#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e # ORG and NAME aren't used unless push is enabled. ORG="askiiart" NAME="discord-always-dungeons" PUSH="false" # Apply patch for Docker git apply docker.patch # Build image docker run -v .:/repo python /bin/sh -c "apt update && apt install -y rustc && cd /repo && pip install -r requirements.txt && apt-get update && apt-get install binutils -y && pip install pyinstaller && pyinstaller main.py && cd /repo/dist/main && chmod -R 777 /repo/dist/main && tar cvfz /repo/AlwaysDungeons.tar.gz *" ID=$(docker build . -q) # Could just do -t on the build, but this makes it easier to expand if needed. if [ $ID == "true" && $PUSH="true" ]; then docker tag ${ID} ${ORG}/${NAME}:latest docker push ${ORG}/${NAME}:latest else echo Docker image ID: $ID fi