import random bases = """sword axe hammer amulet potion broom orb cloak armor circlet boots bag shield shackles glasses helmet book bow ring socks ointment deck fork cart boat paper arrows apparatus slippers greaves staff skull head hand glue quiver token instrument mirror flask keg javelin dagger maul shuriken spiked chain dust gem gate carpet candle crystal ball fortress figurine hat portable ram trap box ioun stone horn trinket machine""" locations = """ fantasy village magic forest dragon's lair enchanted castle elven city dwarven mine wizard's tower haunted graveyard orc stronghold goblin cave dark swamp knight's training ground sorcerer's academy thieves' guild hideout mermaid's cove troll bridge fairy glen undead crypt wizard's library druidic grove witch's hut treasure-filled dungeon mystical ruins celestial observatory elemental plane astral realm planar crossroads forgotten temple abyssal rift angelic citadel shadowy underworld lycanthrope den necromancer's sanctum clockwork workshop warlock's pact realm underground city beastman encampment mysterious island underwater cavern timeless pocket dimension arcane battleground demon-infested wasteland divine garden floating fortress jungle temple mad alchemist's laboratory phoenix nest twisted labyrinth ghost ship oracle's sanctuary giant's stronghold golem foundry dreamwalker's realm vampire's castle plague-ridden village wandering nomad camp entangled thicket celestial court abandoned celestial city forgotten astral prison""" creatures = """ dragon goblin orc elf dwarf troll gnome kobold centaur minotaur harpy siren merfolk sphinx unicorn phoenix werewolf vampire zombie skeleton ghost demon angel fairy giant ogre cyclops hydra chimera griffin wyvern elemental golem gargoyle lich beholder mind flayer nymph satyr kraken manticore djinn mummy wraith gorgon kraken pegasus treant lamia basilisk rakshasa salamander changeling hobgoblin tengu mimic rust monster blink dog displacer beast""" spells = """ enchantment evocation illusion conjuration abjuration transmutation necromancy divination charm hex curse blessing summoning compulsion protection fire ice lightning earth wind water shadow light healing banishment augmentation teleportation mind control time manipulation creation destruction hexbreaking illusion shape-shifting warding fortune-telling invisibility mind reading telekinesis fear love truth memory manipulation elemental manipulation fate weaving spiritual communion phasing soulbinding telepathy dreamwalking alchemy curses blessings illusion prophecy necromancy weather manipulation energy drain astral projection illusion healing enhancement demonology angelic intervention teleportation creation hexbreaking warding fey magic geomancy songweaving runecasting starcalling chronomancy geomancy psionics planar manipulation mind melding polymorphing molecular disruption pyromancy aquamancy aeromancy terramancy cryomancy celestial magic transfiguration curse-breaking illusion portal manipulation spirit calling divine intervention time dilation cosmic manipulation cataclysmic spells reanimation perception alteration dimensional manipulation soul manipulation""" enchantments = """flaming frost healing adamantine death commanding elementals flying talking awakened teleportation unlocking lucky unlucky instant illusion illusionary many things dwarven draconic disguise feindish knowledge toughness serpentine folding theives holding devouring alien eldritch fireball archmage cubic crab stars wild natural lycanthrope (wolf) ursanthrope (bear) felinethrope (tiger) smashing horripilating revivification holy unholy gravity paper mechanical electricity sonic endless water cursed (make something up) jousting charming swarming swarming insects snake fuzzy soft lifestealing vorpal the sphere ultimate evil pure good true neutral tentacle enemy detection secret wonder vecna fish command sticky creative rulership eyes fire resistance telekinesis wishes x-ray vision animal influence limitless wild magic the sewers todd love life trapping soul trapping tripping psychadelic berserker dry elvenkind displacement winterlands northern levitating arrow attraction bat manta ray arachnida drow glamerous free action jumping warmth regeneration annihilation refridgeration spherical monkey primal psychic woodlands sharpness smiting bane of arthropods fear web plane shift winged sun son spellguard gaseous form gaseous valhalla horned golden lion purple enlargement shrinking slaying tricky awakened unsheathed prime mystical gleaming enchanted cursed ancient radiant shadowy whispering ornate runed ethereal intricate glowing forgotten dreadful celestial fiery frozen arcane serrated ebon gilded luminous sacrificial arcane malevolent resplendent vorpal vengeful vibrant timeless abyssal otherworldly necrotic transcendent perfected empyreal crimson iridescent eldritch corrupted thunderous prismatic harmonious molten umbral blighted harbinger fey pristine titanic ethereal phantom penumbral verdant infernal""" #basesList = bases.split("\n") #print(basesList) enchantmentsList = enchantments.split("\n") #print(enchantmentsList) magicItemList = [] def makeItem(baseString = bases): base = getBase(baseString.split("\n")) enchantment = getEnchantment() magicItem = "" roll = random.randint(0,20) #rolls to see if it's if roll < 10: #[ENCHANTMENT] [BASE] (10/21) magicItem += enchantment+" "+base elif roll == 20:#[ENCHANTMENT] [BASE] of [ENCHANTMENT 2] (1/21) enchantment2 = getEnchantment() magicItem += enchantment+" "+base+" of "+enchantment2 else: #or [BASE] of [ENCHANTMENT] (10/21) magicItem += base+" of "+enchantment return magicItem def getEnchantment(): return enchantmentsList[random.randint(0,len(enchantmentsList)-1)] def getBase(ls): return ls[random.randint(0,len(ls)-1)]