---- CHAPTER 4 ---- -- Start-of-class problems -- USE AP -- Get vendors who have default terms of greater than 1 months SELECT VendorName, VendorID, TermsDueDays FROM Vendors v JOIN Terms t ON t.TermsID = v.DefaultTermsID WHERE TermsDueDays > 30 -- Get the contacts and contact updates for vendors 44, 75, and 94 SELECT 'Current' TYPE, VendorID, VendorName, VendorContactLName, VendorContactFName FROM Vendors WHERE VendorID IN (44, 75, 94) -- UNION combines it as if it was one table, it can "update" the columns rather than add more UNION SELECT 'Updates' TYPE, VendorID, '', LastName, FirstName FROM ContactUpdates WHERE VendorID IN (44, 75, 94) -- Note that ORDER BY cannot be used on UNION queries, it's applied to the final query ORDER BY VendorID, TYPE -- Get invoices for all vendors except those in TX SELECT InvoiceID FROM Invoices -- Returns the query except for the stuff the matches the EXCEPT's query EXCEPT SELECT VendorID FROM Vendors WHERE VendorState = 'TX' ------------------------------------------------------ -- Temporary holiday table -- Common use for UNIONs, can act like a makeshift table SELECT '1/1/2024' DateValue, 'New Years Day' DateName UNION SELECT '1/15/2024', 'MLK Day' UNION SELECT '2/19/2024', 'Presidents Day' UNION SELECT '7/4/2024', 'Fourth of July' -- stuff USE WideWorldImporters SELECT CustomerID, CustomerName, c.BuyingGroupID FROM Sales.Customers c JOIN Sales.BuyingGroups bg ON c.BuyingGroupID = bg.BuyingGroupID ORDER BY CustomerName -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- CHAPTER 5 ---- USE AP -- Aggregates -- A function that's applied to all rows -- Count the number of invoices vendor 123 has -- it doesn't matter which column, so * is fine SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Invoices WHERE VendorId = 123 -- How many invoices in 2019 SELECT COUNT(*) TotalInvoices FROM Invoices WHERE YEAR(InvoiceDueDate) = 2019 -- MIN, MAX -- returns the smallest and largest things -- can't mix and match aggregate functions with other stuff, this doesn't work SELECT VendorID, MIN(InvoiceTotal) SmallestInvoice, MAX(InvoiceTotal) LargestInvoice FROM Invoices WHERE YEAR(InvoiceDueDate) = 2020 -- sum, average, min, and max invoice totals SELECT SUM(InvoiceTotal) SumOfInvoices, AVG(InvoiceTotal) AvgInvoice, MIN(InvoiceTotal) SmallestInvoice, MAX(InvoiceTotal) LargestInvoice FROM Invoices