queue.append(["magic item",name,desc+", and Give detailed rules for item effects and flavor accordingly. Keep non-artifact, non-legendary magic items simple.",magicForum,interaction.user.id])
embedVar=discord.Embed(title=f'Queue position: {len(queue)}',description=f"It won't be long until we get around to the '{name}'!",color=0xffff00)
queue.append(["location",name,desc+", and Describe the location in detail. Provide key locations and any necessary information on NPCs.",locationForum,interaction.user.id])
embedVar=discord.Embed(title=f'Queue position: {len(queue)}',description=f"It won't be long until we get around to the '{name}'!",color=0xffff00)
queue.append(["living being",name,desc+", and Give adequate description to both the flavoring of the monster AND the stat block.",monsterForum,interaction.user.id])
embedVar=discord.Embed(title=f'Queue position: {len(queue)}',description=f"It won't be long until we get around to the '{name}'!",color=0xffff00)
queue.append(["NPC",name,desc+". Provide a stat block for the NPC, but also include a bond, ideal, personality trait, and flaw. Offer a potential quest involving the NPC.",npcForum,interaction.user.id])
awaitinteraction.channel.send(awaitgenerate.GetText(f"You are being asked a question about a piece of DND 5E content. The piece of content is: \n{ctx}\n\nThe question is: {question}. Answer the question thoroughly, but keep it less than 200 words. You do not need to restate any of the content's material nor that this is for DND 5E."))
embedVar=discord.Embed(title=f'Invalid location',description=f"Do this inside of a forum post for context-specific results!",color=0xff0000)
queue.append(["magic item",itemname.makeItem().title(),"Give detailed rules for item effects and mechanics.",magicForum,-1])
queue.append(["living being",itemname.makeItem(itemname.creatures).title(),"Give adequate description to both the flavoring of the monster AND the stat block.",monsterForum,-1])
queue.append(["location",itemname.makeItem(itemname.locations).title(),"Describe the location in detail. Provide key locations and any necessary information on NPCs.",locationForum,-1])
queue.append(["spell",itemname.makeItem(itemname.spells).title(),"Be sure to follow all rules surrounding the spell.",otherForum,-1])