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2023-08-28 18:53:17 -05:00
import os
2023-08-28 21:00:35 -05:00
from dotenv import load_dotenv
2023-08-28 18:53:17 -05:00
import discord
import generate
import neural
import itemname
import random
import re
from discord import app_commands
from discord.ext import tasks
2023-08-28 21:00:35 -05:00
2023-08-28 18:53:17 -05:00
client = discord.Client(intents=discord.Intents.all())
tree = app_commands.CommandTree(client)
queue = []
2023-08-28 21:00:35 -05:00
guildID = os.environ['GUILD_ID']
botID = os.environ['BOT_ID']
magicForum = os.environ['MAGIC_ITEM_FORUM']
raceForum = os.environ['RACE_FORUM']
subclassForum = os.environ['SUBCLASS_FORUM']
locationForum = os.environ['LOCATION_FORUM']
monsterForum = os.environ['MONSTER_FORUM']
npcForum = os.environ['NPC_FORUM']
otherForum = os.environ['OTHER_FORUM']
logChannel = os.environ['LOG_CHANNEL']
autogen = True if os.environ('AUTOGEN') == 'true' else False
2023-08-28 18:53:17 -05:00
async def on_message(message):
if != client.user:
async def on_thread_create(thread):
# await thread.send("## Sample Concept Art Being Generated")
await neural.Generate(f"art of the '{}', a form of {}",thread)
@tree.command(name = "magicitem", description = "Generate a new magic item!", guild=discord.Object(id=guildID))
async def magicitem(interaction, name:str, desc: str = ""):
queue.append(["magic item", name,desc + ", and Give detailed rules for item effects and flavor accordingly. Keep non-artifact, non-legendary magic items simple.", magicForum,])
embedVar = discord.Embed(title=f'Queue position: {len(queue)}', description=f"It won't be long until we get around to the '{name}'!", color=0xffff00)
await interaction.response.send_message(embed=embedVar)
@tree.command(name = "race", description = "Generate a new race!", guild=discord.Object(id=guildID))
async def race(interaction, name:str, desc: str = ""):
2023-08-28 19:17:48 -05:00
queue.append(["race", name,desc, raceForum,])
2023-08-28 18:53:17 -05:00
embedVar = discord.Embed(title=f'Queue position: {len(queue)}', description=f"It won't be long until we get around to the '{name}'!", color=0xffff00)
await interaction.response.send_message(embed=embedVar)
@tree.command(name = "subclass", description = "Generate a new subclass!", guild=discord.Object(id=guildID))
async def subclass(interaction, name:str, desc: str = ""):
2023-08-28 19:17:48 -05:00
queue.append(["subclass", name,desc, subclassForum,])
2023-08-28 18:53:17 -05:00
embedVar = discord.Embed(title=f'Queue position: {len(queue)}', description=f"It won't be long until we get around to the '{name}'!", color=0xffff00)
await interaction.response.send_message(embed=embedVar)
@tree.command(name = "location", description = "Generate a new location!", guild=discord.Object(id=guildID))
async def location(interaction, name:str, desc: str = ""):
queue.append(["location", name,desc+", and Describe the location in detail. Provide key locations and any necessary information on NPCs.", locationForum,])
embedVar = discord.Embed(title=f'Queue position: {len(queue)}', description=f"It won't be long until we get around to the '{name}'!", color=0xffff00)
await interaction.response.send_message(embed=embedVar)
@tree.command(name = "monster", description = "Generate a new monster!", guild=discord.Object(id=guildID))
async def monster(interaction, name:str, desc: str = ""):
queue.append(["living being", name,desc + ", and Give adequate description to both the flavoring of the monster AND the stat block.", monsterForum,])
embedVar = discord.Embed(title=f'Queue position: {len(queue)}', description=f"It won't be long until we get around to the '{name}'!", color=0xffff00)
await interaction.response.send_message(embed=embedVar)
@tree.command(name = "npc", description = "Generate a new npc!", guild=discord.Object(id=guildID))
async def npc(interaction, name:str, desc: str = ""):
2023-08-28 19:17:48 -05:00
queue.append(["NPC", name,desc + ". Provide a stat block for the NPC, but also include a bond, ideal, personality trait, and flaw. Offer a potential quest involving the NPC.", npcForum,])
2023-08-28 18:53:17 -05:00
embedVar = discord.Embed(title=f'Queue position: {len(queue)}', description=f"It won't be long until we get around to the '{name}'!", color=0xffff00)
await interaction.response.send_message(embed=embedVar)
@tree.command(name = "other", description = "Generate a new npc!", guild=discord.Object(id=guildID))
async def other(interaction, name:str, type:str = "spell", desc: str = ""):
queue.append([type, name,f"Be sure to follow all rules surrounding the {type}.", 1144426051720724602,])
embedVar = discord.Embed(title=f'Queue position: {len(queue)}', description=f"It won't be long until we get around to the '{name}'!", color=0xffff00)
await interaction.response.send_message(embed=embedVar)
@tree.command(name = "ask", description = "Use in a thread to get more details!", guild=discord.Object(id=guildID))
async def ask(interaction, question:str):
if == discord.ChannelType.public_thread or ==
embedVar = discord.Embed(title=f'Reply inbound', description=f"Question: {question}", color=0xffffff)
await interaction.response.send_message(embed=embedVar)
#The important code
ctx = ""
async for message in,oldest_first=True):
if str( == str(botID):
ctx += message.content
await generate.GetText(f"You are being asked a question about a piece of DND 5E content. The piece of content is: \n{ctx} \n\nThe question is: {question}. Answer the question thoroughly, but keep it less than 200 words. You do not need to restate any of the content's material nor that this is for DND 5E."))
else :
embedVar = discord.Embed(title=f'Invalid location', description=f"Do this inside of a forum post for context-specific results!", color=0xff0000)
await interaction.response.send_message(embed=embedVar)
@tree.command(name = "conceptart", description = "Generate concept art!", guild=discord.Object(id=guildID))
async def conceptart(interaction, prompt:str):
embedVar = discord.Embed(title=f'Art inbound!', description=f"Prompt: '{prompt}'", color=0xffffff)
await interaction.response.send_message(embed=embedVar)
await neural.Generate(f"{prompt}",
intervals = 0
alreadyGenerating = False
async def AddAutoGen(amount):
2023-08-28 19:54:34 -05:00
if amount > 10 or not autogen:
2023-08-28 18:53:17 -05:00
for i in range(amount):
v = random.choice([0,1,2,3 ])
if v == 0:
queue.append(["magic item", itemname.makeItem().title(),"Give detailed rules for item effects and mechanics.", magicForum, -1])
elif v == 1:
queue.append(["living being", itemname.makeItem(itemname.creatures).title(),"Give adequate description to both the flavoring of the monster AND the stat block.", monsterForum, -1])
elif v == 2:
queue.append(["location", itemname.makeItem(itemname.locations).title(),"Describe the location in detail. Provide key locations and any necessary information on NPCs.", locationForum, -1])
elif v == 3:
queue.append(["spell", itemname.makeItem(itemname.spells).title(),"Be sure to follow all rules surrounding the spell.", otherForum, -1])
2023-08-28 19:17:48 -05:00
2023-08-28 18:53:17 -05:00
async def FlushQueue():
global alreadyGenerating
global intervals
if alreadyGenerating:
alreadyGenerating = True
if len(queue) == 0:
2023-08-28 19:17:48 -05:00
intervals = (intervals+1)%6
2023-08-28 18:53:17 -05:00
if intervals == 0:
await AddAutoGen(1)
if len(queue) > 0:
obj = queue.pop(0)
obj[1] = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9 ]+', '', obj[1])
log = client.get_channel(logChannel)
await log.send(f"**Now generating the {obj[0]} '{obj[1]}'**")
channel = client.get_channel(obj[3])
st = f"Create a DND 5e {obj[0]} named the '{obj[1]}'. {obj[2]} Keep the final text under 300 words. Use markdown text formatting."
c = await generate.GetText(st)
if len(c) > 1900:
c2 = c[1899:(len(c)-1)]
c = c[0:1899]
thread = await channel.create_thread(name = obj[1], content = c + " (Truncated)")
await thread.thread.send(c2)
if (obj[4]!=-1):
await thread.thread.send("<@" + str(obj[4]) + ">")
await thread.thread.send("Autogenerated by the bot")
thread = await channel.create_thread(name = obj[1], content = c)
if (obj[4]!=-1):
await thread.thread.send("<@" + str(obj[4]) + ">")
await thread.thread.send("Autogenerated by the bot")
alreadyGenerating = False
except Exception as e:
log = client.get_channel(logChannel)
await log.send("I'm just as confused as you are, there was an error somehow! The next time it should work though.")
await log.send("Error message: " + str(e))
alreadyGenerating = False
async def on_ready():
print("I'm in")
await tree.sync(guild=discord.Object(id=guildID))
log = client.get_channel(logChannel)
await log.send("Bot now online")
2023-08-28 21:00:35 -05:00
bot_token = os.environ['BOT_TOKEN']