USE WideWorldImporters -- Scenario 1 SELECT SupplierName, WebsiteURL, DeliveryAddressLine1, DeliveryAddressLine2, DeliveryPostalCode FROM Purchasing.Suppliers -- Scenario 2 SELECT StateProvinceName, SalesTerritory, CountryID FROM Application.StateProvinces WHERE SalesTerritory = 'Southeast' ORDER BY StateProvinceName -- Scenario 3 SELECT CustomerID, TransactionDate, TransactionAmount FROM Sales.CustomerTransactions WHERE TransactionAmount < 0 AND TransactionDate BETWEEN '1/1/2015' AND '12/31/2015' ORDER BY TransactionDate DESC, TransactionAmount ASC -- Scenario 4 SELECT CountryName, Continent, Region, Subregion, LatestRecordedPopulation FROM Application.Countries WHERE LatestRecordedPopulation > 1000000 AND Continent != 'Oceania' ORDER BY CountryName, Continent, Region, Subregion -- Scenario 5 SELECT TOP 10 StockItemName, RecommendedRetailPrice, Tags FROM Warehouse.StockItems WHERE IsChillerStock = 1 OR StockItemName LIKE 'USB%' ORDER BY StockItemName -- Scenario 6 SELECT InvoiceID, InvoiceDate, CustomerName FROM Sales.Invoices i JOIN Sales.Customers c ON c.CustomerID = i.CustomerID WHERE InvoiceDate BETWEEN '1/1/2016' AND '3/1/2016' AND CustomerName NOT LIKE '%Toys%' ORDER BY CustomerName, InvoiceDate -- Scenario 7 SELECT c.ColorName, c.ColorID FROM Warehouse.Colors c WHERE c.ColorID NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT ColorID FROM Warehouse.StockItems WHERE ColorID IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY ColorName -- Scenario 8 SELECT c.Cityname, sp.StateProvinceName, sp.StateProvinceCode FROM Application.Cities c JOIN Application.StateProvinces sp ON c.StateProvinceID = sp.StateProvinceID WHERE Cityname LIKE 'A%' AND sp.SalesTerritory = 'Southeast' ORDER BY StateProvinceName DESC, CityName -- Scenario 9 SELECT 'Customer' TYPE, CustomerID Id, CustomerName Name FROM Sales.Customers UNION SELECT 'Supplier' TYPE, SupplierID Id, SupplierName Naame FROM Purchasing.Suppliers ORDER BY TYPE, Name -- Scenario 10 SELECT ci.CityName, sp.StateProvinceName, co.CountryName, sp.SalesTerritory FROM Application.Cities ci JOIN Application.StateProvinces sp ON sp.StateProvinceID = ci.StateProvinceID JOIN Application.Countries co ON sp.CountryID = co.CountryID WHERE SalesTerritory IN ('Southeast', 'Southwest') ORDER BY StateProvinceName, CityName