#!/bin/bash set -e git status --porcelain | awk 'match($1, "(M|A|\?\?)"){print $2}' | while read -r item; do if [[ ${item} == *.md ]]; then item="${item%.*}" echo "Currently processing ${item}" pandoc -f markdown-smart --data-dir . --template ${dir}/template.html -t html -o ${item}.html ${item}.md --metadata title="$(grep -m 1 -oP '(?<=^# ).*' ${item}.md | cat)" fi done # Makes RSS feed (feed.xml) # Currently missing description and pubDate # Based off https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS, particularly the example printf "\n\n\n\n askiiart.net\n The feed for askiiart.net, I guess\n https://askiiart.net\n $(TZ='UTC' date --rfc-2822)" > feed.xml find . -name "*.html" | while read -r item; do # Skip template.html, wishlist.html, resume.html, and portfolio.html if [[ ${item} == "./template.html" || ${item} == "./wishlist.html" || ${item} == "./resume.html" || ${item} == "./portfolio.html" ]]; then continue fi item="${item%.*}" item="${item#./}" TITLE=$(grep -m 1 -oP '(?<=^# ).*' ${item}.md | cat) printf "\n \n ${TITLE}\n https://askiiart.net/${item}.html\n " >>feed.xml done printf "\n\n\n" >> feed.xml find . \( ! -regex './md2html.sh' \) -type f | xargs sed -i 's/sourceCode /language-/g'