Due to btrfs deciding to corrupt itself, I've lost my master
keys for
02EF A1CE 3C3E 4AAD 7A86 3AB8 ED24 985C A884 CD61
It has not been compromised (as far as I know, at least), and
everything done with the old key is still valid. Although the
current subkeys are valid for another 6-ish months (until
2024-10-09), I'll be moving to a new key proactively.
My new key is
CFCF 6723 A8ED 791C 5FD2 5CB5 8589 69DC CC2E 792D
This commit will be signed and pushed with the old key,
, then afterwards I will
immediately be switching to the new key,
. The old key will be removed
from my YubiKey and replaced with the new one, and I will be
unable to read anything encrypted to the old key.
There's also now a /data/ directory,
which as of the time of writing, just contains my
old key and a detached
signature for the markdown version of this file signed with
saying I'm moving to
My current PGP public key will always be at /pubkey.asc.
Note: Assuming this actually gets done on April 1st, no, this isn't an April Fools joke. If I were to do an April Fools joke, it would absolutely have a disclaimer from the second it goes up that it's an April Fools joke, but that's a rant for another time.