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# Lab 2
*UPDATED: 12 Feb. Clarified scenario 6, 7 and 8.*
This lab has you practice advanced queries against tables with aggregates, grouping and subqueries.
For each scenario:
- Include the scenario #
- The SQL query (properly formatted)
*Note: DO NOT hard code any primary key IDs in your queries.*
This lab uses the `WideWorldImporters` database.
## Scenario 1
Get the lowest (as `LowestTemperature`) and highest temperature (as `HighestTemperature`) recorded for the vehicle temperatures (`Warehouse.VehicleTemperatures`).
Rows: 1
## Scenario 2
Gets the list of `SalesPersonPersonID` and their total sales order counts (as `TotalOrders`) from `Sales.Orders`.
Order the results by the highest total orders.
Rows: 10
## Scenario 3
Get the customer ID and total number of invoices (as `TotalInvoices`) from `Sales.Invoices` for the year 2015.
Group the invoices by the customer ID.
Order the results by the highest number of invoices descending followed by the customer ID.
Rows: 657
## Scenario 4
Get the order ID and total price (as `TotalOrderPrice`) from `Sales.Orders` for the customer `Debbie Molina` for the year 2016.
The total order price is the `Quantity` x `UnitPrice` of the order lines associated with the order.
Order the results by the total price from highest to lowest.
Rows: 10
## Scenario 5
Get the customer ID and total orders (as `TotalOrders`) from `Sales.Orders` for all customers who have at least 20 orders in 2016.
Order the results by the total orders descending and then by customer ID.
Rows: 87
## Scenario 6
Get the stock item ID, stock item name from and total quantity sold of the top 50 stock items sold (based upon quantity) of all time.
Order the results by the total quantity descending.
This will require two queries. The first query will get the stock items and the total quantity sold from the `OrderLines` table. For example if stock item 1
is on 3 orders with a quantity of 1, 3 and 5 then the total quantity is 9.
The second query will combine the stock item totals with the stock items from `Warehouse.StockItems` to get the top 50 items.
*Note: This is using `OrdersLines` and not `InvoiceLines`.*
*Note: This requires a subquery or CTE. A join by itself will not work.*
Rows: 50
## Scenario 7
Get the customer ID, customer name and total orders for the top 10 customers who have the LEAST number of orders.
Order the results by total orders and then by customer name.
This will require two queries. The first query will get the customers and their total orders.
The second query will combine the total order query with the remaining customer data to get the top 10.
*Note: Some customers may have no orders so they should show up in the top 10, if they exist.*
*Note: This will require either a subquery or a CTE.*
Rows: 10
## Scenario 8
Get the delivery method ID and name from `Application.DeliveryMethods` that are not used in the `Sales.Customers` table.
Order by the delivery method name.
This will require two queries. The first query should get the delivery methods that are not being used.
The second query should combine the unused methods with the remaining data needed to generate the desired results.
*Note: This will require either a subquery or a CTE.*
Rows: 9