10 13:21:06 -05:00
elif command_exists "rpm-ostree"; then
rpm-ostree install kitty neovim gcc gnome-hexgl drawing make vlc freeglut ncdu gcolor3 rustup clippy p7zip mosh krita podman podman-docker podman-compose gajim progress yt-dlp genisoimage zstd iperf3 -y --allow-inactive
# Install Prism Launcher
sudo wget https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g3tchoo/prismlauncher/repo/fedora-$(rpm -E %fedora)/g3tchoo-prismlauncher-fedora-$(rpm -E %fedora).repo -O /etc/yum.repos.d/g3tchoo-prismlauncher.repo
rpm-ostree install prismlauncher-qt5
flatpak install me.iepure.devtoolbox
2023-11-22 22:07:25 -06:00
elif command_exists "yay"; then
2024-08-01 14:49:07 -05:00
yay -S kitty neovim gcc vlc ncdu gcolor3 rustup p7zip mosh krita podman podman-compose gajim progress yt-dlp genisoimage drawing clippy gnome-hexgl zstd iperf3 unzip schildichat-desktop-bin digikam man-db prismlauncher-qt5-bin progress bind-utils --noconfirm --needed
2023-11-20 12:28:28 -06:00
elif command_exists "zypp"; then
# Untested
sudo zypper install kitty -y
echo "Please install SchildiChat, nvim/neovim"
elif command_exists "emerge"; then
echo Not yet supported, exiting...
elif command_exists "apk"; then
echo Not yet supported, exiting...
2024-04-20 20:35:22 -05:00
elif command_exists "xbps-install"; then
2024-04-17 21:41:40 -05:00
# missing: hexgl, drawing, clippy, schildichat, genisoimage
# not included: libfreeglut, don't think that's required
2024-04-20 20:35:22 -05:00
sudo xbps-install kitty neovim gcc vlc ncdu gcolor3 rustup p7zip mosh krita podman podman-compose gajim progress yt-dlp zstd iperf3 unzip
2024-04-18 08:33:31 -05:00
cd ~/Applications
curl -LO $(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/SchildiChat/schildichat-desktop/releases/latest | grep "browser_download_url.*SchildiChat-.*.AppImage" | head --lines 1 | cut -d : -f 2,3 | tr -d \") -C -
cd -
2023-11-20 12:28:28 -06:00
echo "Unsupported: unknown package manager and distro"