-- INSERT -- Insert stuff in a tableto INSERT Vendors (VendorName, VendorAddress1, VendorCity, VendorState, VendorZipCode, DefaultTermsID, DefaultAccountNo) VALUES ('Dollar General', 'Rich People Street', 'Beverly Hills', 'CA', '90210', 1, 301), ('Best Buy', NULL, 'Beverly Hills', 'CA', '90210', 2, 301), ('Barnes & Noble', DEFAULT, 'Beverly Hills', 'CA', '90210', 3, 301) -- Can also use INSERT INTO, there's no different -- INSERT INTO Vendors VALUES (blah, blah, blah) -- returns 301, so that's what the account number is set as above SELECT AccountDescription FROM GLAccounts WHERE AccountDescription LIKE '%college%' -- See the inserted rows SELECT TOP 10 * FROM Vendors ORDER BY 1 DESC SELECT VendorID, COUNT(*) FROM Invoices GROUP BY VendorID ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC -- Archive some invoices for VendorID 110 INSERT INTO InvoiceArchive (InvoiceID, VendorID, InvoiceNumber, InvoiceDate, InvoiceTotal, PaymentTotal, CreditTotal, TermsID, InvoiceDueDate, PaymentDate) SELECT InvoiceID, VendorID, InvoiceNumber, InvoiceDate, InvoiceTotal, PaymentTotal, CreditTotal, TermsID, InvoiceDueDate, PaymentDate FROM Invoices WHERE VendorID = 110 SELECT * FROM InvoiceArchive -- Update data in DB -- that VendorName obviously doesn't exist so this query does nothing UPDATE Vendors SET VendorAddress1 = '867 Five-Three-O Nn' WHERE VendorName = 'Got your number'