An installer framework and drop-in replacement for and rewrite of Jade in Python that uses the live session's file system instead of bootstrapping a new one, built for blendOS.
**Help us with making blend-inst distribution-independent by opening a pull request!**
## Testing
# 1. Clone this repository
git clone ''
# 2. Run the installer with the sample configuration in testing mode,
# which will simply print out the commands that will run in a true
# installation, instead of actually running them.
TESTING_INST=true ./blend-inst config 'sample-config.json'
## For distributors
### UI
Jade-GUI, developed by Crystal Linux, can be used with blend-inst.
### Error codes:
* `1` - Partitioning error
* `3` - Username not allowed
## Contributing
Anyone is free to contribute to blend-inst! It's licensed under the GPL-3.0 license. You can create a PR from the 'Pull Requests' tab on GitHub. You're requested to use `autopep8` to format your Python code before creating a pull request.
## Credits
blend-inst has been written by Rudra Saraswat. However, the code is inspired by Jade (written in Rust), since it's meant to be a drop-in replacement for Jade. Jade is a project developed by **Crystal Linux**.